We arrived at the mansion and Shane kept on starting at it. I know what she feels. All she knows is that I'm having a vacation in my Grandma's place. Not in a huge mansion and living with a hot boyfriend. I am not the one to blame. I didn’t know my vacation would end like this too. Everything is surreal.
"Audy, where are we?", she asked. Her eyes are fixed at every side of the Castle. If I told her it’s an actual Castle she will freak out.
"Troy's house, I guess." I answered.
"We're at your boyfriend's house? He's a super billionaire or something? " she said sarcastically. He’s an Alpha Leader of wolves.
I giggled. "We'll talk later at my room okay? I'll tell you all about it", I said. I know I have a long way to go. I miss talking to her as well. I want to have a girl’s night again with her.
Then I saw Matthew walking and soon approached us. "Welcome back Lady Audrey.", he said and bowed. Is it okay being called ‘lady’ in front of Shane?
"Thanks Matthew, Oh and this is Shane and Shane this is Matthew, Troy's friend." I introduced them to each other and they exchanged glances.
"Nice to meet you Shane", Matthew said and offered a hand. They shake each other’s hand but Shane did not utter anything.
"Lady excuse me, I'll talk to Alpha for a bit." Mattew said and I nodded.
I said and Matthew passed by us. I glanced at Shane, she's speechless. Her hands are covering her mouth. "He's the most handsomest man I've ever seen.", she whispered. I giggled. She likes him?. Matthew is indeed handsome. But, I consider Troy a different level.
"I'll ask him to have a tour with you later.", I said and she turned red. She covers her cheeks burning red. This hopeless romantic girl doesn’t really know how to stop. That’s why she always ends up with a broken heart.
"What's an Alpha thing? Is that a nickname or somethin'?", she asked. Oops, she has no idea. I'll tell her everything she needs to know if I get the chance.get a chance to explain everything some
"Err... perhaps." I answered.
"Troy, Why did you separate my room to Shane?! I want to spend time with her." I exclaimed. I threw the pillow beside me, he blocked it. What am I expecting?
"No, I can't do it. You're not sharing a room with anyone except Me." he said.
"I told her about it and she agreed."
"I'm not sharing a room with you!", I hissed.
"You will. And by the way my Mom is coming next week. And by that time, you'll share a room with me.", he said. And he stepped forward.
"I won't." I declared. Troy came closer to me pushing his body against mine. He slipped his left hand on my waist and his lips almost brushed mine. His electro blue eyes glared at me making me squirm. His right hand plays with my hair as he spoke, "You will, sweetheart."
His hand tracing my curves made me shiver. He placed a soft kiss on my neck. I gasped when his hands traveled to my waist. This sensation, it feels so different, I haven't felt it ever in my entire life. I want him. But, this thing needs to stop. This is way too fast for me, I need to snap out of it. I place my hand on his hard chest to push him, But I can't. He's way too strong than me. I tried again and again and he let go.
"Come one, such a killjoy." He chuckled. This wicked person deserves a million punches!
"I'll go visit Shane at her room." I said and stood up.
"You can't, sweetheart.", he said. He grabbed my wrist.
"Why!?" I asked and he started fixing the bed. It's always a mess, especially when he's like this, abnormal.
"We're going to the tower tonight." he said and collected the pillows from the floor.
At the tower, the place we first met. The place we always loved. But, I haven't been there in night time. The blue sky and the glimmering green grass, the peaceful breeze I always enjoy and miss. I can't wait to go there. I glance at Troy. His gaze met mine. What got into him? He usually forbids me to ever go out. Nevertheless, I'm sure it will be fun.
"Okay.", I answered.
"It's getting dark, you change here and I'll wait at the living room. I need to do some work at my office and I should meet you at seven sharp, don't be late. Go to the bathroom." he said. I nodded and Troy left my room. Being an Alpha sure is a great responsibility.
I glanced at the wall clock, it's one hour before seven already. I casted the bathroom door open and bathed. As soon I was done with my rituals, I quickly opened my cabinet to find something decent to wear. I decided to wear a dress, a sky blue dress particularly. It's long enough to cover my legs, but not too long. I matched it up with boots. I faced the mirror and applied some foundation and my favorite lip balm to my face. I brushed some eye-shadow to emphasize my brown eyes. I braided my hair a bit messy and placed it at one side. I want to look presentable, but simple, like the normal me look. My cellphone got my attention. It's from Shane. I smiles as I read her text.
Omg!! Girl Matthew is so damn hot. I can't get a sleep. Can I see you? Where is your room? This mansion is damn big! Btw I'll go for dinner with Matthew, can you come with us?.
Received- 6:48 pm
I think my friend is madly in love. I typed my reply.
I have a date tonight. Sorry, I'll see you tomorrow for breakfast. Enjoy your dinner with Mat.
sent-6:52 pm
I gotta go, it's nearly seven. I ran down the stairs to the living room but Troy wasn't there. Look who's late. I rushed down here to think that I'm late and- Ugh!. I heard my ringtone from my cell phone again. It's another text from Shane.
Okie ;D enjoy see ya'.
Received- 6:57 pm
Shane is the type of person that gets easily in love. Matthew, giving the mysterious effect, is sure to catch her. She's beautiful and without a doubt, Matt will get hooked. Unless, he already got himself a girlfriend. Shane is really unfortunate to boys. Her past boyfriends are either gay or a cheater.
I didn't bother to reply anymore. I climbed up the stairs and went to Troy's room. Without hesitation I twisted the knob open and gasped. Troy is shirtless and is looking at me. His abs are showing and his muscles are well carved. I've seen him shirtless several times before, but I can't help it. He's beyond perfect, his eyes, his jawline, his nose and his lips. But, it's only at the outside, inside is a short tempered, possessive Alpha.
I can't finish my words.