Beatriz Del Valle POV
I really don't want to get out of bed today. I feel really tired from our training yesterday. It was pretty tough and our seniors, especially Aisa talked to me and Johana because we were late. Coach Fai does not want late comers during training. He always says that to Aisa since she's the team captain and there is a huge language barrier between Coach Fai and the team because he is a Thai. But, all of us we're okay now since Jo and I promised not to repeat our irresponsibility again.
I look at Johana and she's still sleeping. Normally, she's the one who wakes up first but now she is still sleeping and I know that's because she's tired as well.
It's 5:30 in the morning so I decided to wake her up.
"Bub... Jo... wake up." I said while poking her arm.
She turned around instead. "Shh..."
Now I know how hard it is for Johana to wake me up everytime I do this to her.
"You need to get up... It's already 5:30..."
"But I'm still sleepy." She said while pouting.
"Yeah, you're not alone. So wake up now and be productive." I told her.
"Whatever!" She said then get up. She hates it when someone tell her to be productive.
We went downstairs to eat breakfast with the team.
"Good morning!" Our teammates greeted us.
"How's your body girls? Can you still function?" Aisa teased us because of our tough training yesterday.
"Well, I'm fine since I'm used to get hurt." Johana said. Our teammates laughed at her.
"Aww, I feel you baby Jo... I'm used to all the pain as well... In fact painkillers don't work for me, I only get the comfort I want through food so come on, Jo let's eat..." Said Ella one of our seniors.
"Hey Ella! Stop using Jo on your overeating habits." Said Den... our senior as well.
"It's alright Den. They're the same." I said teasing Johana.
"Girls, let's just finish our food immediately so we will not experience the punishment for the late comers just like what happened to Bea and Jo yesterday." Said Aisa.
"It's okay for me besh Aisa. I'm used to all the hardships in this life." Said Ella.
"Yep, that's why it's too hard for you to fit all the foods in your stomach." Den teased.
"Whatever!" Said Ella.
After eating our breakfast, we prepare ourselves for the training and went to the gym.
"Girls! Get ready, Coach Fai is on his way here." Aisa said.
"Yes, Captain!"
Johana told me that her back is aching so I massaged it right after I wore my shoes. Then, Coach Fai arrived and we do our training routines such as stretching, we jogged as well around the gym for 10 times, then the scrimmage.
After 3 hours of training, we're finally done.
"Ah! So tired!" I exclaimed while laying on the floor.
"Super, Bub! Plus we still have classes to attend to." Said Johana sat beside me.
As a student-athlete, I'm used to this kind of routine. Training-Class-Training. Yet I still find this thing tiring. I still complain but I never quit. I guess it's part of the process.
After fixing ourselves for our class today, Jo and I decided to part ways since we belong to different department. As I was waiting for my professor to come inside the classroom, I felt my phone vibrate, it was Johana who texted me saying she's bored.
Here comes her laziness again. I'm pretty sure she's sleepy that's why she's messaging me. I feel the same too, I badly want to sleep and it sucks that my current subject is history.
To: Jo-honey;
Listen to your prof.
I texted back. Don't mind the Jo-honey thing. She's the one who made that name in my contacts and I never bothered to change it anyway.
From: Jo-honey;
Okie. Enjoy learning, nerdy bei :p
She texted back. I hid my phone and listened to my Prof. I did not bother to reply to her since I don't want to allow her laziness to prevail. Plus, I just feel like she'll pass that energy to me once we continue to talk. I don't wanna be lazy in this history class. I hate history but I'm a grade-conscious bitch. That's for sure.
My three classes today ended so fast. I decided to go to the cafeteria since I'm very hungry. I ordered pizza and carbonara.
"Bei!" I look around when someone called my name. It was Trey my teammate. She's with Rex and Sumanguid. Those boys were from the men's volleyball team.
"Hi, Bei! Come here! Join us." Said Sumanguid while tapping the table. So I headed towards them and join them eat.
"Hey, Bei! Long time no talk." Said Rex.
"Yup because you're so busy with Trey." I told him and we all laughed.
"No way! Rex is busy with me. Not with Trey." Said Sumanguid trying to tease Trey.
"Oh right. Sorry babe, Sumang's right... He's my real bae." Rex teased Trey.
"Sorry Rex but I think you're wrong... Sumang's mine." Said Trey and we all laughed.
That's just how we tease each other when we're together.
"What about you, Bea?" Three of them asked. What? They're trying to corner me?
"What?" I asked.
"Don't what us, Bei." Said Sumang.
"Who's this girl who was late yesterday because she went out with someone." Said Trey teasing me.
Wait? Did she really tell Rex and Sumang about that? What kind of friend are you Trey! Ugh!
"Hmm... It's Bea!" The boys said.
I just frowned. "Seriously speaking Bea. What's the real score between you and you Bub?" Rex asked.
What the heck? Why are they asking me this question? Was it obvious that I'm into Johana?
"What are you saying Rex? You out of your mind?" I said while laughing.
"It's obvious, Bei. Why don't you just admit it?" Said Rex.
"That's because I don't have anything to admit. Let's just eat guys." I said.
Thank God they agreed. So we just talked about our lives while eating our food. After some time, Rex and Sumang decided to leave since they still have classes to attend to. While Trey and I stayed here in the cafeteria.
"Trey, why are they teasing me?" I asked Trey when the boys left.
"OMG! I'm sorry Bei. It was all my fault. They would not notice it if I did not tell them about the way you look at Johana. I'm sorry Bei. Because I really feel that there's something the way you look at Jo and I could not keep that thought to myself." She explained.
Oh. So they're observing my actions towards Johana? Was it really that obvious? What if my teammates think that way too? Worst, what if Johana noticed it?
"Okay, Trey. Just please talk the boys that it's nothing. I don't like issues like that."
She nodded. "But, Bei... is that true? We haven't talked that much since you were with Johana. Just wanna know if I'm right."
The heck. Should I tell Trey about this? She's a trustworthy friend of mine. She's one of my close friends. It's hard to keep everything to myself... so I guess it's time to let someone know about it?
"Trey, if yes... would you still accept me?" I asked. I'm nervous since this is definitely the first time that I will keep out a secret with someone.
"Who am I to judge you, Bei? I'm your best friend. Of course whatever it is that makes you happy will have my full support."
"Thank you, Trey."
So this is how it feels? To let someone accept the real you? I just love this feeling. It's my first time to come out as a gay... It's like... it's easier to breathe now.
"No problem, Bei! Thank you for trusting me with your secret, Bei. Promise I won't tell anyone about it."
"Thank you too... I finally have someone to talk about my feelings for Jo." I said and hugged her.
She smiled but it was easily replaced by a sad face.
"What about Madeline?" She asked.
Trey, Madeline, and I were batchmates and close friends. But since Madeline confessed her feelings for me, it was impossible for us to be together again. It was pretty awkward back then.
"I---I really don't know, Trey. I don't know why I can't love her more than a friend."
She laughed. "That's because you like someone. Don't worry Bei... I'll help Madeline find someone new."
"Hi BUB! Hi Trey! What's happening here? Saw you hugging each other awhile ago." I was surprised to see Johana in front of our table.
"Nothing to be jealous about, Jo. I just missed hanging out with Bei." Said Trey.
I saw Johana's face turned red. Cute!
"I'm not jealous!" She said. So defensive.
"Okay if that's what you say. Anyway, I gotta go loves! Bye!" Said Trey and gave me a thumbs up.
I smiled at her before she left.
"Hmm? What was that for?" Jo asked then sat beside me.
"It was for a good friendship."
"Whatever." She said then get my sliced pizza and walk away.
What's wrong with her?
So I instantly followed her.
"Jo! Wait!"
I ran towards her but this girl is just so fast.
She stopped then looked at me while smiling.
"Yiee! You called me Bub in public!" She said smiling.
I shook my head. Johana's really weird!
"Let's go to the library, Bub. Help me with my assignment."
So I followed her and we went to the library. I put on my earphones while looking at her do her assignment.
"Stop staring. I might melt." She jokingly said.
"That's good. So you can have an excuse to your professor on why you were not able to submit your work." I said while giggling because she looks like she's having a hard time to do her homework just because I'm staring at her.
"Hi Jo! I was looking for you... glad you're here." Said the guy who suddenly appeared here.
Who is he? I look at Jo and she seems surprised to see the guy here. What the heck is happening here? Who's this guy? Am I missing out something here, huh, Johana?