Emily's P.O.V
It's strange how comfortable I feel around Riccardo Bernardi. The car ride to my apartment this evening was nice. I agreed to dinner tomorrow night, and I'm actually excited. I take a quick shower because it's late, throw on my comfy pj's and get into bed with a cup of hot milk to help me sleep. I scroll through social media on my phone for a bit and drink my milk. It doesn't take long before I doze off to sleep.
I'm in the corner again of my bedroom, It's dark and quiet. I don't hear my mom shouting anymore. I think she was fighting with someone... Dad maybe? About what? Then I hear it, the sound of my door clicking open. I hold my breath and try not rattle anything as I shake uncontrollably, footsteps coming closer, slow and heavy. I look up to see the tall, dark figure standing in front of me with his hand stretched out, "Let me make you feel good baby." I look at his hand and feel.... comforted? Safe?
Ah! I wake up, drenched in sweat and breathing hard. That was weird... to feel safe with the monster? I get up and take another shower, this time letting the warm water flow over my body for what feels like a long time. I need to talk to Dr Smith about this next week. I'm more confused than I was before.
The next day goes by quickly at work. Marcel was off sick today, so I had to sit at the front counter. Luckily for me, Bianca had also taken leave for this week, something about her Botox that went wrong. Serves her right! It's close to the end of the day, and I am just packing up when Tiff comes smiling around the corner. "Hey Emily, I need to ask you something..." She looks happy, "Sure, shoot." She swallows and opens her mouth to speak when Andrew comes through the front door, "Emily, I need to talk to you in my office, now."
O-k-a-y.... He doesn't sound happy. Tiff and I look at each other, "It's OK, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Bye" She leaves me alone with Andrew waiting for me in his office. "Andrew? You wanted to see me?" He looks up from his paperwork, "Emily, please sit. Firstly, I want to thank you for your hard work and dedication to this company..." Oh, I hope this isn't going where I think it's going..." Unfortunately, I need to put you on short time. We've had a few setbacks, and I'm cutting staff. I'm really sorry about this." What? "Andrew, what about my commission? How will I pay my rent?" He looks at me with sadness in his eyes, "You will be compensated accordingly. Again, I'm really sorry about this."
Sitting on the subway, watching all the people on their way home from work makes me wonder, is there more to it? What is the purpose of living? We work to live and live to work, and now I'm on short time. I won't tell Anna; I wouldn't want to worry her while she's with her parents. I need to think of something. The last thing that I want is to have to move back home with mom.
I've just taken a shower, and I'm standing in my closet looking for something to wear to dinner tonight with Riccardo. I decide on a pink and white shift dress and couple it with a pair of white pumps. I leave my hair loose and put on a little mascara and lip gloss. I spray my favourite perfume and go to wait in the living room for Riccardo. It only takes a few minutes before I hear a knock at the door. I open up to see Riccardo standing with a bouquet of white roses. "Ciao Signora."
Riccardo's P.O.V
She looks absolutely breathtaking in that simple dress. She is like a breath of fresh air in my polluted world. She smiles at the roses and takes them to put in some water. Her apartment is small but neat. She deserves so much more... soon my love, you will have everything your heart desires. She returns, and I take her hand as we make our way to my car. I can see the blush in her cheeks as I do this, so innocent and unaware of her evil surroundings. I smile at her and open the passenger side door for her to get in. "Thank you, sir..." she giggles, and it does something inside of me, it feels good.
Third Person P.O.V
"Capo, they have just left the apartment." Taking another puff of my cigar, "Burn it."
Emily's P.O.V
We walk into the coziest little beach hut, beautifully decorated for dinner. There are a few private huts on this part of the beach. Customers can enjoy their privacy while having a light meal on the beach. The floor of the hut is beach sand, so I take off my pumps and feel the cool sand between my toes. Riccardo is dressed casually in a pair of black cargo pants and a grey button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows. He looks gorgeous. We sit, and the waitress gives us our menus, "Welcome, can I get you something to drink?" Riccardo nods and orders us a bottle of Champaign and sparkling water.
"Champaign? Are we celebrating something?" He looks into my eyes, takes my hand in his and says, "L'inizio, Mia Signora." It sounds so romantically sexy coming from his lips, "What does it mean?" I giggle. He has a sparkle in his eyes. He brings my hand up to his lips and kisses each knuckle softly. He then looks at me, "The beginning my lady."