Emily's P.O.V
"So, I told her that I'm just not into her and last night was just two people helping each other out, in a steamy way of course, but she was like...." I'm hearing Marcel complaining about his latest conquest, but I just can't concentrate today. I keep seeing the tall, dark figure from my dream. He had these really broad shoulders; he wore a black suit with a white button-down shirt with the first two buttons undone. If I could just see his face....
"Girl! Are you even listening to me?" Marcel cuts my concentration, "Um, I'm sorry. I have quite a bit of work to do. Can we do this another time?" I plead. "Yeah, sure. Take it easy OK." he says with concern in his eyes. "Thanks, and I'm fine, just have work to do." I try to sound normal. I sit behind my desk but start to daydream again.
Suddenly, Bianca comes barging into my office, "Hey! I'm still waiting for those slips that I asked for. I saw you wasting company time again with that friend of yours instead of doing what you get paid for!" She screams in my face. "Bianca, um... I'm sorry, I was just..." She cuts in, "Save it! Just get them done or next time I'll have no choice but to report you for wasting company time and money." With that, she storms out and bangs the door. Bitch....
It's almost time to go home, and I'm still busy with Bianca's slips. I'll probably miss the 5 o'clock subway. I need to finish if I want to steer clear of her. She doesn't even have a superior position in this company. Andrew, the branch manager, is so far up her vagina, that she thinks that she owns the place. I just do what I'm told and keep the peace. Like I said, I keep a low profile and stay out of trouble.
It's 9:30pm and I've just finished my work. Phew! I'm really beat. I pack up my desk and grab my handbag to leave. Walking outside, I wave goodbye to Fred, our head of security, and I see the BMW that I sold to Mr Bernardi parked in front of the entrance. "Bonasera Signora." he greets. It's Riccardo Bernardi leaning against the driver's side door looking like a movie star. "Oh, Mr Bernardi, what are you doing here? I mean, how are you, sir?" I stumble over my words. "Please, call me Riccardo. I was in the area and noticed you coming out at this hour. Would you like me to take you home?"
I bite the inside of my lip and look at him with dreamy eyes. Take me home...my home? Of course, your home you idiot, I scold myself. "Um, no, really, it's fine, I'll just take a taxi, but thank you for the offer." I turn him down. "Please, it wouldn't feel right to leave a beautiful woman, such as yourself at this time to find a taxi. I promise, I won't bite." He looks genuinely concerned. "Ok, if you insist, I don't live too far from here." I give in. Riccardo opens the passenger side door for me, and I get in. He moves to the driver's side, starts the car and pulls away onto the street.
"So, tell me about yourself..." Riccardo wants to know more about me.... Me? What is there to tell? "Well, I'm turning 27 in a month, I've worked at the service centre for two years, I live with my best friend and that's about my life. How about you?" I shouldn't have asked. "Me? There's not much going on with me. I'm 35, I live alone and own a few businesses. That's about it." A few businesses? Handsome and rich... "Boyfriend?" Really? Not a chance. " Um, no. Girlfriend?" He smirks, "Nope, nothing of the sort."
We pull up to my apartment building. I'm just about to climb out of the car when he gently grabs my wrist, "Have dinner with me tomorrow night?" I don't know what to say. I feel tingles where his hand holds my wrist ever so softly, "Um, I don't know..." I hesitate, it's not that I don't want to, it's just.... complicated. "I promised not to bite" The look in his eyes melts my resolve and I have to agree, "Ok, tomorrow night, dinner. Pick me up at 7?" He smiles, "7 it is, Buonarotti Signora."
Riccardo P.O.V
I know that she's home alone, I've had my people watching her every move. I've given instructions not to let her out of their sights if they know what's good for them. It's obvious that she has little to no memory of her past. That's a good thing for me. The time is near for us to be together, I just need a few more weeks to get everything in order. I can't wait to hold her in my arms and to show her exactly who she needs. I park the car in the drive and rush inside to my bedroom. Martha, my housekeeper, is in the kitchen. I doubt she heard me. I get undressed and climb into the shower. I'm so hard it hurts. I grab my cock and start jerking off, thinking of the future with my wife in my bed.
It's 2:30am and I still can't sleep. I'm becoming impatient to have her. I've at least made my first move; dinner tomorrow night. I'll show her just how much of a gentleman I can be. I won't push, but she will fall for me. I'm awaiting a call from Aldo about the drop off this evening. I wonder what's taking so long. Suddenly, my phone starts to ring, it's Aldo, " Ricci, the drop-off is done. Max was shot though, on the way out, he didn't make it. We've cleaned up the scene. Have a good night." This is my life, "Well done Aldo." You win some, you lose some.