Have you ever met a man who makes you cringe just by a look, a smile? That you feel that your body is not responding to any voluntary commands from you? Have a sweaty hand, a racing heart and lips that won't close? Well, here. This is exactly what happens to me with Ernso. I always want to talk to him, to be close to him, to feel his gaze on me... However, I've only known him for a week. We met at college the day I came for my validation after the publication of the results of the entrance examination.
Barely 1.70m tall, black eyes without too many particularities, frizzy hair, ebony skin, Ernso is the kind of guy who naturally appeals to the fairer sex. Even if I prefer them a little more slender. Still, its size doesn't bother me that much. He must be 22 at the most. I never asked him. It's not like we're longtime friends either.
According to what he told me, this is his second year of college here at Limonade. Just like me, he is in the humanities and social sciences axis. Except that I chose psychology. While he is in sociology. He talks about it as if it were the job to be done. Being proud of your study choices, yes. But as Ernso is, it is impossible.
It's my first week of school. I don't know anyone on campus except him. I leave my house early so as not to be late. I don't know how this university works yet. So I take my precautions.
So I took a tap tap to get there although I don't live too far from this one. It's only about 15-20 minutes from markets I believe. With the sun there, even with a short distance like that, I don't want to take the risk of burning my skin even more. As soon as I got out of the van, someone pulled me from behind.
-Surprise ! Ernso yells at me.
-Oh ! You scared me, I say, turning around. Can you imagine if I had hit you? With me it can happen very quickly, you know.
- Anything, he replies. With your frail little hands, there? What do you think you would have done to me?
He burst out laughing and pulls me towards the entrance barrier. So I had to follow him.
-I didn't see you at the induction party that we organized on campus for the new cohort of students. Why ? He asks me.
-I understood that it was not obligatory. Was it?
-Not exactly. But I was hoping to see you. I miss you, you know.
-I'm here now, I replied, hiding my joy to see that he's already looking for me when I'm not there.
-It is not the same. I was expecting you at this exact party. It would have been great fun spending time with you.
I didn't answer. What could I have answered? I was too busy savoring the fact that he indirectly confessed to me that he likes my company. And he wouldn't mind the least bit if we went out to public places together.
-So, asks Ernso. You are not saying anything ?
-Say what ?
-I do not know. No matter what goes through your head, he stares at me unsettlingly.
- Well, we can spend time together, if you feel like it.
-I'm going to class. I have a lunch break. Let me know if you have a break at the same time, he leaves walking backwards. We'll go where you want.
"Okay," I replied, coming out of my reverie. I... I wasn't talking about now. I too have lessons.
It was only after he left that I remembered that I still didn't know which way to go. I definitely could have asked him. In the brochure I have, there is no mention of the building where I should take the course. The worst thing is that it's almost 8 o'clock. And, I was told that classes usually start at 8 a.m. sharp every day.
-That'll teach me to come to meetings, I let go, turning on myself.
-A little bird came to tell me that someone needed my help to find themselves, I heard Ernso say to me as he came from behind.
I smile and take the opportunity to ask him about new buildings.
-Where is it for students in psychology?
-Normally building A is reserved for letters, humanities and social sciences. But in your case, you will have to go to building C. This is the one for new students. Next year if all goes well, you'll be there... I mean, building A.
- Thank you very much dear. See you later, I tell him with a smile on my face.
I am Isabelle Jeudy, Haitian by nationality. Capoise to be more precise. I am 19 years old. As you may already know, I am just starting my university studies in psychology. My parents always wanted me to do medicine, but I wanted other things. To please them, in addition to psychology, I registered at the same time in medicine because I was given this access to the campus. Lack of preparation on my part or helping hand from fate, I was only accepted in psychology. My parents had to accept it because from the start we had made a pact that they would let me do the faculty of my choice if I should fail my entrance exams to medical school without having to try. to sabotage me. And today, here we are.
I finally found my classroom after doing the floors several times. The concern is that the classes are only identified by numbers. Impossible to know the exact place the first time. And Ernso hadn't told me about the exact room.
I passed my head first to make a short inspection of the premises before returning my body entirely. The teacher arrived just a few minutes after me. He began by giving the rules for his course. If I had to summarize what he had just said, I would say that if I hadn't found my classroom quickly, I would have missed the session because Mr. doesn't like latecomers. Much less the chatter. French teachers and their need to be seen. Pffft! Anything.
I stayed the 2 hours that the course should last listening to it with a distracted ear. It didn't really start with the course. Just prerequisites. The 2 hours following the break we had an introductory course in psychology. At least he knows what he's doing. It's not like the other one who was more looking to threaten us instead of working. And I love. I felt in my place. It is thanks to these kinds of courses that I know that I made the right choice.
In the room, we are about thirty. I learned from students that for some courses, we will have to do the common core. This means that we will have to mix several sectors for the course. I who spent my primary studies with classes of 15 to 20 students, I wonder if I will be able to follow suitably if there should be a hundred.
At noon, I join Ernso in the campus cafeteria for a bite to eat. There was corn with mashed black beans and vegetables. Anything I don't like to eat. I was disgusted.
- Yuck! Corn ? A Monday, really?
- You don't eat that at home? He asks surprised at my reaction.
-Whether. Once sometimes. Although I don't like it, I replied disgusted.
-Mwen ki soti latibonit. M pap fè tankouw (I who come from Artibonite, I would not have reproduced what you did). It sounded awful to follow your disgusted expression. I eat everything myself. You should consider doing the same. It's a more balanced diet. Your body will thank you.
-Don't misunderstand me. That's not what I meant. I'm not one to minimize food. But still.
-We can always go in front if you want. There's a restaurant outside, he suggests.
-Let's go, I told him when I was already standing ready to leave the place. It would be better. I think.