Third POV
The three of them set off to the Islamabad University. It was not that far from the Shah Villa. They reached the university within 3 minutes. It was a 10 minute walk from the university to their villa and it takes 3 to 5 minutes by a vehicle.
“Good luck Hana beta! Do your best bachay! And please don’t leave the university gates until I pick you guys up. Okay?” Asfand said to his daughter. Hana nodded reluctantly. She was still upset and sulking.
“Mishaal! Beta, take care and don’t leave her alone!” Asfand said to Mishaal.
“Yes uncle! I’ll keep an eye on her and keep you updated!” Mishaal replied.
Both of the girls greeted Asfand and left the car. Both of them entered the university gates and made their way towards the design department. They asked one of the females about the exam hall and they were directed towards a big hall where 140 students were sitting on the floor with drawing boards and sheets in-front of them and pencils and erasers in their hands.
Mishaal wish hana and went outside to wait for her exam to be over as only the participants were allowed during test.
Inside the hall, hana took a drawing sheet, drawing board and some pencils from the counter and sat on the floor in one corner, away from all the others. It was not like she wanted to sit alone actually it looked like there were groups already formed. Hana felt left-out.
Everyone was sitting on the floor in the form of a large circle. A young woman entered the hall with some things balanced in her arms. She walked to the center and arranged these things in the center. There was a glass bottle, two bricks, a vase and some geometrical shapes made from plaster. All the students were told to draw them from their own perspectives.
Mishaal only had to wait for less than an hour and hana was outside of the hall. The test was not over but hana was done very early so she got free earlier than the others.
Hana was looking very happy and she told Mishaal that her test went very well.
“I can’t believe that I can draw! Mish, you should have seen it. I actually drew so nicely. My drawing was really better than many people there. It was not the best but it was better than many of them.” Hana exclaimed excitedly.
Mishaal smiled on hana’s enthusiasm. She had full trust in hana’s abilities. She already knew that hana was a God-gifted person. No-one knew this but Mishaal knows hana more than even her parents.
“Come on then let’s celebrate!” Mishaal said.
Both of them went to the food-court and ordered a large pizza. They enjoyed it and then Asfand to pick them up.
When they sat in the car, Asfand asked:
“How was the test?” he looked worried and anxious.
“It was great baba! You know what, I was the first one to complete the drawing and I even drew better than many of the students. You know I never knew that I could draw but now I am so glad that I took this test.” Hana replied enthusiastically and cheerily.
Asfand got a satisfied look on his face and all of them remained in a comfortable silence after that.
They dropped Mishaal at her place and then went home. Hana entered the villa alone as her father had to go back to the office.
Hana told everyone that her test went very good. Her mother was very happy and both of her tayi’s passed her awkward smiles. Her dadi jaan simply ignored her. Hana did not showed any displeasure towards their behavior, she just shrugged it off as she was used to all this. She went in her room and spent her whole day in reading novels. She only went down for dinner. At dinner-table, her uncles and baba were talking about business and all the females were engaged in a conversation of rayaan’s arrival and all the house arrangements that were to be made. There was only a week left for Rayaan to be back in Pakistan. Everyone was very excited to have their child back. He is the oldest child in their family and the most mature one from all of his cousins. He is adored a lot by his dadi jaan.