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"Where is the prince?"

"I am sorry your majesty, I have not seen him since morning." the maid bowed to the king.

After breakfast, Taehyung went to his office to work. He had a lot of papers to sign and letters to read.

He felt bored and lonely without his husband by his side, so he decided to take a break and go look for him.

"I have not seen him your majesty." the palace employees repeated the same answer.

"Where is he..." he mumbled, rubbing his chin with a confused face.

"Even Jimin is not here..."

He frowned and headed to the kitchen.

"Already hungry?" Jin chuckled.

Taehyung entered the kitchen and started looking for Jungkook. All the cooks and maids bowed to him.

"Are you looking for something Taehyung?"


"What?" the chef laughed. "What would the prince do in the kitchen?"

"I don't know...I cannot find him."

"You have been together during breakfast, do you miss him already?" Jin smirked.

"Yes..." Taehyung mumbled shyly. "Now pleaase tell me where he is."

Jin burst out laughing. "Look at you!" he pinched his cheeks.


The cook laughed, "I really don't know Taehyung, I have been in the kitchen for so long I have not seen anyone except of Namjoon."

"Where is Jimin?"

"He did not come for breakfast." Jin rubbed his chin. "Come to think of it, I have not seen him and king Yoongi today."

"I see." Taehyung smirked. "Anyways, I will go look for my husband."

Jin jumped with excitement. "My husband! My heart!"

Taehyung blushed and left of the kitchen.

"Where are you Jungkook..."

He looked everywhere, there was no sign of the younger.

He went downstairs and saw the library's door wide open. "Oh?"

He entered and smiled because he smelt the coconut scent all over the large room.

He gently closed the door and tiptoed in order not to make any sound.

He looked for him between the alleys, heard some whispers and quickened his pace.

Who is he talking to? Perhaps Jung Hoseok? Is he hiding from me? Is he secretly meeting his ex lover?

His heart started beating fastly. He could not imagine his husband in the arms of another man.

He stopped when he saw his legs. The younger was sitting on the floor.

"O-once t-there was a Princ-cess....Once there was a Princess."

"W-was the princess, y-you?"

"A-and she f-fell in l-love."

Jungkook was holding a giant Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs book.

He was concentrating on each letter and tried to pronounce it correctly.

Taehyung felt his chest tighten and tears fell from his eyes.

The prince lifted his head and widened his eyes. "Tae?"

The older did not give him time to stand up when he jumped to hug him tightly, hiding his crying face on the crook of his neck.

"Tae? What's wrong?" Jungkook asked with a worried tone.

"N-nothing." The king wiped his tears quickly and faced the younger. "I am just happy." he smiled.

Jungkook looked at him with confusion. He wiped a tear for him and gently kissed his cheek. "Why are you happy?"

"Because you are here." Taehyung said. "Thank you for being here."

"I do not know what you are talking about." the prince chuckled.

"Do not mind me, my prince." Taehyung sighed and smiled. "You look very handsome when you read."

Jungkook blushed. "I still cannot read well."

"You just need time my prince, just time." the king kissed his forehead.

He sat beside him and tapped on his lap, signalling him to sit on it.

Jungkook giggled and sat on his lap.

Taehyung took the book and held it in front of them. His arms around the younger's waist. "Let's read together."

They flipped the page and started reading.

"W-was it hard to do?"

"I-it was very e-easy! Anyone could see t-that the Prince was c-charming. The only one for me."

Both smiled at the last line and Taehyung kissed Jungkook's hand.


When Yoongi woke up, he opened his eyes to find the most beautiful human being sleeping next to him, his face too close to his.

"Beautiful." he whispered with a smile.

Jimin looked like an angel under the sunlight.

He caressed his face gently with the back of his hand, his forehead, his eyes, nose, cheeks and lips. He wanted to remember every single inch of his face.

He sighed sadly when he thought he would be leaving in two days to his country.

His vacation time was over and he needed to go back to Agustus to take care of all the projects and papers he left there.

"If only I could pack you with my luggage." he chuckled and kissed his nose.

Jimin moved and opened his eyes slowly.

Yoongi could feel his heart melting when he smiled softly to him.

How can he make me feel so weak?

"Good morning your majesty." Jimin spoke with his deep morning voice. A voice Yoongi wished he could hear every morning when he wakes up.

"Good morning sweatheart."

Jimin blushed and covered his face.

The king took his hands off his face. "Never cover such a handsome face." he whispered. "Never in front of me."

The blond haired male nodded. "I have never stayed too late in bed. Everyone must be looking for me." he chuckled.

"Let them look for you." Yoongi said. "Because you will stay with me for the rest of the day."

"Really?" Jimin laughed. "I have many things to do, I have to feed the horses, send a letter to Exodius's prime minister and-"

"I will help you." the silver haired male cut him off. "But please stay with me today."

Jimin raised an eyebrow. "Why do you sound like this your majesty?"

Yoongi smiled and kissed his lips. "I will be leaving the day after tomorrow."

Jimin felt his heart stop. "Leave?"

Yoongi sighed. "Have you forgotten that I am the king of Agustus?" he chuckled. "I have been here during two weeks, it is time for me to go back."

The younger gulped. The fact that one day the king would leave back to his own country escaped from his mind.

He spent the most beautiful days with him. He was always alone, taking care of his duties. All his friends were busy and his mother was working too. He did not have anyone to speak to or to spend his happy times with.

The king changed everything during a short time.

He was one of those rare people who get interested in what he loves and like to spend time with him.

"What are you thinking about?" Yoongi asked.

Jimin smiled sadly. "I..." he stared right into his eyes. "I do not want you to leave." he mumbled.

Yoongi felt tears burning his eyes. He could not look anymore at Jimin's face.

He cleared his throat and got off bed. "I will go change in my room. I will see you at the stables later." he mumbled with a shaky voice before leaving Jimin's room.

He ran to his own and closed the door after him. He sat on the floor, his back on the wall.

He hide his face between his knees and started crying.

King Yoongi never cried after his father's death.


"I heard that sir Yoongi will leave soon. " Jungkook said, during dinner.

"Do not remind me of it." Jin sighed. "My poor Jimin." he rested his head on Namjoon's shoulder.

"I have never seen him smiling this way before." Taehyung said. "Sir Yoongi did a better work than me. I never made my best friend smile."

"What is he going to do?" Jungkook asked. "Is he going to be alright?"

"I doubt it." Namjoon answered. "Jimin has a pure heart. When he loves, he loves deeply."

"Where is he now? Is he with him?"

Jin nodded. "The king asked me to dress a table for them in the garden." he smiled. "He is very romantic!"

"Even if he does not look like it." Taehyung chuckled.

Jungkook was eating silently. He was sad for his first close friend. He only wanted him to be happy with Yoongi like he was with his husband.

"Jungkook?" Taehyung put his hand on his. "What is wrong?"

"Jimin will be sad." the younger mumbled.

"I know, but we cannot do anything about it. Sir Yoongi is a king after all."

"Imagine if you need to leave me." Jungkook said. "I will be sad!" he started crying. "It is not easy to be far from the one you love!"

Taehyung, Jin and Namjoon widened their eyes.

"Jimin will be very sad too and I do not want him to be sad."

Jin started crying too and approached the younger to hug him. "Everything is going to be alright."


The next day, Yoongi made sure to stay by Jimin's side.

They rode their horses, walked in the garden, read books, kissed and hugged.

If he had to leave him, at least he had to leave him smiling.

Jungkook asked some palace employees to do Jimin's work to let him spend the day with his lover.

He also worked hard in the library, he read a lot of pages without making mistakes. He wanted to study hard and be a competent prince for his king. He wanted to help him run the kingdom and make everyone proud of him.

He would take some breaks and run to the kitchen to prepare some tea for him and leave it on his office desk before quickly kissing him and going back to the library.

Everyone spent the day working, studying, cooking, and saying good bye.

After dinner, Yoongi followed Taehyung. "Can I have a moment, please? '

The younger nodded and asked him to follow him to his office.

Jungkook hugged Jimin and told him he wanted to see the horses, just to make him forget a little bit.

Yoongi and Taehyung left the office after an hour.

The younger asked Namjoon to bring them a bottle of wine.

They sat in front of the garden, drinking silently and thinking deeply.

"I am curious about why sir Yoongi needed to talk to him.." Jin said, watching the two kings drinking.

"I am sure it has to do with Jimin.." Namjoon said.

"What could have happened?"


"Is he alright?" Taehyung joined his husband in bed.

"He says he is but you can see he is not.."

"It is amazing how two people can love each other strongly in such a short time." Taehyung smiled.

"Yes. Like us." Jungkook said.

"Exactly." the older kissed him slowly. "I only needed a few seconds to know that you are my Prince charming."

Jungkook giggled. "Like Snow White?"

"Like Snow White." Taehyung nodded. "Come to think of it.. I think I am Snow White." he rubbed his chin.

The younger started laughing. "Just do not trust any old lady please."

"Why?" Taehyung approached his face to the younger. "I have a prince who will wake me up with a kiss." he smirked before kissing his lips.

Jungkook closed his eyes and cupped the older's cheeks to deepen the kiss.

Yoongi slowly opened Jimin's room and found him already sleeping on his bed.

He smiled and approached him slowly.

He knelt in front of the bed and rested his head next to Jimin, staring at him and smiling like an idiot.

He kissed his head. "Good night angel." he whispered and left the room.


"Here are the recipes you requested." Jin gave a small notebook to the king.

"Thank you Jin. I hope my cooks would make them as good as you did." Yoongi smiled.

"Uhum I doubt it." Jin said, proudly. "I hope they don't so that you come back here to eat them sir."

Yoongi started laughing.

"Everything is ready sir." Namjoon arrived.

"Thank you Namjoon. Thanks to your hospitality, I have been well taken care off these days."

"All the pleasure is mine sir." the butler bowed.

"Jimin is in the stables." Taehyung put his hand on his shoulder.

Yoongi nodded and left.

He found Jimin caressing Scarlett and whispering some words to her. "You will miss him too, right?" "Don't worry, I will take care of you and you have Bulletproof to give you company."

The blond haired felt arms around his waist and a small head resting on his shoulder. "I bet you will miss me more than her." he whispered.

Jimin turned to face him. "You are leaving now.." he mumbled, seeing him dressed in his sovereign clothes.

The older nodded.

"So it is time.."

"Jimin." Yoongi said.


"I love you."

Two hearts were beating fastly at once.

Yoongi held Jimin's hands.

"You enlightened my days, brightened my smile, healed my heart and changed my life."

The knight widened his eyes.

"Yes, in two weeks." Yoongi nodded. "Yes. Park Jimin, you got this power on me."

"And I cannot imagine my life without you."

Jimin remained silent for a long moment. Just looking at Yoongi's eyes.

"I love you too." he replied.

Yoongi smiled.

"B-but you are leaving and.. I belong to this country and we are going to be far and-"

"Marry me." Yoongi cut him off.

Jimin covered his mouth with surprise. He never imagined someone asking him for marriage. Was he dreaming?


"Be my prince, Jimin."

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