"Nayeon... Nayeon wake up."
I woke up my friends where I front of me, I looked around my surrounding, I'm not at my dorm but the hospital.
"Nayeon are you okay?" Jihyo asked.
I nodded and sit my self upright.
"How did I get here?" I asked.
"Jeongyeon carried you here." Sana replied.
Jeongyeon? Why her?
"Dahyun said to come to the hospital, she's taking Momo home." The short girl spoke.
The doctor came.
"Im Nayeon you're awake." He said.
"Is there anything wrong with her, doctor?" Jihyo asked.
"Just a really bad headache and chest pain, but don't worry it's normal for people." He smiled.
"Here, take these every time you have a headache or chest pain." He handed me painkiller.
"Is she allowed to go?" The tall girl asked.
"Yes, but I'm counting on you guys to take care of her."
"By the way, what's your name Mr?" Sana was wondering.
"Kim Seokjin." The doctor replied.
We arrived at the dorms, Mina was helping me to walk.
Dahyun and Momo were there waiting.
"Nayeon, are you okay?" The blonde girl hugged me.
I nodded.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked you to be there." She frowned.
"It's okay, at least my friends where there to help me." I smiled.
"It's getting late, we should go to bed." Dahyun spoke.
We waved goodbye and I went straight to my bed.
"I heard what happened at the restaurant." Jihyo continued, "Why haven't you told me about your chest pain?"
I looked up and thought about it.
"I don't know, it sometimes just happens out of nowhere." I replied.
"There must be a cause." She sat down next to me.
"You have to rest." She hugged me and then went stray back to her bed.
I closed my eyes and slept.
I woke up realising I was late, I quickly got dressed and then I saw a note on the door that read:
Nayeon, I'm advising you to take a day off, please take care of yourself and not get into trouble.
Of course I haven't forgotten about your birthday, we've all got a special gift waiting for you, meet me after class.
Love from Jihyo.
P.S Could you go to the shop and buy drinks, no reason just asking for a favour.
I checked my phone.
Oh shoot! September 22nd, I totally forgot it was my birthday today. At least Jihyo reminded me.
I guess I have to buy drinks.
I opened the door and first thing I saw was Jeongyeon who was walking in my direction.
The pain was coming back, my heart was beating faster. But I didn't seem to do anything, I quickly got myself together and ran inside the room again.
The pain was getting worst, I searched for the painkiller which was on my desk.
Went to the bathroom and took a sip of water from the tap with the painkiller.
I felt that I was dying, I couldn't breath at all.
When I saw Jeongyeon, it started to happen. Was she the cause of this? And why is it happening?