I went to the school roof where no one ever goes, so this is my place to escape and relax. I looked over the edge, I admired the view.
"Hey, are you okay?" A voice came from behind me, I turned around it was Momo.
"Oh... hey, don't mind me this is where I escape my thoughts." I smiled back.
"I can see why this is a great place to get away from everyone." She leant on the bar next to where I was.
"It's nice to get away."
I turned to her.
"Something's on your mind." I could tell by her expressions.
"Actually, someone's on my mind." She replied.
Someone, as in a crush?
"Yoo Jeongyeon, the girl who's showing me around." It's like she read my mind.
"You mean the bully of the school." I sniggered to myself.
"She's not a bully, well to me she isn't." She blushed while looking at the view.
"You're lucky, she would of done something to you right now." I smiled.
She stood in silence.
"Can I asked you something?" She looked at me.
I nodded my head.
"Do you like Jeongyeon?" She asked me.
I was taken aback.
She continued, "As in, 'like' like her."
"No definitely not, you haven't seen all the years she's been torturing me." I shook my head while speaking.
"That's good." She said in relief.
"Yah, Momo where are you?" Another familiar voice came from the stairs.
I already knew who it was.
"Jeongyeon!" Momo shouted and running up to her.
She smiled at her and looked at me.
I could still have a chance to run.
"Yah, you going somewhere Bunny teeth." She raised an eyebrow.
I rolled my eyes.
"Going away from you that is." I replied back.
She let out a laugh.
"Don't worry, I'll get you in class."
"Whatever." I went down the stairs and back to my room where I sat down on my bed studying.
Jihyo came in.
"Yah, where were you?" She asked me.
I continued to study not listening to her.
"Aren't you going to tell me?" She threw my towel at me.
"Why do you need to know?"
"You left me with Mina and Sana." She came back.
"You can handle them, they're not that bad." I said.
Jihyo sighed and went to bed.
I continued to study until I fell asleep.
I suddenly woke up by my alarm, I looked around the room and Jihyo wasn't in her bed.
"Probably gone to the girls." I'm referring to the two Japanese girls, Sana and Mina.
I got dressed and went to my locker, but standing besides my locker is...
"Yoo Jeongyeon." I said despising her. She turned around and waved at me.
"What have you done?" I walked up to her.
"I've done nothing." She replied.
"You're standing by my locker, don't you think it's suspicious?" I raised an eyebrow.
"I really didn't do anything to your locker, I'm just here to talk."
I became more suspicious of her but I let her talk.
I gestured to her to carry on.
"Let's be friends." She smiled.
Friends!? With her, I can't believe it.
"I'm not buying it." I turned around and walked away.
"Wait!" Jeongyeon grabbed my shoulder and turned me around.
"Please, I know how I acted all over the years since the start of University, just please." She felt apologetic.
Why now? Why does she want to be friends now?
I thought about it. She was acting different towards me it's like she changed.
I sighed and agreed to be her friend, then she rubbed my hair and calling me names again after she left.
I turned around and suddenly three Maknaes stood in front of me.
"So." Dahyun said while smiling.
"So?" I questioned.
"What did you guys talk about?" Chaeyoung asked.
"She wanted to be friends with me."
"Unbelievable." Tzuyu said in shock.
"I know right, befriending a bully." I smirked.
"No not that, it's one step closer to love." Tzuyu winked at me.
"What!? No she wanted to be friends, I accepted it, there done nothing else." I explained.
But the three girls couldn't stop talking about it, I still don't like her.