What the fuck?
Am I going crazy? Why do I keep seeing it? I'm starting to think that someone is following me. That's crazy right?
Tiff sees the look on my face and asks me what's going on, "Are you ok? Whose car is that?" I take a while to reply... "I actually have no idea but whoever it is seems to know me." She looks at me wearily and smiles, "Maybe it's the person leaving the roses on your desk every day.... a secret admirer." Slightly annoyed, I reply "Tiff, that's not even close to being funny. Really? You think that my daily dose of black roses are from someone who admires me? For two years without showing themselves? Not likely." Tiff chuckles and waves goodbye. She's off to another meeting, something about the wedding cake.
I finish up at work and head down to the subway to go home. Once I'm home, Anna is sitting on the sofa watching a series on Netflix. "Hey, how was your day?" She looks tired. "Good, yours?" I ask. "Well, you know, same old. Hey, I need to go to my mom for a couple days next week, my dad hasn't been doing too well, and I think she needs me there to help out. Will you be ok by yourself for a few days?" Anna's dad has stomach cancer, and her mom takes care of him at home. It's been up and down with him for a few years, and I don't know how long he has left. "Sure, don't stress about me, I'll be fine here." She smiles and switches off the tv. "I'm going to bed. Had a rough day. Goodnight." I give her a hug. "Hey, don't overthink, just go and spend time with your parents. I'm sure things will be OK." She gives me a kiss on my cheek and goes to her room.
I decide to shower, cook myself dinner and then switch on the TV. It doesn't take long for me to doze off during the movie...
It's dark again, I hear the footsteps, I'm shaking and can't breathe. "Let me make you feel good baby girl."
I jump up from the couch, drenched in sweat and breathing hard. "Let me make you feel good baby girl." Oh, my God! The monster spoke to me. This is the first time that I've heard him in my dreams. I need air. I move quickly to open a window. As I pull back the curtain, there it is again.... the black SUV parked across the street from my apartment building. What the actual fuck?
I wake the next morning still feeling tired. I do my morning routine and catch the subway to work. I'm not in a good mood and don't feel like anyone's shit today. My head hurts, and I keep hearing those words from my dream last night and thinking about that SUV is driving me crazy.
I'm sitting at my desk busy with paperwork when Marcel knocks on my door, "Umm, sorry to disturb you, there is someone to see you." So professional today, Marcel. "Oh, ok, thanks. Send them in." I reply politely. What I see next cannot be from this planet. The most beautiful man that I have ever seen comes strolling into my office with Marcel. Tall, dark and handsome does not do him justice. This is a piece of the finest art ever to be created. I force my mouth closed and stand to greet him with my hand stretched out. He takes my hand and brings it to his plump pink lips where he kisses each knuckle and says, "Ciao Signora".
Riccardo's P.O.V
She's even more perfect up close. Watching from afar just wasn't cutting it anymore. I had to get closer. She eyes me with those big beautiful blue eyes, her hair neatly in an updo and her skin so soft and smooth. I doubt that she has any memory of me though, or at least that was how it was supposed to be. I've been watching over her for the last two years to make sure that she has a normal life. Although is anything actually normal in this situation? She must stay as she is until I have everything in place for her to come home to me and live the life that I paint for her.
Emily P.O.V
Wow! Stop drooling Emily and get it together! I slowly pull my hand away and smile at the fine stranger in my office. Italian? I think... "Hi, I'm Emily, is there something that I can help you with sir?" I ask. "Yes, I've just brought my car for servicing and wondered if you had any cars for sale. I'm looking to buy one for my nephew." His voice somehow sounds familiar, although I've never seen him before.
After showing Mr handsome some cars, we stop at the back of the service centre where the cars are test driven, "I'm sorry, I didn't get your name." I ask, planning to memorize it for the rest of my sad life. "Riccardo Bernardi." I smile politely and stretch out my hand to Mr Bernardi with the keys to his brand-new BMW X4 top of the range. "Well, thank you, Mr Bernardi and I hope that your nephew enjoys his new car."
"Thank you, Signora". He takes the keys and I move back to my office. Girls like me don't get much more than that. I've never been in a relationship and don't go out much. I prefer to keep to myself. I have trust and privacy issues, so I keep a low profile. I watch from my office window as Mr Bernardi drives out of the gate in the new car that I've just sold him. At least I'll make a good commission at the end of this month.