"Emily! Breakfast is done! Get down here!" I hear Ivory shout from the kitchen downstairs. I grumble under my breath, playing around with the same strand of hair that refuses to settle down. I look like I've been electrocuted and it isn't a pretty sight.
The first day back to school after the winter break definitely hasn't started out on a positive note. Ivory, Jake and I are carpooling and we're already ten minutes behind schedule. For my outfit, I settle on a baby pink roll neck jumper with white jeans that are ripped at the knee. I inspect myself in the mirror, feeling satisfied with my appearance. I lift my top up just like I've done every single day, turning sideways in the full length mirror to study my stomach.
A flat stomach stares back at me, just like it has every single day. Besides from the morning sickness, there's no indication that I'm pregnant. No bump, swelling or pregnancy cravings. Myra & Michelle reassured me repeatedly that every pregnancy is different and some people don't display a bump until the very end. An uneasy feeling settles inside my stomach and I place hand over it, my eyes flickering downwards --
I hope you're okay in there baby.
My first baby scan is scheduled for tomorrow and the nerves have been hitting me all day. I'm unsure of what to expect but decide to push it to the back of my thoughts until after I've survived the first day back at college. I take hold of my backpack and grab my phone before heading downstairs. Ivory suddenly barges past me, keys in one hand and school bag in the other. She balances a pancake in her mouth and mumbles an apology at me before scattering off. I watch her as she goes, noticing how panicked and stressed she's acting.
"Is she okay?" I ask, chuckling a little. Jake comes up from behind me, his arms circling around my waist. He holds out a half eaten pancake in his hand, gesturing for me to take it.
"It's Ivory. She always acts like this on the first day back, just ignore her." Jake chuckles, watching me take a bite out the pancake. I grimace at the taste in my mouth, feeling a wave of nausea wash over me.
"You still can't eat anything?" Jake questions, his features appearing worried. I nod, taking another bite from the pancake. I know I need food even though my stomach can't keep it down any longer than a few hours.
"Let's go guys! Chop chop!" Ivory yells loudly, pulling open the door and disappearing outside. I raise my brow at her, giggling a little when she pops her head back round, glaring at Jake and I. Her eyes are manic, panic written all over her face.
"Hello! It's the first day back, I don't want to be late!" She pleads, grabbing one of Jake's arm and one of mine, dragging us out of the house. I feel myself being lurched forwards and use my other hand to prevent myself from falling.
"Steady on Ivory." Jake says sternly, removing her grip off my arm. He turns towards me, concern etched into his features -
"Are you okay?"
"She didn't hurt me, don't worry about it," I give him a small smile, waving it off. He pauses for a moment, his eyebrows creased tightly before he eventually nods, his over protective front fading. My eyes flicker over to Ivory and she gives me an apologetic look before mouthing over an apology. I smile back at her in reassurance before I finally duck down into the back seat. I practically see her blow out a breath of relief as she turns the key in the engine and backs up out of the driveway, speeding through the streets.
"It's weird being back in college after the Christmas period off." I whisper at Jake and Ivory as we enter through the glass college doors. The receptionist glares at me and points at a poster to her right that reads —
Noise level low please!
"I was whispering," I respond. She glares further at me, her eyes practically popping out of her sockets. I holds my hands up in surrender, taking a step back and rolling my eyes at her.
"Looks like someone didn't get a new personality from Santa this year." Jake mumbles, aiming his insult at the receptionist. Ivory and I giggle in response.
She narrows her eyes, glaring at us fiercely one by one before spinning over in her office chair and turning her back on us. Jake smirks and we begin making our way to class. The receptionist eyes up Jake as we walk past which doesn't go unnoticed by any of us. Before Jake turns the corner, he blows a kiss at her, causing her to breathe out puffs of angered breaths.
"You're such a terrible student," I chuckle, elbowing him lightly in the ribs. He gasps dramatically, bringing his hand up to his mouth.
"Me? I'm the perfect student. All the teachers love me here." He winks down at me and tangles his fingers through mine, causing me to blush.
"Urgh, you guys. I have enough PDA from you two at home. Please give it a rest in college." Ivory groans. "Technically it's not PDA if it's in our own house," I shoot back, sticking my tongue out at her.
"Besides I'm sure you get up to worse with Ben." I add, waggling my brows at her. She immediately blushes, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink.
"No she doesn't. Ivory will forever remain a virgin." Jake buts in, frowning down at both of us. Ivory and I give each other a look before spluttering with laughter. Jake's face definitely doesn't look amused.
"That ship sank a long time ago Jakey Boy." Ivory teases, pushing open the door to class.
"Whatever." Jake mumbles in response, looking like he'd rather talk about anything other than Ivory's love life.
"Let it go Jake." I grin, heading to the back of the class where we usually sit. I place my bag on the seat besides mine, saving it for my best friend, Trisha Lockwood. I haven't seen her since the Christmas break and I miss her like crazy.
"Class, settle down!" Mrs Wilkins yells, walking into the room carrying several different folders. She drops them down onto her desk, silencing the low chatter in the room. Her face is the definition of stressed and she looks like she'd rather be anywhere else but here.
"I hope everyone had a good Christmas break however it's time to get straight back into your learning!" She says sternly, earning a low groan from the class.
"Here we go," Jake complains, pulling out his book from his bag and throwing it down onto the desk.
"Hey Trish! Over here," I wave at her, signalling for her to join us for lunch. We're sat inside the cafe area, huddled near the heaters to provide us with some warmth. Trish smiles at me before joining us, her blonde curls bouncing around her shoulders. She's wearing a sparkle jumper, denim jeans and cute little boots - a perfect Trisha outfit.
"Hey Emily, Jake, Ivory." She smiles widely, settling herself between Ivory and I. She rips open her sandwich packet and grabs one, biting into it hungrily before releasing a small sigh of relief.
"Wow, you hungry?" I ask in amusement and she nods, widening her eyes at me.
"Starving! I missed breakfast this morning," she mumbles whilst chewing and I grin at her, pushing my un-eaten plate of pasta towards her.
"Here, have mine too." I tell her, sipping from my orange juice instead.
"Emily, you need to eat." Jake cuts in sternly, raising his brow at me from across the table. "Yeah he's right, you look a little peaky," Trish whispers, pushing the plate back in my direction.
"Is everything okay with the baby?" Trish asks me quietly and I pause, feeling the same uneasy feeling settling inside my stomach once again. Once Trish and I caught up with each other, I couldn't hold back the pregnancy news from her. She was shocked but excitement quickly settled in afterwards. I look around the cafe to see if anyone overheard but thankfully nobody is paying attention. I'm not ready to announce my pregnancy to anyone other than close friends. . . So far only Pops, Jake's family and Trish know.
"I have my scan tomorrow," I mumble, biting down on my lip nervously.
"Aw cute! I can't wait to see the little bean," Trish beams, taking another bite from her sandwich. I glance up at Jake and notice his attention seems to be directed elsewhere. He's glaring at someone from across the room and I know from the look on his face that he isn't happy. The girls at the table also notice his cold absence and we all follow his gaze to see who's on the receiving end of his hard stare.
My heart instantly sinks the minute my eyes land on a dark haired girl sat opposite us, her table surrounded by boys. She's looking straight at us with a smirk plastered across her face. When her green eyes connect with mine, they instantly turn a shade darker and she glares at me, pure hatred burning through them.
If only she was as sweet as her name suggested.