Three weeks were spent just like that. Hana while reading her romance novels and wild imagination and the family members were busy with all the preparations of house for Rayaan’s arrival.
The day of test:
The sun was up high in the sky and the birds were chirping and singing a beautiful wake-up song for everyone in Islamabad.
There was a lump on the bed in one of the bedrooms of the Shah Villa. Soft sounds of snoring could be heard from the lump.
Suddenly, the blankets were forcibly tugged from the lump by an angry and fuming woman.
Under the blankets was none other than our beautiful, sweet and a very sleepy Hana Shah.
“Hana….! Wake up right this instant! You have a test in half an hour and you are still sleeping! I am not going to let you back-off from this too! I made it clear yesterday too that you are not going to skip any year of yours! You are going to get admission one way or another but you are not abandoning studies just for your laziness. I would not let you ruin your future and waste your precious time like this! You are going to take this test and pass it too! Now get up!” Hiba yelled on her started daughter after a very rude wake-up call.
In a haze of sleep, Hana hurriedly searched for her scarf or dupatta and covered her hair and body with it and turned to face the intruder. After seeing that it is just her mother, Hana relaxed and fell back on the bed.
“What happened mamma!?” asked Hana to her mother.
“What do you mean by what happened! It is your test today and you are still not up yet! Even Mishaal is here and she is waiting for you downstairs. You have only 10 minutes to get ready and be down at breakfast table! Do I make myself clear, young lady?” her mamma scolded and warned her.
After saying this, Hiba went back down and informed everyone that she is getting ready. Everyone was having breakfast.
Even after 15 minutes, Hana was still not there. Everyone was waiting for her. Even Dadi was waiting for her to come downstairs so that she can blow a Dua on her and wish her a good luck.
“Aunty, I’ll go and check on her!” Mishaal said to Hiba.
“Okay beta! Please make her hurry!” Hiba said to Mishaal.
Mishaal nodded and got upstairs to Hana’s room. She entered her room without knocking but hana was not there. The room was empty with bed-sheets ruffled. Mishaal checked the walk-in wardrobe but it was also empty. Hana was nowhere to be found. Next, Mishaal decided to check the bathroom. She knocked on the door but no answer! She knocked again and no answer again! Mishaal decided to open the door. She turned the doorknob but it was locked. She tried again and same so she knew that Hana was hiding in there.
“Hana get out! I know you are in there. Open the door, we are already very late! Hana! HANA!?” Mishaal knocked the door and said but she got no reply. She knew that Hana did not want to go for this test and she probably was nervous.
“Hana janu (dear) please open na! I know you are nervous but please come out. I know you can pass this test too!” Mishaal said to the door. She knew that Hana was listening to her. She looked at the time and it was just 5 minutes to strike 9 and that is the time of test.
“Hana! Hana!” again silence. Time was running but no signs of Hana. Everyone downstairs was also waiting for Hana. They did not know what was going on upstairs. Hiba was getting tense with each passing second. She did not want her daughter to be illiterate in this modern world. She did not want her daughter to be hated any more than she already was in their family. She wants to provide a bright future for her baby-girl.