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"Congratulations on your wedding my princes!" Jin hugged both grooms after all the guests finally left the castle. "The dinner is served in your room."

"O-our room?" Jungkook gulped.

"Of course yours." Namjoon smirked. "You are married after all."

"Let's go Jungkook, I am really hungry to be honest." Taehyung chuckled before his stomach growled and the three other men started laughing.

"Yes, you really should go eat." Jin said before pushing the grooms inside their room and closed the door.

"You are smiling from ear to ear your highness."

"Jin prepared my favorite meal. Meat." The prince rubbed his hands and sat in front of the small table that was in the middle of their immense royal suite.

"Please, do not let me repeat it again, call me Taehyung."

"Y-yes, Taehyung." Jungkook smiled before sitting in front of him. "It looks really delicious." He widened his eyes, looking at the full course meal the handsome chef prepared especially for them.

"You should taste it!" The older said, his mouth full of meat. "God! Very delicious."

Jungkook smiled, not taking his eyes off the older. He thought he looked really cute this way, making weird sounds every time he tasted something, smiling and widening his eyes when it was really good. He never saw him enjoying his food this way.

"Anything wrong? You are not eating." Taehyung woke him up from his reverie.

"Uh? N-no..it is just.." The younger rubbed the back of his neck.


"You look very adorable." Jungkook was blushing very hard at that moment.

"Oh." It was the only thing that came out of the older prince's mouth.

His heart started beating fast and he lowered his head to only look at his plate. He was too shy to look at his husband's eyes. He could not believe that a simple small sentence could make his heart flutter. "T-thank you." He mumbled before eating a cherry tomato.

"Mmm it is really delicious!" Jungkook widened his eyes. "I should compliment the chef tomorrow!"

"He will be glad to hear it, especially from the new prince." Taehyung smiled softly.

"It feels weird to be called a prince." the younger said. "I was just a peasant and now..."

"Because you deserve it Jungkook." Taehyung sighed. "Others want the crown only for money and power."

"B-but, I wanted something in return too."

"Jungkook, taking care of your sick mum is very far from being selfish. Anyone would like to save a family member, even I did it for my sick father."

The younger bit his lip and stared sadly at the prince. "I am sorry, I really hope he will get well very soon."

"I hope so too." Taehyung smiled to him.

The younger looked around him, amazed by how large and luxurious their room was. It looked better than he ever imagined a royal suite to be. Then he stared at the king sized bed and blushed. It was their bed.

"Do not worry about it Jungkook." He hears Taehyung say and turned back to face him.


"We are not going to do anything tonight." The older said. "We barely know each other and you are still new here in the castle. I do not want to seem like I am taking advantage of you or something. I just want you to feel at ease here." The older smiled.

Jungkook was really touched by his words but at the same time felt disappointed. He was really nervous about their first night, he even mentally prepared himself for it but it seemed like it was not a good time.

"We are just going to enjoy this meal and maybe even talk a little before I go back to my room." The older added.

"Your room?"

He is not going to spend the night here.

"Yes, I do not want to make you nervous."

I wish I could spend the night here.


It was past midnight and Jimin finally came back from the stables. He still did not change his ceremony clothes so he wanted to get to his room as fast as possible.

He spotted Jin and Namjoon whispering things to each other and smiling like idiots in the hall. He chuckled and shook his head. "These lovebirds."

He walked in the corridor which leads to his room and that is when he saw a dark silhouette approaching.

Silver hair, tigre eyes and charismatic aura. King Yoongi.

"Oh, well, look who we have here." The man smirked.

"Your majesty." Jimin bowed to him.

"Where were you in the middle of the night?" Yoongi asked, eyeing the younger from head to toe.

"I was feeding the horses, sir."

"But you are a royal knight, isn't there any other person in charge of doing that thing?"

"There is indeed." Jimin nodded. "But I like doing it."

"You must really love horses." The king smiled.

"A lot." Jimin smiled back. "And you, your majesty? What were you doing outside your chambers?" He asked.

"I was drinking at the balcony. Virtus' wine is very succulent." He smirked.

"Yes sir, our farmers make sure to take well care of the vineyards of the kingdom." Jimin said.

"You look very tired." Yoongi said, staring at the younger's sleepy face.

"Just a little because of the wedding preparations."

"You should go to sleep." Yoongi put a hand on Jimin's shoulder and squeezed it, making him jump with surprise.

"I should get going. Good night, your majesty." Jimin bowed.

"Good night sir Jimin." the king replied with a very soft voice, almost like a whisper.

They kept staring at each other's eyes for a good moment before Jimin broke their contact and headed to his room.


Who was that man to Jungkook?

Did they know each other?

Why did they keep on staring at each other?

A million of questions were turning inside Taehyung's head.

That scene with the prime minister's son earlier was still stuck in his memory.

The way he stared at Jungkook and the way the younger got nervous around him.

Was he trying to seduce my husband?

Why would he? I have never met him before.

What if they knew each other? What if..."

"Ugh! Taehyung just sleep for god's sake!" The prince groaned on his bed.

It was already 3 am and he still could not sleep.

He reviewed all the marriage ceremony in his head. How the king and the queen looked proud of him, how his close friends were happy for him, how the guests were cheering and how Jungkook, his husband looked extremely handsome in his white dress shirt.


Am I that ugly?

Am I that undesirable?

In the other side of the corridor, Jungkook could not sleep either.

He was lying on the king-sized bed, feeling cold because there was a large empty space next him.

He felt sad because the prince left him alone on their wedding night. He kept staring at himself through the mirror wondering if there was something wrong with his face.

Am I not what he wants?

He thought that Taehyung did not want him because he was not attractive.

He knew that a wedding night was meant to be really romantic and intimate, but why were things different here?

Why did he marry me if he does not want me?


The next morning, Jungkook took a long bath and put on some powder under his eyes to hide the dark circles from his lack of sleep.

He put on the outfit the maids prepared for him and got out of the room to be welcomed by whispers every time he walked in the middle of the corridors.

He stared at the maids and the castle employees confusingly, wondering why they were staring at him while talking between themselves.

He decided to ignore it and head to the dining room.

Taehyung still was not there, the chairs were empty.

"Oh my, good morning Jungkook!" Jin came to greet him. "Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yes?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow, looking at Jin's worried face.

"Did you fight with the prince yesterday?"

"No! Of course not!" The younger said. "What is happening here? Why is everyone so weird today?"

"You did not spend the night together." Jin sighed.

"Yes, because we are still not ready." Jungkook said. "The prince said that we barely know each other so..."

"Well..." the chef rubbed the back of his neck. "There is a rumor going in the castle."

"What rumor?"

"That you rejected the prince because he did not satisfy you." Jin chuckled nervously.

"PARDON?!" Jungkook widened his eyes.

"Good morning." Taehyung arrived and sat on his chair.

"Oh, good morning Taehyung." Jin smiled to him like there was nothing going on.

Jungkook looked around him and found some maids staring at them, whispering things and chuckling.

He frowned and clenched his fists. He approached the prince and lowered his head to kiss his cheek. "Good morning my prince." He said loud enough so that everyone in the hall hear him.

Taehyung dropped his fork and widened his eyes, not expecting at all this sudden kiss.

Jin laughed silently staring at his red cheeks.

"Thank you for the breakfast chef Jin." Jungkook smiled before sitting in front of his husband.

"You can call me Jin." The older said. "You are my friend's husband so we can be friends too." He winked.

"Did you sleep well?" Jungkook tried to avoid the awkwardness between them.

"Yes, I did." Taehyung smiled. "And you?"

Jungkook just nodded.

"Today I am going to the archery field, would you like to accompany me?"

"Of course."


Jimin was brushing a white horse's hair when Yoongi appeared in front of him, a smirk on his face. "Good morning, sir Jimin." He said with his deep voice.

"Your majesty." Jimin bowed.

"The weather is very nice today." The older said while staring at the blue sky.

"Indeed, perfect for horse riding." Jimin said. "Would you like to ride one, your majesty?" He asked.

"I would really love to." Yoongi smiled. "It has been a long time since I rode one."

"How come? How do you move from a place to another?"

Yoongi chuckled at Jimin's confusion.

"In my kingdom, we use cars and helicopters to move."


"Hum, let's say that Agustus has a more advanced technology because we have relations with other powerful countries."

"I see, but I do not know what cars and heli..heli..I do not know what they are." Jimin rubbed his chin.

"Helicopters." Yoongi chuckled at the younger's cuteness. "I would like to show you if you come to my country. You will really enjoy riding them."

"Thank you, sir." Jimin bowed. "Choose a horse, please." He added, pointing at the five animals in front of him.

"Mm. " the king pretended to think and stared at the golden haired male, a small smirk at the corner of his lips. "I would like you to choose one for me. The best one."

"The best?" Jimin smiled. "This one. " He did not hesitate to point at a gorgeous black horse. "It is a purebred Arabic, her name is Scarlett. She is a female."

"Oh." Yoongi was amazed by the horse's majestic beauty. "I honestly prefer males but a female is not bad either." He smirked, looking at the younger who seemed to get the message.

"Do you need some help?"

Yoongi nodded and Jimin offered his hand to him. He held him until he got on Scarlett but the older didn't let go of his hand.

"Your majesty?"

"Please ride with me, will you?" Yoongi asked in a gentle way.

"With pleasure." Jimin bowed. "I will bring my horse." He said before returning with a beautiful white Andalusian horse.

Black and white. Yoongi smirked.

"Male or female?"

"Male. His name is Bulletproof."

"Bulletproof?" Yoongi chuckled. "What a strange name for a horse."

"He is a strong boy." Jimin smiled widely because kissing the animal.

Never thought I would be jealous of a horse.

"Sir Jimin, I would like you to show me around like you promised yesterday."

"Of course, sir." Jimin said before heading in front of Yoongi.

"Wait." The older stopped him. "Do not go in front of me." He pointed at the space next to his horse. "Stay by my side."


"I heard that the prince did not spend the night with his husband." Jennie chuckled.

Hoseok finally lifted his head from his book.

"Oh my." Mrs.Jung covered her mouth. "How do you know this my dear?"

"My maid has a friend in the palace, she told her."

"Huh! I knew that gardener was a good for nothing, he cannot even satisfy his husband!" The lady laughed.

"It would not be the same for us if I marry sir Hoseok." The young girl said shyly while staring at the orange haired male who was in deep thought.

He did not sleep with him. Huh.

Jungkook does not like the prince.

I am sure he thought about me.

I know he still loves me.

"Are you perhaps smiling because of what I just said?" Jennie asked. "You will really be happy with me sir."


The next day was the same.

The rumor was getting bigger and Jungkook got really stressed because of it.

He was at the archery field with Taehyung, drinking his hot Earl Grey tea.

He was supposed to learn the steps from his husband but his appearance kept on disconcerting him.

The prince was wearing his blue royal archery uniform and his a few shades of golden and brown shone on his hair because of the sunlight. Gorgeous.

"Jungkook, come here." The prince called him. "Let me teach you how to hold the bow. Approach."

The younger shyly approached him.

"First, you should face your target." Taehyung started. "You see that red circle there? You should concentrate on it."


"Here, hold the bow." Taehyung said before standing behind him and putting his arms on Jungkook's shoulder, making his body tense. "Do not be nervous, I am sure you will learn fast." He whispered.

I am nervous because of you, idiot.

"Very well." Taehyung praised him, putting his head on his shoulder, watching him pointing the arrow in front of the target.

Jungkook smells good.

"Fail..." the younger pouted.

"It is alright." Taehyung chuckled and pinched Jungkook's cheek. "I failed several times before getting it perfectly."

Jungkook did his best to stay with the prince during the entire day to prove to the servants that he was happy with him. He really wanted those rumors to stop.

Taehyung was a bit bothered to hear his people laughing behind his back but he chose not to care for the sake of his husband.


"Good night Jungkook." Taehyung kissed his husband's hand after they finished dinner and headed to his room.

"Good night..." Jungkook stared at him sadly and went back to his room.

Midnight. He was not sleeping.

He decided to take a warm bath to relax and help him sleep but nothing.

The only things he could think about were those whispers he kept hearing during the last days and Taehyung's smile to him.

He kissed my hand. He blushed, remembering that gentle touch of his lips on his skin.

What should I do?

He kept walking around the room and sighing during long minutes.

He was half-naked, wearing only soft beige silk pants.

He stared at himself through the mirror and sighed heavily. "I do not know if he will like me." He mumbled, poiting at his body."


He wore a silk robe, took a deep breath and left the suite, heading to Taehyung's room.

He slowly opened the door and found Taehyung lying on his bed, reading a book.

"Jungkook?" The older got up. "What are you d- oh" he widened his eyes when he realized his husband was wearing light clothes.

"T-taehyung." Jungkook approached him nervously.

"You cannot sleep too? Maybe because you drank too much tea." Taehyung smiled.

Jungkook shook his head.

"Anything wrong Jungkook?" The older got worried and approached him, lifting his head to check on him.

"T-tae." The younger whispered.

Taehyung's heart just exploded because of the nickname. No one ever called him this way.


"Let us do it."

"What is it?"

"Let's make love."

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