In London
Arhaan was working on his laptop when his phone rang off. He glanced at the phone and the smiling face flashing on the phone screen brought a smile on his face. He immediately answered the call.
"Hey, api."
"It's not api, mama. It's me, Eshaaa." A cute little girl replied while making a frowning face.
"You didn't recognise me!" Esha continued with the same face.
"I am sorry, princess. Please forgive me." Arhaan said with a smile.
"Okay. What al (are) you doing?"
Esha asked Arhaan curiously.
Arhaan answered while continuing his work on the laptop, "Nothing much, sweetie. You tell me, what are you doing? And where is api?"
Ignoring Arhaan's question, Esha said, "You know mama what happened today?"
"What sweetie?"
"Today when I...No I will tell you later. First, tell me when are you coming back?"
"In a few days, sweetie. Tell me what should I bring for you?"
"Chocolates. Sooooo many. Okay, mama?"
With a smile, Arhaan replied, "Okay sweetie."
"But mama don't show that to Mummy, okay? If she sees, she will take it all away."
"Okay, dear. I won't show it to your Mummy."
"Okay" Esha replied being very happy Then remembering something, she again spoke up, "And one mol(more) thing, mama."
"What sweetie?"
"I want to go out and play but Mummy isn't taking me. You know Abbu agreed once but Mummy looked at him like an angry and furious tiger and he also said no to me"
Esha said with a sad face.
"Okay, sweetie. I will talk to her. By the way, who told you that your Mummy looked like an angry and furious tiger?" Arhaan asked her while suppressing his laughter.
"Abbu told me. He told me to listen to Mummy otherwise she will be like an angry and furious tiger." Esha told him as if she was imagining that.
Before Arhaan could say something, he heard Areesha asking Esha, "What did you say? What did your Abbu tell you?"
Looking at Areesha, Esha dropped the phone on the bed and ran downstairs.
Areesha picked up the phone and said, "Arhaan, I will talk to you later" and was about to hang up but Arhaan spoke up, "Api, I didn't know, Jijz is so afraid of you."
Areesha replied with a cold tone, "Let him come home back today!"
"Then he will be gone," Arhaan said while chuckling.
"Whatever. How dare he told this about me to Esha!"
Arhaan tried to calm Areesha down and asked her, “Oh, api. Just relax. By the way, why aren't you guys taking her outside?”
"Arhaan, you know, how badly she is allergic to dust. And all she wants to go out to go to the "
"Api, I know. Then you guys should be extra careful with her. But don't make her feel sad. Take her there sometimes."
After thinking for a while, Areesha agreed and said, "Okay. I will. Now tell me about you."
"I am working, Api. I will take dinner after some time. Don't worry."
"Take care, dear," Areesha said with a concerned tone.
"Yeah, I will Api. You guys too. Allah Hafiz."
"Allah Hafiz" saying this Areesha cut off the line and got out of the room while calling Esha.
Right then Muhib entered the house and seeing Areesha, he said with a smile, "Areesha, I am home."
Areesha glared at him and said, "Great timing Muhib! Now would you mind telling me what did you tell Esha about me?"
Muhib got startled hearing the sarcastic tone of Areesha.
Nonetheless, he spoke up, "What are you talking about? I did not say anything to Esha about you."
"Really? You didn't say anything to her about how I look being angry?" Areesha asked Muhib getting near while glaring at him.
Muhib understood what she was talking about but he tried to cover up, "No. Believe me, I didn't say anything about your angry look." only to get taken aback by her little angel Esha.
"You said Abbu. Don't you remember? Okay, let me tell you. You said, Mummy looks like an angry and furious tiger if I don't listen to her." Muhib tried to make Esha stop and got near her hurriedly but Esha completed her words innocently.
Then she asked Muhib, "You remember now?"
Finding nothing to say, Muhib gave her a big packet of chocolate only to make Areesha angrier as she spoke up, "You again brought chocolate for her!"
Saying this, Areesha got near them but Esha again ran away as she understood that Areesha would be taken the packet from her.
"Eshaaa, stop right there," Areesha shouted but she was nowhere to be found then.
Areesha turned to Muhib then but before she could say anything, he spoke up, "Let her be. She loves chocolate."
"Muhib, it's not good for health," Areesha said with a concerned tone.
"Eating chocolate too much is bad and it's not like you let her eat chocolate every time." Muhib tried to defend her daughter.
"You and Arhaan would never listen to me. You both only care about her wish whatever that is and make up any excuse to let her be her way." Areesha said with a sigh.
"You know, it's not true. By the way, what did Arhaan say this time and when is he coming back?" Muhib asked Areesha as she took the coat and bag from Muhib and followed him to their room.
"In a few days what he says as usual."
Areesha said sarcastically.
"Let him finish his MBA. Then he will be back." Muhib replied with an obvious tone.
"Yeah, I know." Areesha replied whisperingly.
Remembering something she again spoke up, "And anyway, he told us to take Esha out. Maybe she was complaining about us."
"I told you earlier but you didn't agree." Muhib replied making a sad face.
"Okay. Tomorrow, come home early. We will take her there." Areesha said with a sigh.
"Okay. As you say." Muhib said like an obedient husband.
"Now go freshen up. I will check on Eshaa and set the table for dinner. By the way, I have made kheer for you." Areesha said to Muhib as she took out his clothes and gave to him.
"That's so sweet of you, Sweetheart. I will be right back downstairs" Muhib said with a smile and went to washroom taking his clothes.
Areesha went downstairs and found Esha eating chocolate happily sitting on a sofa in the living room. Areesha got near her silently and took that packet of chocolate.
Esha gave her a pleading look and said, “Mummy please”
Areesha smilingly spoke up, “It's enough for today.”
Hearing that, Esha pouted but hearing Areesha saying the next word, “We will go out tomorrow.”, she started jumping happily.
Seeing her like this, Areesha also smiled and thought in mind, “Allah please this time, make our outing result in something good. I can't see my little girl sick.”
She then set the table for dinner and Esha continued jumping around Areesha in excitement.
Muhib got downstairs and smiled heartily seeing his little girl so happy.
They completed their dinner happily while having a conversation on random stuff and hearing Esha's blabbering like always.
Malik Mansion
Khushi woke up hearing the Azan of Fazar and went to the washroom. After doing her business, she made ablution and said her prayer.
After prayer, she got her books and started to revise the subject for her examination. While doing that she didn't know when she fell asleep keeping her head on the table.
By the time she woke up, it was already half past 8 by the morning. Seeing the time, she got startled. She completed her revision hurriedly and got ready for college.
Going downstairs, she found the maid setting the table for breakfast but her father and brother didn't get on the table yet. Seeing her, the maid spoke up, “Khushi, have something and then go.”
Khushi replied politely, “No kaki. I got to go or I will be late for my exam.”
When Khushi reached her college, it was almost 10 AM. She hurriedly entered the exam hall and looked around to find Preety who was already looking at her with a smile.
After 3 Hours
Khushi came out of the exam hall while thanking Allah as her paper went great and kept waiting for Preety. After a few moments, Preety came out of the hall and went to Khushi.
She was looking gloomy. Seeing that, Khushi asked her, “How was your paper?”
Preety turned to Khushi and replied normally, “Alhamdulillah, it was good Khushi. How did yours go?”
“Alhamdulillah. It was great.” hearing that Preety smiled a little and looked forward.
Sensing something, Khushi asked Preety, “Preety, what happened? Is there anything bothering you? You know, you can share it with me.”
Preety looked at her and kept thinking, “I know, Khushi. But how am I supposed to tell you this? You will be hurt.”
When Preety didn't answer her anything, she again uttered, “Preety?”
Finding nothing else to say, Preety spoke up, “Nothing Khushi. I am just having a headache. I didn't get to sleep properly last night for study. Maybe that's why. I will be okay after a nap.”
Seeing Preety's face, Khushi could easily tell that Preety was lying but she kept quiet as she didn't want to force Preety for anything. And she knew, sooner or later Preety will tell her about the matter by herself.
While walking they reached the college gate and Khushi left the place after saying to Preety, “See you.”
But Preety kept standing there and staring at her with a sad face as Khushi went away hopping in a taxi.
Assalamu_Alaikum readers.
Hope you are all well by the Grace of Almighty Allah.
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