Taehyung closed himself in his office during the rest of the day. He won't talk to anyone and would refuse to eat his meals.
The late king was a precious father to him, he was his role model, his instructor, his protector and his friend.
He was also not feeling ready to be on the lead of his country.
He had been learning protocols and studying history and economy, knowing this day would come but he wasn't expecting it to arrive that soon.
He felt still young to be a sovereign, still young to have a million responsibilities, too young to protect his people.
He was only twenty-two years old, a young man who just got married and was trying to enjoy his honeymoon with his husband.
Seems like things decided to change.
"Your majesty." Jimin gently knocked on the door.
"Come in Jimin."
The blond haired male entered with a sad smile on his face.
His heart hurt him to see his best friend in such a delicate situation.
Losing your father was enough to break you but taking over the country was the cherry on top.
"I brought you dinner." The older said, putting a tray on his desk. "Chicken Fajita Pasta, your favorite." He smiled. "Jin prepared it especially for you."
"Thank you Jimin but I have no appetite." Taehyung mumbled quietly, staring at the floor.
"Oh Taehyung.." the older sighed. "Look at you! You look so pale and tired. You should eat!"
"But I d-" The king couldn't add more words because his friend shoved the fork in his mouth.
Taehyung sighed and sat in front of the plate.
"Delicious, isn't it?" Jimin asked.
The younger simply nodded.
"You ate?"
"Yes, I did." The blond haired answered. "I had dinner with Jungkook and sir Yoongi. They are worried about you."
"I am alright."
"I can clearly see it." The royal knight rolled his eyes.
"When is the funeral?"
"Tomorrow morning."
"Alright." Taehyung said before forcefully taking another mouthful of his pasta.
"The coronation will take place the day after the funeral." Jimin said, fearing the new king's reaction.
Taehyung lifted his head and stared at Jimin with a confused, angry and sad face. "I hate everything that is happening." He mumbled.
"I know Taehyung, I know." Jimin sighed and sat next to him.
"Everything is happening too fast, I understand how difficult it must be for you."
"I am not qualified to run an entire country Jimin."
The older furrowed his eyebrows and faced his friend. "How can you say such a thing?" He asked with an angry tone. "You spent too many years studying and working harder than anyone. You followed the late king everywhere, curious about politics and royal businesses. You worried about people who died during war, people who died because of poverty and illness. You sent help to a thousand citizens not once, not twice, but a hundred times.
You care about them as much as you care about your own family and friends.
How can you say that you are not qualified?"
Tears started to fall from Taehyung's eyes. "You say only good things about me." He whispered.
"Because I love you Taehyung." The older smiled. "You were the first friend I ever had since we were children. I was there during your most important moments, this is why I know everything about you and I personally know you more than anyone. I believe that you will be an amazing king."
"Ahh, you never stop flattering me!" The younger chuckled. He put his arm around Jimin's waist and his head on his shoulder.
"Thank you my friend. I was feeling quite bad since the morning's event. You were the person I needed."
"There is someone who won't like hearing this." Jimin chuckled.
"Jungkook?" Taehyung laughed. "My dear husband."
"You should talk to him, your dear husband." The blond haired chuckled. "He was looking so lost earlier, he didn't know what to do or what to say to comfort you. He is very cute." He smiled.
"Are you perhaps falling for my husband?" Taehyung dramatically covered his mouth with "surprise".
"Oh, I thought I could keep it s secret from you!" Jimin acted along with him. "I am in love with the king's husband! Oh! I deserve death!"
"I shall cut your head!"
They both stared at each other's acting and burst out laughing.
Jimin fell on the floor, laughing like there is no tomorrow, his body curled up.
Taehyung pushed his head back, he couldn't stop laughing along, tears from sadness, fear and happiness falling on his cheeks.
A strange and beautiful feeling reigned inside the office.
The feeling of true friendship.
During a long moment, Jungkook was watching everything from afar.
The office which was in the middle of the king's personal garden was surrounded by glass panes, anyone could see through it.
He was afraid to approach his husband because he wasn't in the mood. He kept observing how lonely he looked until Jimin knocked at his door.
"Sometimes, what you need the most is the support of your best friend." A deep voice surged behind him, making him jump.
"Sorry for frightening you." Yoongi chuckled.
"Your majesty." The younger shyly bowed.
"Thanks god he is eating now." The king said.
"Jimin must have convinced him."
"That boy is very good st convincing." Yoongi smirked. "Very talented."
"I can't agree more." Jungkook chuckled.
"Look at them being affectionate, making me feel lonely and jealous here." Yoongi mumbled, staring at the two friends hugging and smiling to each other.
"I know he is his friend but I can't help being jealous too." The young prince shyly said.
"The king and his knight are playing with our poor hearts." The silver haired male laughed.
"It seems like Jimin already stole yours." Jungkook said after seeing how the older was staring lovingly at Jimin.
"And I am not complaining." Yoongi smiled. "He is such a charming young man."
"He is indeed." Jungkook smiled.
"To be honest, he was the first man to catch my attention here in the palace."
"I thank the lord because you married sir Taehyung." The older chuckled. "I don't like competition."
"How can I compete with you sir? You are a great man."
"Am I?" Yoongi sighed. "I don't know if I deserve him."
"You certainly do."
Jungkook felt his heart breaking when he saw Taehyung crying again, his head hidden on Jimin's lap.
"He loved his father very much." Yoongi said.
"Yes, I know how difficult it is to lose your father." Jungkook mumbled, thinking about years ago when they received a telegram, announing that Mr.Jeon honorably died fighting for the country.
"And so do I." Yoongi added. The late king of Agustus died during the war, he will forever be remembered as a hero.
"My prince." Taehyung found his husband laying on their bed, staring at a few draws he found in a flower book.
"T-tae!" The younger closed the book and hugged his husband. His hands around his neck, resting his head on his chest. "A-are you feeling better?"
"Much better now that I am in your arms." Taehyung smiled and kissed the younger's head. "I am sorry I could not speak to you earlier."
"I understand." Jungkook whispered. "It must be hard." He kissed his chest. "I wish I could help."
"You are." The older whispered. "Your presence is helping me a lot. Having a husband waiting for you and welcome you with open arms and kisses, can I be more lucky?"
Jungkook smiled and faced him, their eyes met and there they are, fireworks. A million feelings were shared at that moment.
"When you stare at me like this, my dear, I lose all my energy." Taehyung whispered. "You stared at me this way the first day you came to the palace, the first time we met, the first time I fell for a man, or no, the first time I fell for someone."
The young prince was melting with his husband's words. During the last twenty years, the only compliments he ever heard were from his parents and..his previous lover.
He was not used to good words, especially coming from the king.
People treated him like any other young man, they would curse at him for being dirty, they would pity him for being poor and they would underestimate him for being uneducated.
Hearing words of love would certainly make his heart flutter.
"Tae." He whispered. "I believe I fell deeper for you." He said before gently kissing his husband's lips who responded immediately, without hesitation.
They spent the night in each other's arms. Jungkook did his best to make him feel better and forget all the bad things that happened.
The whole nation cried for its king during the funeral.
The new king did his best to keep a tough face in front of the politicians and important men of the country. He wanted to prove to them that he was as strong as his late father was.
The royal knight, Jimin and his husband Jungkook were standing by his side, supporting him while they can.
Yoongi was surrounded by his guards, protecting him from people and from the politicians who kept bombarding him with a thousand questions over his kingdom and his future projects in collaboration with Virtus.
After the funeral ended, Jin welcomed the small royal family with his best dishes.
He couldn't comfort them with words but at least he could help with delicious food.
"After dinner, the royal tailor would like to consult you over the coronation suit." The peach haired butler said.
"Alright Namjoon." Taehyung mumbled. "But please sit and eat with us, you too Jin. I don't like this table being empty."
Both Namjoon and Jin stared at the queen who simply nodded with a soft smile. She was looking gorgeous even with her sad face and black dress.
"You are also a part of our family." She said. "You all grew up together with my son, you are like my children." She smiled.
"It is an honor, your majesty." Namjoon bowed to her.
"And Taehyung is right, a full table is way better than an empty one. Look at how beautiful it looks now." She said, pointing at the full chairs.
"I am very sorry sir Yoongi. You came here for vacation and we didn't do anything for you." She told the king. "I was taking care of my late husband while my son was busy with his wedding."
"No, your majesty, don't say that." Yoongi gently bowed. "I understand your concern and your situation. But I can't say that I am not having a good time here. The weather is fine and you have very beautiful surroundings here. Virtus is a nice country." He smiled. "And I already have sir Jimin." He said, staring at the blond haired male who was blushing. "Thanks to him, I didn't feel bored since I came here."
Everyone at the table shared stares with each other and smirked, getting the situation. Even the queen mother smiled to them.
"Jimin is a kind gentleman, isn't he?" She asked.
"Indeed." Yoongi smiled, not taking his eyes off him.
"Thank you, your majesty." Jimin shyly bowed to both of them.
"Your royal highness, I have prepared three outfits for tomorrow's ceremony and I would like you to choose one at your own preference." The tailor put exposed three suits in front of him. A simple dark blue one, a white one with a black papillion and a black one with golden patterns on it.
"My prince, choose for me please." Taehyung told his husband.
"Me?" Jungkook widened his eyes.
"Which one will suit me the most?"
"Oh, uhm." The younger rubbed his chin and kept looking at the three suits. "This one." He pointed at his favorite.
"Perfect!" Taehyung clapped his hands. "I will take this one."
"The prince has a good taste." The tailor smiled. "Perhaps should I prepare a suit for you sir?"
"I would gladly accept it." Jungkook smiled shyly.
After the tailor left, Taehyung rested his hands on Jungkook's waist and kissed his forehead. "It is more interesting to have a beautiful husband choosing my outfit for me." He smiled.
"I can always do it for you." The younger kissed his lips. "Can you tell me about the coronation ceremony? I don't know much about it."
"Of course." Taehyung sat on the couch. "Come here." He tapped on his lap.
Jungkook shyly sat.
"First of all.."
"Good evening." Yoongi met Jimin once again in the corridors of the palace.
"Your majesty." Jimin bowed.
"Where were you?"
"Taking care of some business for tomorrow's coronation. I have been busy during the rest of the afternoon." Jimin replied.
"I see. Do you have some time now?" The king asked.
"May I ask why?"
"I want you to walk with me. I do not want to go in the garden alone."
"Oh." Jimin smiled. "With pleasure but could you please wait a moment? I need to take a bath, I sweated a lot." He shyly mumbled.
"Of course." Yoongi chuckled.
"Here I am." Jimin came back after a few moments, freshly cleaned up, wearing black pants and a long white shirt unbuttoned until his chest.
Yoongi gulped.
"Uhm, then shall we?" He said before heading to the giant garden outside the palace.
"How was your day?" Jimin asked.
"Very long. After dinner, I went to the library and read some books until the queen called to have some tea." Yoongi said.
"I see. You must have missed Scarlett today." Jimin chuckled.
"I actually missed Jimin today."
The blond haired male felt his heart explode inside his chest.
"I can say that I got used to having you around." The older added.
"Am I that good for company?" Jimin shyly asked. He thanked the lord that it was dark outside so that Yoongi won't see his red cheeks.
"Absolutely." Yoongi smiled.
They kept silently walking, inhaling the fresh air and admiring the stars above them.
"Can I hold your hand?" Yoongi asked after a few moments.
"I cannot see well in the dark, I am afraid to fall." The older lied.
Jimin chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Because you have small eyes." He joked.
"Please, hold my hand." Yoongi insisted.
Jimin nodded and let them intertwine their cold hands.
They both smiled because Yoongi's hand was big when Jimin's was small. They perfectly fit each other.
"How is sir Taehyung?" Yoongi asked.
"Do not ask me." Jimin chuckled. "I walked in front of their room and I heard some shocking noises." He laughed.
The king laughed along with him. "Lucky."