A knock on my bedroom door causes me to pause my music, taking out my one earbud.
"Come in," I say loudly, shuffling papers around on the bed. The door opens slowly and Tobias pops his head around, giving me a smile -
"Hey Tobias," I smile, motioning for him to come inside. He's wearing a grey hoody with black jeans. His dark hair is ruffled messily on top of his head and I notice the concern on his face.
"Hey Em," Tobias responds, closing the door softly behind him and walking over to my bed. He takes a seat opposite me on the end, crossing his legs uncomfortably. I watch, struggling to contain my laughter as he proceeds to tuck his legs under his body.
"How do girls sit like this?" He mumbles to himself, giving up eventually and laying back, resting his head against the wall.
"What's up?" I grin, pushing my notes aside and settling back into my pillows. "I came to see how you are."
I raise a brow skeptically at him -
"Okay, now what's the real reason?" I ask him, giving him my best 'I don't buy you at all' look. Tobias sighs, running a hand through his hair and pushing it back.
"I have a problem..." he starts, looking at me with a serious expression. The brown in his eyes darken, losing all of their usual shine. I sit up a little straighter, an uneasy feeling settling in my stomach.
"What is it?" I ask him softly. My thoughts turn back to our lives a few months back. Jake and Tobias were living a nightmare due to Amil, their ex gang leader. He was crazy, dangerous and power-driven. In a heated stand off, I'd taken the action I'd needed and dealt with Amil. Still to this day, I pay the price for taking another human's lifewith the flashbacks and nightmares.
"I think Jane is cheating on me," Tobias breathes out, his voice thick with emotion. My mouth falls open inshock... I was not expecting him to say that at all. Jane doesn't seem like the type of girl who could play someone like Tobias. She's always polite, friendly and shy. A quiet girl who clearly adores Tobias. Every time I see them together, she's blushing and giggling away at him.
"Why do you think that?"
"Ever since Christmas, she's been acting off with me. She keeps making excuses on why she can't spend the night or why I can't take her out. We barely text or call all day and when we do, she's blunt and distant. I don't know what to do." Tobias sighs unhappily. He releases a low chuckle -
"I sound like a chick. I really like her though Emily and she's avoiding me. Now I know how all those girls feel when I did it to them."
It's my turn to laugh at him.
"Yeah, you're right. This is exactly how girls feel when boys ditch them, don't do that. It's not cool." I grin, scooting closer to him and placing a hand on his knee in reassurance. A few months ago, I wouldn't have dared comfort Tobias in case he interpreted it the wrong way. The biggest relief was seeing him move on with Jane and getting on with his life.
"What do I do Em?" Tobias mutters, hitting his forehead against the wall. "First, stop hitting your head because you need all the brain cells you can get." "Haha, you're so hilarious." Tobias shoots back dryly.
"Truthfully, I think you need to talk to her Tobias. Let her know that you sense something is wrong. I think she'll appreciate the complete honesty. I don't think she's cheating on you but I do think something is going on with her. Pick a quiet place and talk to her, just remember to be patient and understanding to whatever it is."
He nods slowly, listening carefully to my advice.
"That makes sense, thanks superstar. You always know what to say." He smiles softly. I shrug casually - "No problem, fist bump me bitch." I smile causing Tobias to chuckle, his worried expression completely
disappearing. I beam from ear to ear as his fist connects with mine before he pulls back and imitates an explosion with his hand.
"Did you open the present I got you for Christmas?" Tobias pauses, turning back towards me. He was on his way out to call Jane before he remembered the gift.
"Shoot! No, I haven't opened it." I grumble, feeling guilty for forgetting about his present. I jump off the bed and head for my dresser across the room. My hand enclose around the little box as I pull it out of the drawer -
"I've got it," I smiled, holding it out towards Tobias. He nods slowly, his hands in his pockets. The corners of his lips tug upwards into a shy smile.
"Go on, open it."
I nod, glancing down at the little box in my hands. I peel back the wrapping paper slowly, feeling my nerves rise to the surface. Inside is a black box and my nerves increase further, a lump appearing in my throat. I look uneasily at Tobias and he smiles at me, motioning for me to carry on. I pass it between my hands multiple times, letting out a small sigh.
"It's just a gift Emily, stop over thinking it."
I bite down on my lip nervously before nodding and opening the box. Inside is a little bracelet but not a dainty romantic chain... Quite the opposite really. It's a mix between a bright sea blue and an earthy green bead bracelet. I silently lift it out of the box and inspect it closely. Each one of the bead's has a white letter, spelling out the word --
My throat tightens and I glance up to find Tobias staring at me intently. "Survivor?" I ask, my voice quiet and timid.
"I saw it and immediately thought of you. What you've been through is admirable Emily. You're a true survivor."
"I love it," I choke out, turning it over on my wrist and clasping it shut firmly. The bracelet fit snugly on my arm without being tight - a perfect fit.
"Thank you Tobias," I smile softly, admiring my new bracelet. I head towards him before pulling him against me for a hug. His arms wraps around me, swallowing me against his large frame.
"You're welcome. Without you, Jake wouldn't have forgiven me for what I did. I messed up badly and I know that now. It's nice to finally be his cousin and his friend again." Tobias says truthfully, sounding grateful.
"I'm glad things between you two are good," I respond softly, running my finger over the beads. Moment of silence pass between us before Tobias speaks.
"You like it, don't you?"
"Yes, I love it." I respond, leaning back against the wall. A dull pain explodes in my stomach and I close my eyes. Having experienced them all day, I know they should pass soon.
"Being pregnant is not easy," I murmur quietly, placing a hand over my stomach. Tobias' eyes wondered over my body, concern flashing through them.
"What's wrong? Are you feeling okay?" Tobias says firmly, taking a step towards me. I nod but immediately another stab of pain follows the last one. I let out a low groan, leaning further into the wall and slumping against it slightly. Tobias appears in front of me in a flash, eyes wide with terror.
"Emily, what's wrong? Is it the baby?"
The pain begins to arrive in waves and I feel myself grow light headed, my vision blurring.
"I think I need to sit down," I mumble. Tobias nods, his features crumpled up in worry. He takes my arm gently, wrapping his free one around my back as he attempts to help me across the room. Another jolt of pain shoots through my body, rippling through my stomach. I release a small whimper, squeezing my eyes shut tightly.
This doesn't feel normal...
"What's happening? Tobias?" I whisper, my legs buckling underneath me. Tobias' arms circle around my body as I fall, stopping me from crashing to the floor.
"Jake!" Tobias yells loudly, banging on the bedroom door with his other hand. He props me up against the wall on the floor and bends down so he's eye level with me.
"It's going to be alright, just breathe, okay?" Tobias says, his eyes wide with terror. I can barely make out his features as the room blurs in my vision, pain shooting through my body.
"I need Jake," I whisper, my words shaking. My hand settles over my stomach and I close my eyes, praying for the pain to go away. It feels like my muscles, organs and bones are on fire, burning brightly. I release a small groan, trying my best to focus on my breathing.
The bedroom door slams open and I vaguely hear Myra's shouts mixed with Tobias' worried responses. Another voice joins the mix but at this point, I'm slowly losing consciousness. I instantly silence, unable to ask for help or whimper in pain. Faces blur in front of me, the worried words of everyone becoming distant. It feels like time completely slows down and everything happens in slow motion. I try to tell myself that everything is okay and this is normal but I'd be telling myself a lie.
As my eyes roll to the back of my head, I hear Jake's screams of protests as his arms hold me to stop me from falling. I want to wake up to reassure him but my entire world blacks out.