Mika's POV
It had been 1 whole day and I had still not gotten over this condo. It was breath taking.
I was sitting on the couch and watching tv. I had opened all the windows to let in the fresh air.
Aaron and Em were in Em's room, doing god knows what?
I wont go over there...
I was watching 'teen wolf' re-runs. There are so damn many reasons for watching this show. And, the boggest one is the hot guys.
I was watching the show and suddenly Aaron came and sat next to me. "Hi Lydi-boo" he geeeted me and i smiled. "Hi Ronny" i greeted him back and he looked at me wierdly.
"What?" I asked him, trying not to laugh at his expression. "I call you Lydi-boo because it is cute. Ronny is so fucking girly!" He exclaimed and i laughed, hard.
"Aaron is too long so i am going to call you Ronny" I told him when i sobered and he rolled his eyes.
We then sat into a comfortable silence. Ronny cleared his throat. "So, i was going to ask you, when are you visiting uncle and aunt?" He asked me and i shrugged.
"Well, do not mad. But i was planning on booking tickets for us, myself" he confessed and i looked at him, shocked. "You are coming too?" I asked him.
He nodded, smiling. "Yes, i need to beat that guy up" he confessed and i laughed. "Its okay. I am planning on ignoring them" i told him and he smiled.
"Whatever your decision is, i am always going to support you. Alright?" He said and put his arm around my shoulder.
"Thanks Ronny. Love you. But when are you going to book them?" I asked him and he shrugged.
"Your welcome. Love you too. Today" he answered all the questions and it seemed a little wierd because he answered them together.
You get what i mean?
"Okay. Just let me know when you are done. I would start packing and stuff" i told him and he nodded.
Rest of the evening we spent together. I mean me, Ronny and Em. We were watching movies and stuff. Ronny went home in between the movies.
Ronny had been visiting us a lot lately. Along with Drake and Lexi ofcourse. It was already 8 and i was watching '13 reasons why' in my room.
I pitied Hannah a lot. But i wish that she didnt die. She shoul-
I was cut off by the ping on my phone. I had recieved a text from Ronny. I opened the text.
Aaron: I booked the tickets. It is of day after tomorrow.
Me: okay. Thanks❤ Bye
Aaron: Bye
Day after tomorrow. I am going to face them. I let out a sigh.
I decided to call my mom and tell her about it. I called her and someone picked up after three rings......
Me: hello?
The person on line: hello. Mika? (It was Julia. My heart stopped.)
Me: Can i talk to mom? (I asked coldly, without showing any emotions in my voice.)
Julia: yeah...... Okay.
Me: yeah
After a few seconds mom came on the line.
Mom: Mika?
Me: Hi mom. How are you?
Mom: I am good my baby. How are you?
Me: Even i am good mom. I am planning to come day after tomorrow.
Mom: oh my god! That is amazing Mika! Honey, i am so happy (she sounded so happy. It made my heart ache. I missed her so much).
Me: i am happy too mom. I am so excited to see you and dad. I miss you guys so much! (I avoided talking about Julia).
Mom: we are excited too honey. It would be so good. We have missed you a lot too honey.
Me: i know mom. I would talk to you later. Okay? Even Aaron and my bestfriend Emily is coming. Em's parent live in our hometown. Aaron would be staying with us.
Mom: that is amazing! I am so happy that you made new friends.
Me: me too mom. Em is amazing. I would talk to you later. Bye. I love you.
Mom: i love you too honey. Bye.
She hung up on me and i sighed. I just cant tell her that i do not want to stay at home with them. Maybe i should live at my house.
I decided to ask Em for advice. I went to her room. She was sitting and reading her book. She looked up when she saw me coming.
"Hey Lyd" she greeted and i smiled at her. "Hi Em. I wanted your advice on something. As you know Ronny has booked our tickets. I cannot decide where to stay. A part of me largely wants to stay with my parents. But i just cant face Julia and all" i said honestly and she smiled.
"You should live at your house. Nice nickname for Aaron by the way. And back to the topic, if you remember, you are going to meet your parents. And if anything happens, you can always come to my house and stay. You know that. Right?" She told me and i nodded.
"You should become a psychologist" i joked and she smirked. "I know i am the best. But psychology would eat my brain up" she said and we laughed.
Rest of the night, we were watching kovies beacause we had nothing to do.
Julia's POV
My mother's phone had rang and I picked it up without knowing who it was.
I am so dumb. How could i be so dumb? Hearing Mika's voice, took my breath away. It had been almost 3 months, she went away.
I dont know why, hearing her voice sounded so foreign. I noticed how she masked off her emotions with her cold tone.
I deserve it anyway. I deserve to be treated like this. It was dinner time. This thing had been bothering me a lot. I was at Alessa's house for tonight.
"What happened? You look a little disturbed" Mrs. Parker asked. She was like my second mother. Raze was seated infront of me. He was lost in his thoughts.
"Nothing. Actually, yes. Mika called and i recieved her call" i confessed and Raze's eye snapped towards me.
"She wanted to talk to mom. Her voice was cold. She probably hates me now" i told her and looked at my hands.
"Its not like that honey. She misses you all. That's it. Also she has the right to be angry at you guys. But trust me, she is your sister. She misses you. And she might have been shocked when you recieved the call. She doesnt hate you. I have watched Mika grow up. She is a sweetheart" she told us all and Alessa smiled.
Me, Alessa, Raze, Nate and River were seated on the dining table. Mr. Parker had gone out with his friends.
I hope Mika feels the way Mrs. Parker described. I looked at Raze. I feel that he had been hurt the most.
He might not show it by his actions but his eyes say it all. Each and everyone of us miss her.
"On the other side, she is coming here to visit us" i told them and Raze looked at me again. "When?" He asked before Mrs. Parker could.
"Day after tomorrow" i him and Alessa gasped. "She is?" She asked and i nodded. Raze stayer quiet the whole night afterwards.
When we were done with dinner, i went to him. "Hey Raze?" I called him and he turned around.
"Yes Jules?" He asked and i smiled at the nickname. I took a deep breath. "I dont like it when you are sad. Everytime you try to mask your feelings. But, i know you are hurting" i confessed and he sighed.
"I try to forget her with everything but i just cant. I am also mad at her to leave like this. If she would have not left, we could've sort things out. But she wanted to leave so she did. I dont want to talk about her actually. I am going to not come in front of her anyways" he said angrily and i sighed.
"Okay i just want you to know that whenever you want to talk about something, you could always come to me. I am like your sister anyways" i said the ending part a little dramatically and he chuckled.
"Yeah sure. Goodnight" he said while smiling. "Goodnight" i told him and went to my bedroom.
Mika's POV
(A day later)
I had finally arrived here. It was very weird to look at this airport. I was leaving for Sydney a month earlier and here I am now, to visit my parents.
Aaron and Lexi were standing with me. We took our bags and Aaron ordered an Uber.
I told mom not to send any driver to pick me up. "This is it" I mumbled as I sat in the car.
We were standing in front of my house. It was really nostalgic and I was feeling giddy.
Em squeezed my hand. Aaron was looking at me patiently. "Let's go" I said and gave them a forced smile.
No one knew at what time I was coming. I entered the house. The same house where I grew up and didnt want to come in.
The living room was empty. I went to the kitchen and my heart stopped, literally.
My mum and dad were sitting on the island chairs with Julia and Alessa.
"Hi" I said and all of heads snapped in my direction. My mom rubbed her eyes more than once and frowned.
"Am I dreaming?" She asked everyone and my dad shook his head. Julia and Alessa were frozen on their seats.
I nervously went to my mom. She hugged almost immediately. I hugged her back. It felt so good to be in her arms.
Then I hugged my father. He literally is the best dad ever. "How are Mika?" My Mum asked and patted my head. I smiled at her.
"I am good mom. Dad, how have you been?" I asked and he smiled. "Even I am great. I am missed you, sweetheart" he said and hugged me again.
They then met Em and Aaron and I had completely ignored them till now. They were staring at me continuously in shock.
"I will go to my room now. Mum, can you show Aaron and Em their rooms?" I asked mum and she nodded.
I went back to my living room. All those days i had spent here growing up were just amazing.
I woke up after a long nap. It was 7:39 which is almost the dinner time. I went downstairs and froze on my last step.
Nate and River were seated in the living room along with Julia, Alissa, Em and Aaron. I gave all of them a small awkward smile.
Up in my room, i was thinking about them continuously. Maybe i should forgive them. It is not their fault anyway.
Anyone would react the same way they did. I mean, if i were in thier place, even i would have to ignore me.
They didnt know i was doing this because of Davis anyway. They dont deserve to be treated in the way i am treating them.
Julia is my sister and Alissa is my best friend since the day i knew myself. Nate and River are like my brothers.
I was cut off by Em- "Mika? Are you alright?" She asked me and then i realised that i had been standing and staring at them.
I nodded my head and ducked my head down blushing.
"Where is mother?" I asked them and Julia nodded towards kitchen. I gave her a soft smile and skipped towards the kitchen.
There is only one person that i havent seend till now....
He is totally ignoring me. He doesnt have the fucking guts to face me now.
That is obvious because after i had shifted, it was clear that he had moved on. I sometimes dont understand that how could people fall out of love.
Anyways, i saw mom setting up the table for dinner. So, i helped her with it.
Mika's POV
We were eating dinner. I was sitting in between Em and Julia. We had not talked yet, we were in an uncomfertable silence.
"So, Mika" dad started, clearing his throat. "How is Sydney?" He asked and i looked at him.
"Its awesome. I totally love it. And the condo that Aaron built for us is totally lit. You guys should totally visit us sometime" i said looking at all of them.
Dad nodded with a smile. "Okay then, after dinner if you guys want to catch up, you could go somewhere. Enjoy" he said as he stood up to anwer his call.
Even i had finished my dinner so i stood up. Em followed my actions and we went to the swimming pool area after washing our dishes.
I dont know why but it has become an everyday thing for me. Earlier when i lived here, our maids washed our dishes.
But, after i had shifted to the condo, it had become an everyday thing. We went and sat in swimming pool area, dipping our legs in water.
"When will you forgive them? They both are awesome" Em asked and i looked at her.
"I already have" i stated and looked at water. "Why dont you talk to them then?" She asked and i sighed looking at the sky.
"I will clear things out. I know they are going to talk about it" i stated and she nodded understanding.
We were driving Alessa's house now. We decided to go to her house after grabbing our ice-creams.
I was against the plan the whole time. We had not talked things out till now. We reached her house and i sighed.
I have to face him anyways.
Its now or never.
I thought and got off the car. We went inside her house. Mr. and Mrs. Parker were seated on the couches.
As soon as Mrs. Parker saw me, she skipped towards me. Leterally.
It was so nice to see her again. We hugged followed by Mr. Parker's hug. He was like my second father.
We were sitting and chatting on the couch. Suddenly i heard a door open. I know whose door it was. My heart beat boosted to an uncountable rate.
I heard hos footsteps. I was waiting to see him. My eyes were thirsty for his sight all of a sudden.
My hands went clammy and started shaking. Em grabbed my hand because she noticed it.
And then, he came. He was typing something on his phone. Whatever Mr and Mrs. Parker were saying was no longer audible to me.
They might have noticed Raze so they shut up. He was coming downstairs in a swift motion. When Mr and Mrs. Parker fell in silence, he looked up.
His eyes met mine and i swear to god my heart stopped. He froze on his mid step, just staring at me.
Those chocolate brown eyes, i had missed so much, his soft browm hair, his plump pink lips, his perfect face that i had always love.
After two fucking months, i saw him. My heart beat was so fast that i bet, Em could hear it.
He was just standing and staring at me and i was doing nothing different. The negative thoughts i had about him, his pictures with other girls seemed no longer important.
Other people in this room seemed invisible. It was just me and right now. Just two of us. Staring at each other like we were never seeing eachother again.
Firstly, he was shocked but then something flickered through his eyes. An emotion that i could not decipher.
We snapped out of our world when Mr. Parker cleared his throat. Raze snapped out of his daze.
He looked at Aaron and he went to him. "Aaron my boy!" He exclaimed and they did their high-five bro thing.
He is ignoring me.
It is crystal clear.
Alissa introduced him to Em. Raze nodded towards her with a smile and she smiled back. "Wont you greet Mika?" Mr. Parker asked.
Raze looked at his dad and then at me. Nate and River were looking at Mr. Parker with wide eyes. Which means, Mr. Parker knows.
He nodded towards me as an aknowledgement and i give him a small smile.
Why the fuck did i smile?
He then excused himself and went out of his house.