I went to his office as soon as Alan came out and said, "Come on in, he is waiting for you," and he gave me a big smile.
"Please Miss Sanders take a seat, I would like to have a word with you since we will have to work closely together from now on," he told me.
When he said those words 'close contact' I had a shiver down my spine...I don't know why but they had something exciting about them.
I sat in the chair in front of him telling him what Lucy explained and the tasks she had given me for the day.
I noticed that he didn't take his eyes off me for a second, I was completely enraptured by his gaze and that rough, sexy voice he had when he asked me questions.
'God but how sexy is this man! Elly control yourself!!! He's your boss for heaven's sake and you've just been hired into the company you wanted! Make no mistake!'
"Okay, tomorrow morning there will be a meeting with partners from other branches and you will have to be there...take notes if necessary, you will have to be my shadow from now on," he told me.
"Of course president! Do you need anything now? If not, I will continue the work assigned to me."
"No Elly, go ahead with the work already explained by Lucy then go eat, I will see you later."
With these last words I stood up and bowed slightly before leaving the office.
With my heart pounding and my legs trembling I sat down at my desk and continued with the work until I went to eat.
When I got to the 18th floor I darted out of the elevators impatient to see her. When I turned the corner I found her there...she was beautiful, with light makeup and simple yet clothing that set off that stunning physique of hers.
I saw her immediately stand up with the look of someone who realized that the man in casual clothes at the interview was indeed her CEO.
She gave me a smile and introduced herself.
'God how beautiful she is!' I thought.
I had to force myself to take my eyes off her. So I simply told her I would wait for her in my office.
Alan said, "Hey man, am I mistaken or do I catch a glimpse in your eyes of a slight interest in this new assistant..?"
"Alan...I'm just looking for an assistant who doesn't want to jump on me and do her job."
"I see...well I think this girl is, how should I say.... perfect to complete your life...I mean working and.... who knows."
I understood Alan's words; he is the person who knows me best and has always confessed to me that he would like to see me complete both work-wise and romantically.
But I could not immediately jump on this newly arrived girl who, moreover, did not hint at any interest in me.
"Let's start by seeing how she works...we'll have time to get to know each other..."
At those words Alan smiled and patted me on the back... "Okay boss! I'll let you in on it! See you for lunch."
She walked in; she was shy but maintained an attitude of someone who is not afraid of anything. You could tell she was tense but did her best not to let it show.
"Please Miss Sanders sit down, I would like to have a word with you since we will have to work closely together from now on."
"Certainly, this morning Ms. Lucy showed me the various offices and some departments I will have to deal with most, then she explained...."
I continued to listen to her, occasionally asking her questions, sometimes just to prolong the conversation.
She looked me in the eye as she earnestly explained what had been said and I could not take my eyes off her.
I was enraptured by her...why? Why was she creating this effect on me? I thought I was the luckiest man in this city to have found such an assistant.
I needed to have this girl by my side, I knew it was too soon but the only thing I could think of was the next day's meeting with some associates of mine about 2 hours away that would keep me busy all day. So without a second thought I told her that she had to attend as well...like throwing her straight into the lion's den...but I know she would deal with this in a professional and hassle-free way.
She had determination in her eyes to achieve her goals, and at the interview she had been clear. Besides, I could have been with her all day.
"Of course president! Do you need anything now? If not, I'll continue the work assigned to me,' she said."
'Of course I need something! I need to take you and kiss you and make you mine!'
But of course I certainly couldn't tell her that ... so I took a breath and simply told her to continue her work, to go to lunch, and that I would see her in the afternoon.
She got up and walked out of my office. Those legs, that butt...they were calling me, I had to keep my composure so as not to lose my self-control! I clenched my fists when in my lower abdomen someone woke up.
'I'm going to fucking lose my mind if I keep this up!'
I waited until lunchtime and heard Elly answer, probably on her personal phone, saying that she was going on break until 3 p.m.....little later I went to eat with Alan too.
I looked around but didn't see her, who knows where she ate, what she liked...how much I wanted to know about her right away, but I had to be patient.
She arrived home and took a relaxing bath. She was happy with her first day at work; she had felt comfortable thanks to Ms. Lucy and a little less so thanks to her CEO.
'She's so damn sexy! I have to be able to keep control in front of him, I joined this company not to flirt but to work!'
He ate Chinese food with a good beer and went straight to bed.
The next day she arrived in front of the headquarters and saw a black Mercedes with tinted windows waiting for her where inside was the president with Alan.
They talked about how the meeting would be, what would be discussed, and what his role would be.
They arrived at the meeting place and her boss began to introduce her to the various participants and company associates.
Several people appreciated her presence, complimented both her boss on her new assistant and her for the nice distraction they could have in view of a boring business meeting.
Elly was disgusted by some of the comments she heard, as always the men only looked at her physical appearance.
She decided to focus completely on the meeting and what they were going to discuss so she would not hear certain slimy remarks.
The day ended, they drove Alan home and the CEO insisted on taking her home since it was now late in the day.
Elly felt awkward, the area where she lived was not the best nor was her apartment building. Unfortunately, she still could not afford something better. But her boss did not want to hear excuses.
They gave each other a brief glance and a good night.
'What a day, guys! But I feel that I am enjoying this task more and more every day! The president is really a gentleman, today he was always by my side and took back several times those who were making stupid jokes to the point of wanting to drive me home at all costs...' he seems like a really good person.
With these last thoughts Elly fell asleep.
I saw her coming in a cab...'So she doesn't have a car' I thought....
My driver motioned for her to get in the car and she sat in the back with me, Alan got in the front.
I could see his embarrassment on his cheeks even though he was trying to hide it...God how adorable he was! What I would have given to spend a day alone outside of work.
We spent the trip talking about what she would be facing that day and with a very attentive gaze she focused on everything I said.
When we arrived at the headquarters I introduced her to my co-workers and associates who appreciated her presence and figure openly.
At certain comments anger rose to my stomach, I wanted to gouge out the eyes of every single man who made appreciations for her physique!
With my glance some immediately understood that they had to stay in their place if they did not want to have consequences, while others I had to intervene making them focus on why we were here.
When the day was over I decided to take Alan home first and then Elly. She refused but I insisted until I prevailed. I wanted to make sure he got home safely and was curious to see where he lived.
As we arrived in front of her home, I realized that the area she was staying in was not the best and the apartment building was also a bit dilapidated. What I would have given to take her to my house.
She turned to me and with a shy air said.
"Thank you President for accompanying me, have a good night."
I nodded to her and she walked out. I don't know where I found the strength not to pick her up and put her back in the car and put my hands on her to touch her all over.
A thought was beginning to creep up on me.... I had to have this woman!