I finally bought drinks for Jihyo or maybe for my party. I had to use my own money to buy it 3,000 won wasted, but the shop owner did cut the price down for me and I spent 1,500 won because I've helped him a lot in his shop.
At least I've got 1,500 won left, the girls better give me money for my birthday, like a lot.
I was walking back to the dorm, when the thought of Jeongyeon came to my head.
Why is it every time I see her, the pain comes back?
I didn't pay attention to my surroundings, I nearly walked into a street lamp.
Why is it only you?
I heard a car honking at me, I got myself together and looked.
It was coming straight at me.
I froze in fear.
"Nayeon!" I was suddenly pushed out of the way of the car.
I felt a body on top of me, I slowly opened my eyes.
"Jeongyeon?" I quickly looked at the side trying to avoid eye contact.
In the corner of my eye she got up and lend out a hand for me, I offered the help.
"Come let's go somewhere private." She grabbed my hand.
She led me to the school rooftop where I usually go when I want to be alone.
"I usually go here when I want to be alone." She was leaning near the edge of the side, I joined her.
"Thank you, for saving me." I smiled, why isn't the pain coming back?
"You should be careful around your surroundings." She replied.
"I'm sorry." I apologized
"I'm sorry what happened at the restaurant."
"No I should be the one who's sorry, for shouting at you, you were just trying to help."
"I guess Momo explained to you."
She turned to face me.
"Yeah, then I broke up with her."
I turned my head abruptly which made me dizzy.
"I knew I shouldn't of come, this wouldn't of happen if it I wasn't there." I frowned.
"It's not your fault, I just don't to date anyone yet, plus I've got someone who's in my mind."
I let out a small laugh.
"And who's that?"
"If I tell you, you'll be surprised." She smirked.
"You're too mean." I pouted and crossed my arms.
She laughed at my attempt to convince her.
"When I saved you back there, it reminded me of something." She spoke.
I waited for her response.
"It reminded of the time when me and my best friend where playing, she was the first to cross the road, but being her dumb self she didn't see the car coming. I pushed her out the way, saving her and ending up getting hit by the car."
I gasped.
"It's a miracle that you're alive, what's you're friends name?" I asked.
"I don't know, I don't remember... the whole of my childhood I was hidden away from my own friends, my parents painted over the mirror to prevent myself to remember the traumatic events... But I still remembered, I never remembered what I looked like, or how my best friend looked like." She began tearing up.
"You and I have something in common."
She looked at me again.
"We both have bad childhood memories... I was like that girl who was almost hit by a car, my best friend took the hit for me as well, but when she pushed me to save me my head hit hard on the ground I forgot who she was. My parents did the same thing as your parents did, I don't remember how I looked like and for my friend... I never saw her again.
I don't remember her name or face, but I remember she saved me on that day." I began tearing up.
I could feel a hug come from behind me.
"I'm glad we have something in common." I could feel her tears run down my neck, but I didn't mind.
She let go and instantly stopped crying, she pulled out a picture which had two kids.
Both have long hair.
"This was the picture before the incident, that's me on the left." She pointed to the kid which looks like Jeongyeon with long hair.
I sniggered a bit.
"Is that you're friend?" I asked pointing at the kid on the right.
"Yeah, she kind of reminds me of you, with the cute smile and the bunny teeth."
I smiled and laughed.
"I'm happy that we had this talk." I spoke.
"Me too, I have to get going see you later." She waved whilst she was running down the stairs.
She's not that bad, she's definitely changed.
I just remembered I have to meet up with Jihyo after class.
The bell rang and I rushed off to Jihyo's class.