Mika's POV
We were sitting and chilling. It was getting really boring lately. I had to talk to my mother and father. I called them.
Me: Hello?
Mom: Hello. Mika? (She was shocked as fuck)
Me: Mother... How are you?
Mom: omg! Mika my child. I am good. How are you?
Me: I am good mom.
Mom: Me and your father miss you a lot Mika. My child you should visit us sometime.
Me: yeah mom. I would visit you.
Mom: i really respect your decision Mika. I understand. But you should have at least told us. ( Her voice broke at end. My heart clenched painfully)
Me: I am so sorry mother. I love you. I realise my mistakes. I shouldnt have left you like this. And also thanks for the money you have beem transferring in my account.
Mom: It is okay. I love you too. And you dont have to thank us. We are your parents. It is our duty to look after you, sweetheart.
Me: I love you mom. I feel horrible. How is father?
Mom: He is good sweetie. He is busy in work right now. I would tell him to text you.
Me: thanks mom. Save this number. It is my new number. And please do me a favour. Dont give this number to anyone except for dad.
Mom: okay sweetie. I wont. I respect your decisions. (Someone in the background shouted) who are to talking to mom?
My heart literally stopped. It was Julia.
Mom: An old friend of mine honey. (Julia must have went away after that) Mika sweethear, i will talk to you later.
Me: okay mom. Give Julia and dad lots of love.
Mom: okay honey. Bye.
Me: Bye mom.
I hung up on her. It feels so good after talking to her. She is my mom, the women who gave me birth. She took care of me, kissed away my wounds.
Gave me chocolates when i cry. And me, I hurt her. I went away. I left without kissing her cheeks. Without telling her goodbye.
I feel like shi-
"Hey Lyd are you alright? You look sad" Em asked me. Her featured filled with worry. I smiled at her.
"I am good. I talked to my mother." I told her and she gave me a look. "I was with you the whole time" she told and i smiled sheepishly.
"I am sorry. It just..... Its been a while since talked to her. I feel likke shit leaving her like this" i told and she nodded her head.
"Its okay Lyd, i got you girl" she told me and i smiled. "Thanks a lot Em. You have helped me a lot" i told her and she smiled.
Suddenly someone knocked on the door. Em opened the door and Aaron came inside. Em was looking at him. He ignored her.
"Hi Lyd" he told me and i glared at him. "What is your problem?" I asked him. Em was getting upset. "I am moving out of dorms. So are Drake and Lexi. Drake's mom and dad bought him an apartment." He told me ignoring my attitude.
"Well congratulations! Now kindly get out if you want to ignore others" i told him and he glared at me. He turned to Em. "We need to talk. I will text you. You meet me tomorrrow" he told her and went out.
Em was frozen on the ground. "Dont worry Em. If he does anything, I am only one call away" i told her and she smiled at me.
"Maybe we should rent an apartment too. She told me out of blue.
"What?" I asked her. "We should rent an apartment too. This dorm is just too small" she told me and i nodded.
Lately we had been having problems in storing things. "You are right? But, why dont we buy one instead?" I asked and she nodded her head.
"That is a great idea. We could divide our money and buy one" she told me and i nodded.
"Exactly! That would be more convenient" i told her and she nodded. "Okay then, I would talk to Aaron and Drake about it later" i told her and we fell in silence.
Raze's POV
I woke up with a girl next to me. She was a brunette. I dont even remember her name. She looked at me and smiled.
I didnt smile back. "Get out" i told her and she was shocked. "What?" She asked me.
"Get out! What we had was just a one night stand" i told her and she glared at me. She was beautiful but nothing close to Mika.
The girl went away and took my heart with her. I dont know whether she would ever come back.
She left us without clues. I need to move on. But, i know it would be hard.
Every night i think about her. I cant sleep. These girls help me not to think about her. They keep me distracted.
I will move on!
There are many things i have to do in my life. Apart from thinking about Mika.
I have to take over Parker's and co. I have a life ahead. I can move on. Even if it is hard.
I would find me a girl who could keep me happy.
Mika's POV
I was searching online for apartments. I kept noting down places near our university. We had found only one so far. It is two blocks away from Drake's apartment.
"That is the only one. Others are either very far off or not good. Oh wait! I found one more!" I said and Em came to me.
"No. This one seems too damn far!" Em whined and i huffed out a breath. "What is up with your mood? Is it Aaron?" I asked her.
She was getting really grmpy and shit today. Aaron and Em wanted to have a 'talk' which they would be having at a cafe.
She released a breath. "I am sorry if i am being grumpy. Emotions are getting the best of me" she said and looked at me apologetically.
I kept a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, its okay. I totally understand. Even Raze used to be an asshole to me. It is normal for every relationship" i said and she gave me a forced smile.
She is clearly sad.
"Okay then, we could to the arrangement of money and stuff tomorrow" she told me and i nodded. "We could see the apartment today, though" i said and she nodded.
"It said they had inbuilt furniture. We just have to check it" i told her and she nodded again.
"Should i call Aaron and Dr-", she cut me off. "No! I mean..... Yeah. If you want to" she told me and i smirked. "It is okay. We could call only Lexi if you want" i told her and she smiled.
"Than-" she was cut off her phone. She picked it up. I alrady knew who it was by her expression. She seems to be nervous.
"Hello..... Yeah.... Dunkin Donuts?....... Okay...... ,Evening, okay yeah.... Okay bye" she hung up. "It was Aaron" she told me and i shrugged. "I figured" i told her.
"Let me call Lexi" i said and called Lexi.....
Me: Hello?
Lexi: Hi! Lyd.... Sup?
Me: Hi, remember we were going to shift....
Lexi: Yeah, what 'bout it?
Me: We found an apartment three blocks away from you guys. Do me a favour and come with us to have a look at it today. We could talk to the person who is selling it and stuff later?
Lexi: Okay sure. I would come with you guys. Shall i bring Drake and Aaron?
Me: No! Dont bring 'em. Em doesnt want to face Aaron
Lexi: She is being a pussy! Anyways, i gotta go. Bye!
Me: Bye!
She hung up on me. Em was sitting on her bed and typing furiously something on her laptop. "Get ready. We gotta go check out the house" i told her and we started getting ready.
The apartment was beautiful. Me and Em were ready to buy it. The dealer was also good. We told him that we would give him the money by tomorrow.
Right now, Em had gone to meet Aaron. Me and Lexi were hanging out at McDonald's. I was eating my burger.
"So, Lexi" i started and she raised an eyebrow looking at me. "What?" She asked, politely. "Call Drake or someone here" i told her and she shrugged.
"I dont thunk he could come. He said he is going to be out today. He sucks" she whined and i laughed.
Suddenly i felt a tap on my shoulder and i jumped. I turned and saw Alex. "Jesus! You scared me" i told him and he smiled sheepishly.
"Sorry, i didnt mean to scare you.... Oh hi Lexi!" She said and we smiled. He was giving us his cheeky smile in return.
"Hi Aaron, please sit" she told him and he sat on a chair. "How are you? It has been a long time Alex" Lexi told him and he shrugged.
"Nothing much just usual" i zoned out on their conversation. I remember that Nate's birthday is after two days.
Does he even remember me?
Well ofcourse he does... He would not forget me. I just know he wouldn't. We were like siblings. He took care of me. He cared about me.
I know he wont forget me. I smiled remembering the day when Nate and Raze pranked me......
I wish i were with them.