Love at first sight! I often hear people talk about this concept. What is it for real? Love at first sight is a phenomenon that an individual can experience during a sudden encounter with an unknown person during which the attraction is amplified by the sensation of surprise linked to the encounter. So that's what google says. Only that.
Have you ever fallen in love with someone at first sight? To have the impression of having known him all your life and that quite naturally you want to open up to this person? If so, you may be one of the lucky few who have already fallen in love. Everyone should at least once in their life experience this exquisite sensation.
The expression "swimming in happiness" will never have taken on so much meaning in your eyes as when you meet this person. This deep feeling of carelessness and bliss felt and which brings you a real well-being when you find yourself in the presence of your beloved, this impression that your spirit is sometimes detached from your body giving you this stupid look, small moments of hesitation and loss of concentration that will make you look crazy... You hardly pay any attention to what you are doing. The clumsiness and thoughtlessness that suddenly become your best. that's love at first sight.