Because of his joyful decision to make my night a disaster, I was seated on a luxurious sink in Nicks bathroom trying to make my hair look presentable. It was mission impossible hence why I was a nervous wreck, adjusting it on one side then throwing my locks on the other without much effect.
Why I was sitting in his sink was another embarrassing thing I couldn't escape from. I was too short to see myself in the mirror so I had to jump to see myself properly. As you could tell, I got bored of it and sat on it instead. Luckly for me, only two girls joined me after not really noticing what I was doing since they were too drunk to aknowledge me. I've never liked alcohol more.
„Did you see Carter tonight? He is so hot, I can't even breathe next to him." Girl number one was overdoing it with the epithets that I was once again reminded of his presence in this house.
Girl numer two didn't find it as annoying „Yes sweet Jesus, he is delicious. Do you think I've got a chance with him tonight?"
„Of course you don't. I came here first, you can't do this to me." the first one freaked out, turning around on her spot to look at the one that was putting her lipstick on her lips. „We're not friends Cal, chill."
Ohhhh, slaay. A bitch fight while I'm detangling my hair? Just what I needed in this state.
„What do you mean? I came first and I'm pretty sure I stand a better chance anyway. You'll only look like a fool compared to me." she shrieked visibly annoyed. The girl with the lipstick shrugged not really interested on the topic of their conversation. Were they really fighting over that dipshit?
When the atmosphere got clenched, I decided to mind my own bussiness and continued to freshen my curls. You know what was the problem with all those bitches? Attitude, that's what. Their life revolved around making a guy experience pleasure from them instead of wanting it in return. It's a two side road, a teamwork, not catching a guy and then trying to keep him entertained so he'll give you what? Sex, love? What could a guy like King possibly give you other then a waste of time?
I rolled my eyes when their screeming got worse and they got their nails on each other „Girls! Girls, stop!" I tried with my back still turned from them, only seeing their performance in the mirror, but of course, I again, wasn't noticed.
„Will you stop?" I screamed louder getting their attention at last. „Since when are you here?" one of them removed her hands from the other and alerted her shirt. Almost see-throught shirt but I didn't comment on it.
„Since you decided to pop your cherry to the berry." I laughed at my own joke receiving confused looks. „Nevermind, what's the fuss about? King?"
„Oh yeeees, he indeed is a king. I mean, that body." Number two, a dumber one, I concluded, again started with her fantasies. „Yuk and no. Stop both of you."
„Do you want him for yourself now? Because let me tell you, that outfit won't work." She insulted my attire sightseeing my all-black easiness.
„ Again I stand the most chance here so it would be logical for the both of you to stand back." Is this girl serious? I thought. Can you be more stupid then this? If only Klo was here, she would sound much more nicer then my straight-forward attitude.
„Noo! I don't want his ugly face, ever, you hear me?" my voice got louder over the music that could be heard from behind the closed doors „ I think you both need to stop arguing about that dick and move on. Seriously, you are both too pretty to be giving yourselves like toys." My psychological-inner self spoke but without use.
Their faces looked ready to kill me, meaning they probably didn't hear a word I said. They weren't interested in self-respect, they were interested in getting some AIDS and I was getting them angry. Before I could jump, they started to move towards me, ready to attack.
„You won't get him, you hear me? Never! It's either one of us or none at all." The stupid one said. No one would've comprehended the words rightfully and in time considering my situation and a wet hair that still stood at its worst.
My fake blush didn't help at all and I could already tell I lost all the color from my cheeks „I think I'm gonna go now-„ was my last try.
They both jumped at me full speed like angry tigers fighting for a peace of meat and I struggled to make myself free from their manicured sharp nails. The dumb one made a little space for me after practically killing me for two minutes straight, no lying, and I took that as a sign to escape. I hurredly left them to their battle running for my life, disoriented.
Huh, that was close. I'm never going to that bathroom ever again. Or be sober, out of option. To make my decision in action, I took the first cup I spotted drinking it all at once. I didn't care anymore that I drove here, I didn't care that I was responsible for my two best friends, I didn't care about anything other then making this night a little better.
When I saw my enemy a few meters away from me, it's like I saw sunshine and a rainbow after the rain. I felt estatic.
„Oyy King, you ugly dipshit!" my words slurred, my mind spinning, everything was spinning, really. I don't know how much I took or what I took, I just knew my night was awesome, like sooo good. I danced like a pornstar on a pool table, slapped a guy because he yelled at a girl and won a debate on why I think Mr Crossbone is so cranky these past few days. Oh, it's Crossbore, I remember.
I saw King chatting with a girl who stood so close to him, trying to I don't know, grid herself? She didn't look interesting at all and my mind wondered, what was he even doing with her.
„What do you want?" he shot me a cold glance when I almost tripped on the way finally managing to get in front of him. I looked like a fool, I felt like a fool but stood so proud, it's like I never drank anything. Or so I hoped I looked like that. „I think you have to pay me for the stress I had to endure tonight."
He narrowed his eyebrows looking funnily at me. He didn't understand me? I jumped on his lap barely holding my balance and still gripping on my cup firmly so it wouldn't slip.
„What are you talking about and what are you doing?" he stiffed uncomfortably like I did a crime.
Why was he so jumpy and funny looking? Did he have a problem I didn't know about? I laughed to myself, I knew his entire life, of course he didn't have a problem. He was a rich baby, that's what he was. If he ever had a problem his daddy would handle it with a signature on his check. Zeros were just numers in that family.
Ignoring his displeased look at me, I turned to the girl next to him examining her. Tight skirt, big boobs and a wide smile that left her face as soon as I came here. I've never seen her in my life, but that probably must be because I usually don't give two rats about human population, especially at school grounds. Such a role model here.
„I'm prettier." That's all that left my mouth accidentaly and the first thing that my tongue deciphered from my disturbed mind. The girl didn't look mad, maybe slightly, but I knew mad, that was hardly madness. She looked from him to me and when King opened his mouth to say a word, she put a hand in front of both of us and stood up angrily. Like her posture wasn't mad but her face looked mad.
Sparing her attention at my seat cushion once more rather then me she said almost too calmly „You're a real asshole. I should've known." And left the scene like a bad breakup catched on a tv screen.
„What the fuck are you doing?" King looked on the edge. Why wasn't he looking funnily at me anymore? He's weird.
I made myself more comfortable ignoring him fully, leaning on his chest from my left side. My whole left side was pressed against him making me warm from the contact. He wasn't so cozy as I imagined him to be when it crossed my mind that I was here to give him a peace of my genious head.
„I almost died today because of you and you're being rude again? Why are you always rude to me?" I wiggled again in my seat and spoke with my hands in the air trying to make a point. He irritated me when I was sober, he irritated me all the more when I was drunk. Will he ever challenge other emotions from me other than hate?
His voice stopped my movement „Stop doing that." It was in a really strange tone, that's what hit me the most. I've never heard him talk like that. With a dip on the edge, his voice sounded just like that, on a mere edge. And why would I stop when I'm not pleased with our position? His legs felt like I sat on sharp rock, a curve and I had to sit for a while because there weren't other options left. That's how my butt felt, violated.
„Why? Something is poking me." I put my elbow on his shoulder and leaned my head on my hand to support it. I felt so tired all of the sudden.
„I wonder why, just stop and get off of me." he didn't look pleased at all and had a darker shade of eyes then I remembered him having. Did he have contacts or something of that kind? Everything was strange about him tonight. Did they drug me or something? I didn't particularly hate his company. That's saying something.
„And don't turn the subject around. I was telling you about the bathroom." He tried to get away from me but then stopped when he realised he had no other choice then to listen to me. I could feel his scent from the nearness and it smelt so good but I didn't say it to him because he didn't look like he wanted me to say it to him. I don't know.
„Yes, what about it?" King leaned his back on the couch and pulled me against him once again.
„Some girls were fighting over you and they thought I was fighting for you too but I wasn't and then they attacked me like I did something wrong." I sulked on my seat and he laughed, a full blown-laugh that looked so good on him. I've never seen him laugh like that, ever. Strangely it calmed me.
He barely stopped and gave me a once-over „You're serious?"
„Yees! Don't laugh at me. It was awful. I think they took half of my curls as a souvenir." He laughed again putting his right hand on my thigh. The act itself shocked me and woke some uncertain feelings up my body. But I was drunk, I didn't really care what was happening.
„So you fought for me?"
„Nah. I don't have to do that." I removed my hand and leaned on his shoulder, getting my head closer to his neck.
"What do you mean?"
I think he said something or tried to say something to me but I didn't fathom a word. All around me felt peaceful and silent. It was black.