Mika's POV
We reached the park and damn.... it was beautiful. I remember when I came to Sydney with Raze, Alessa, Julia ,Nate and River this was the only place left to visit and Alessa was pissed off.
I miss them so much.
We took our tickets and went to the first ride. It was a roller coaster.
Me and Emily got seated on the first seat according to our turn and clasped our hands together.
"Mika, pray that we don't die." Emily said and I nodded. "Oh hell yes!" I said when the ride started.
It came to the top and Emily tightened her hold on my hand. "Breathe." I told her and the roller coaster went down while i screamed my lungs out. I was getting a ticklish feeling in my stomach.
The ride came to end and i got down. "Shit! That was fun!" I yelled and me and Emily laughed.
We then clicked about 100 of selfies and i posted the perfect one on instagram in which both of us were pouting. I kept the caption 'Luna Park'.
"So what next?" She asked and i dragged her to the ferris wheel. We sat inside and then i started thinking about Raze and others.
They were all active on the social networking sites. But none of them tried to contact me.
Fuck them.
I had changed my number but kept all the contacts with me. I clicked a picture of the scenery when we reached at the top and posted it on snap chat.
It was 6 in evening. We went back to Emily's car and sat inside. "Today was actually fun!" I yelled. "It surely was." Emily said.
I connected my phone with car and played many songs.
We finally reached the dorm. We entered in our room and lay on our beds. "Lets get changed." Emily said and i nodded my head.
I went in the washroom and wore my pj and t-shirt. I lay on the bed and sleep took over me.
"Mika wake up" Emily yelled and i got up. "Get ready we need to take our schedules. You don't want to be late, do you?" She asked and i groaned.
I got up and went to take a shower. I got out of bathroom wearing my robe. Emily went inside to take a shower.
I wore my bra and panties with a white top and paired it with a black skirt and black boots.
I put on some light make up while Emily got ready in the washroom.
She got out and did her make up which included lip gloss and some basic stuff.
We reached the campus in to time. We were thankfully not late. The university was crowded with students.
We went to the reception. "How can i help you?" A lady in her 30's asked.
"We are new here. My name is Mika Hayes and she is Emily Winston." I said. "Welcome to the university. Here are your schedules and here are your locker numbers along with map." She said and handed us our schedules, maps and keys for locker.
"Your locker no?" She asked. "304, yours?" I asked." 305!" She exclaimed. We grinned like maniacs.
We headed to our locker through the school population. Some people were looking at us as if we had murdered someone. "Lets see how many lectures we have together." I said while she nodded.
We had almost all the lectures together except the fourth one. We took our books and headed to our classes.
We entered the classroom and went unnoticed by the students, thankfully. Emily headed us to a bench in the middle row and we sat together.
The class was in chaos. I noticed some good-looking guys, but none of them were as attractive as Raze.
Raze! Here i go again *ugh*
The class went silent as the teacher entered. We did introductions and the lectures started.
The bell rang signalling it was lunch break at last.
At last!
I got out of the class and headed to my locker and waited for Emily. The area was totally crowded but i minded my own business.
Em came in no time and kept her books. "Lets go. I am hungry like i haven't eaten for years!" She said dramatically rolling her hands on her stomach while i laughed.
We entered the canteen my eyes searching Aaron. He was nowhere to be found. "Aaron is not here." Emily said, disappointed.
"Missed me, babe?" Asked a voice and we turned around. And there stood Aaron grinning at us with Drake and a girl who is i guess, Lexi.
"Come on lets go." Aaron said dragging me and Emily to a vacant table. Everyone was staring at us.
"Aaron have i killed someone?" I asked him sitting on right side of Aaron while Emily sat on left side. I was going to sit next to her but Aaron took the chance.
"Ignore them." Aaron said. "Hi guys i am Lexi." Said the girl sitting next to me and extending her hand. I shook it and Emily did the same.
"I am Mika you can call me Lyd." I told her. "I am Emily, you can call me Em." Said Emily and Lexi smiled at both of us.
"So Aaron tell me where the fuck were you?" I asked him. "I was busy." He said. "But, i got you chocolates." He said and passed me a m&m's and skittles.
"You will make me fat!" I said and started eating them handing Em and Lexi one packet. "No worries Lydi-boo." He said and winked.
"So i wanted to ask you guys, will you come to my party this Friday?" Drake asked. I looked at Aaron. "I don't have any problem because you and Emily will be under my watch." He said.
"What do you say, Em?" I asked. "If we are safe then i am okay with it." She said and i smiled.
The bell rang and we headed to our lockers. A tap on my shoulders made me turn. "Listen girl, stay away from Aaron because he is mine!" She yelled and crowd started gathering near us. She must be the queen bee.
I started laughing and she looked at me, confused. "You can have Aaron, he's my cousin." I said while laughing and others started laughing too.
The girl got embarrassed and turned red. I grabbed Emily and headed to my classes. Emily was literally shooting daggers at the girl.
"I hate her." Em said and i laughed at how jealous she got.
We entered the dorm and i headed the bathroom and did my business and changed into a night gown.
Emily had already changed and was sitting and reading a book.
"Want to have a movie marathon?" I asked and she grinned.
Raze's POV
(2 days ago)
"Raze! Guys! Come in the living room now!" Julia yelled. We all rushed to living room.
"Baby, what happened?" Nate asked her and went to sit next to her. "My cousin brother Aaron contacted me... Do you remember him? The one Mika used to talk about?" She asked and i nodded.
"What about him?" I asked, getting impatient. "He contacted me and told me that Mika is at Sydney!" She yelled.
"And he also told that she is studying in The University of Sydney... And, he also gave me her new number." She said, passing on Mika's number to all of us.
"At least she's some where safe. Good to know." Alessa said as she flopped on the couch.
If she wants to run away from me let her run because she is going to end up with me. I will make sure of it but right now all i need is a good fuck.
Mika's POV
We sat on the lunch table. Aaron, Drake and Lexi were nowhere to be found.
"Lets play 21 questions." Em said out of the blue. "21 questions?" I asked and she nodded her head eagerly.
"Okay, i will go first. What are your favorite colors?" She asked me.
"Hmmm i have many to be honest. And, they keep on changing. Right now they are Aqua, red, black and hot pink. What about you?"
"Red, hot pink and blue." She said and i nodded.
"Okay, my chance. Tell me about yourself".
"Okay. I am of 17 . My parents own a lot of money.....and, i like your brother." She said and i chuckled as she gave me a wink.
"Okay. Now tell me about yourself." She said and i nodded.
"I am 18. You know about Raze and stuff. And uh.....oh yes, you don't know about me and my twin getting kidnapped. I mean it's nothing to literally go around talking about, but me and my twin got kind of adopted us and abused us. Those were some dark times." I said, shivering as i thought about those horrible days. Emily side-hugged me and i gave her a smile.
Soon enough we kind of stopped playing and started using our mobiles.
"What are you guys doing?" I hear Aaron's voice and looked up, getting a little scared because of him popping out of no where suddenly. Aaron was with Lexi and Drake.
"We were planning to murder you because you were nowhere to be found." I said, shooting daggers at him with my eyes.
He laughed shaking his head and Emily looked at me with 'what-the-fuck' look. I gave her a 'just-play-along' look and she nodded.
"We were planning to come to your place with guns or hiring an assassin." Emily said, giving him a sarcastic sweet smile. But, it was soon gone when Aaron took out two Cadburys.
"Now who is going to kill me?" He asked and i grabbed both the chocolates and gave Emily one of them. "What am i going to do with you Mika?" He asked, amused. "For now, keep us giving more chocolates." I said while taking a bite of my chocolate. He rolled his eyes with an amused look.
"You were buying chocolates for us?" Emily asked and Aaron turned to her. "Yes, sweetheart." He said and gave her a smile. I swear Emily melted on the spot and blushed red.
"Awww... Em is blushing." Lexi teased as Drake kept himself busy playing some game on his phone.
"I am damn hungry! I am going to go and get something to eat." Drake said after a while and left to the line to get himself some food.
"Lyd those guys are staring you continuously." Said Emily. I turned around to see the 3 guys whom i'd seen yesterday, staring at me.
One was blonde. He had blue eyes and his complexion was fair. His jaw line was perfect and damn he was hot.
Not as hot as Raze!
I agree with you conscience. The other one was a guy with brown hair and green eyes. He was fair and looked like a Greek god. The third one was having blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes. All three of them were hot as hell.
The one with blue eyes winked at me and i rolled my eyes and turned around. "They are quarterbacks of the university. The one with blue eyes is Henry, the one with brown hair is Hunter and the one with brown eyes is Alex." Lexi said and i nodded as Drake came back with food.
I ate my pasta in silence while others chatted about random topic. I remember how we used to sit back in my high-school.My head would always be on Raze's shoulder and he would keep on kissing my head, cheek or lips.
He would buy me cold coffee because he knows about my obsession.
I miss all of them so much.
The bell rang soon enough and i went to my other lecture. I entered the class and sat on the third last bench. The teacher entered the class and started the lecture.
But, she was cut short when Henry, Alex and Hunter entered. They passed through my bench and Henry placed a note while passing by.
They sat on the last bench and the teacher continued her lecture after giving a 'don't be late next time' speech to them.
I opened the note.....
'Meet me at the parking lot after dispersal
-Henry x'
I turned around and he had a small grin on his face, though he was looking somewhere else.
Did he want to ask me out?
I thought but he could also be having some other work. I can't just jump into conclusions.
The bell rang after what felt like forever. My next lecture was with Em. I went to locker and took my books. Em met me near the locker.
I told her what happened. "He might want to ask you out." She said after sometime and i shrugged. We started walking towards our next class.
"Could be an option... But we cant just jump into conclusions." I said as we entered the next class while she nodded.
I sat in the next class thinking whether i should meet him or not.