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I couldn't believe the guts of that idiot.

Slamming the locker shut while demonstrating my irritation to Klo, I turned around holding the red and white top of the Faculties cheerleading team in my hands. „Calm down please. I know he is an ass but we have to make it to the Indemnity in time. We'll think about it later." Her words soothing.

The glare I gave her said enough. „This is the last day of his life, I can guarantee you on that. The last day!" I've had enough of King and his stupid, non-laughable jokes to last me a lifetime.

Rushing down the empty hallway and putting the narrow shirt over my head could be classified as the second sports of mine, seeing as I've been doing it quiet repeatedly these past few months.

The pranks got worst on both sides, me doing everthing in my power to show him my imagination, and him not giving up on its own either. It's been like this for as long as I could remember and me being angry all the time was nothing unusual.

„I can only predict much." She smiled at my failed attempts to look like an angry mops and fixed my shirt at the end of my back where I couldn't see it. „Thanks."

„This has to be the lowest dick move of a century! Why the need to steal your clothes like that?" She reminded me of a horror and shock when I left the shower and found nothing but my sneakers on the ground, just a reminder that I know he's been there. God, if he saw me half naked, he had another thing coming after him.

„Agh, don't remind me. Luckly I always have a backup shirt in my locker."

„Precautions." I laughed at her.

„Always, I mean, it's hard to be me okay?" I flipped the hair that stood up in my ponytail immitating the blonde bitch from my brothers year, my hair messy as always. „Do I look good?"

„Perfect honey, he won't know what hit him." She winked as we both came close to the entrance door. Taking a deep breath, I stood first knowing very well just how much time we'll spend if I start the 'who's gonna go first' discussion. From the corner of my eyes I saw Klo exhailing quickly at my choice. I've always had the confidence she lacked and could sweet-talk almost everyone with my cheesy tactics.

Knocking two times I opened the door and smiled the best I could catching the sight of Mr.Crossbone holding a list of students most likely reading it.

„Good morning. We're so sorry we're late. The practice took longer then needed and we really hurried up as much as we could Professor Crossbone." He looked from his paper to my heated cheeks narrowing his eyes.

„It's Crossbore Miss Cooper but I'll let it slide this time. I know I can sometimes silent pronounce some things, as I've been told before." Not understanding where he was going with, I nodded my head twice and hurredly took a seat in the middle. Klo, unfortunately, left to the far corner seeing as there were no seats left.

A tap on the shoulder made me turn around sweetly already expecting my most favorite person in the world and his stupid, amused expression searching a lack of firmness in me, like he usually does thinking he won the game „Bony nice to see you decided to come. I've been missing you."

Could it be more sarcastic? Nope, but, I stood my guard just as much „Hello King." my voice smooth.

„Just a hello?" he pouted like a parent to its child expecting me to crack and march at him but I ain't doing that. He might've did what he did but I won't stoop to his level.

I raised my voice on purpose knowing at least half of the class had nothing better to do then gossip anyway, enjoying my every word „Don't worry, I've heard from Beccy to Anna to Lo and you know, girls, that you have a little problem, so, I'm not really angry if that is what you've been waiting for."

He narrowed his eyes „What are you talking about?" his voice stoic cold and fully aware of the audiance we created as soon as we spoke to each other. People just liked to be amused by us. I wouldn't want to dissapoint them.

„You know, with that little thingy you got in your pants. It's okay babe, not every guy knows how to hold it up." Sweetness of my voice took the nerves in him and he blinked, like all he did was a blink, crunching his fists on his table. The look was murderos, cold and black like the ones I've always received from him.

„I don't have a problem." He raised his voice at me trying to prevent people around him from laughing and himself from attacking me. He never would've, I knew that, as he never raised a hand on me, ever, even when I did the unthinkable.

„Why so angry if it ain't true?" to lit the fire up, I added a wink in his way when he took my elbow in his hand and pulled my whole body like it weighted a stack of potatoes. From the closiness, I could detect the fainted blush on his cheeks, so faint that if I didn't look twice, I wouldn't catch it.

„Don't play with fire." His words spat in my face, annoyance clear as a day but he started it. I had no sense of emotion or sympathy regarding him.

„It burns quickly." my smile evident and imprinted on my cheeks.

He knew I'd answer anything he throws and couldn't shut it no matter the consequences. We were both fire, too stubborn to give up, staring at each other, sharing the little air that has left between us. His eyes held mine, his expression with heated anger mirroring mine „I might burn you."

„I might too." It was like we were in our own world, every time, no matter the room, no matter the conversation, it was just the two of us, with our clashing personalities and outspoken hatred.

„Like you're doing now?" my hand looked red from under his grip and I clenched my teeth to not show him any weakness.

„Aw, you gonna cry Bony? It's not my fault you're skin and bones." He mimicked a fake cry still keeping me in place. We didn't hear Crossbore yelling at us or students recording, we didn't apprehend anything until his hand detangled us with a furious message across his face.

„Both of you, out now. I've had enough of this and I'm hundred percent sure most of the Council as well. Both to the Commision this instant." He took us both with each of his hands and pushed us forward. Before King could comment on it, he pointed a finger in his direction „I don't wanna hear a word. Now!"

„Jeez calm down hippie." King muttered so only I heard him as I snorted but hid it before he could notice it. I would never willingly agree with him on anything.

I exited the classroom first with him following me right behind and speeded up my walk not wanting to be near him. Crossing my hands in front of my chest, I decided to ignore his excistence when he catched up too soon for my liking. His stupid long legs and heigh and everything that made him look so much taller and significant. One of many things I hated on him.

„Not so chatty anymore? Such a shame. I wanted to mention how I do appreciate your attempts at helping me, as you say so yourself." He copied my attitude keeping both of his hands crossed on his chest. I looked up annoyed „What are you talking about?"

„Hot pink, suitable for a blonde bitch." He hastened his footsteps leaving me confusedly watching his back in a distance. My mind connected the dots as my eyes looked at my transparent shirt and my newest collection, my cheeks immediatelly painted red from embarrassement.

I started running after him „Come back you dick!"

My voice got stuck in a breathing pattern while I runned faster after him „and wait up you-agh!"

After I almost collided with his back without noticing what he was doing, we both emerged through the door of the Commision, flustered by the situation we created. King looked beyond pissed, ready to murder me without caution while I fiddled on my spot trying to see past his back.

„King, Cooper, how nice of you to join us." Was a sarcastically-humored voice of the Principal. „The knocking would've been much more suitable." We earned a glare under his thick old glasses.

„Sor-„ I started to apologise but King deliberately pinched me from behind and took a lead without my consent „We are terribly sorry for disturbing your working tactics, but we were sent here by Professor Crossbone." Rolling my eyes at the back and faintinly hearing his butt-licking words, I imitated his hold and composture while laughing to myself because no one could do it with me. God, I'm a loser.

„Crossbore." I whispered pulling on my arm from his hold and standing on his right side. Finally I could see properly.

„Please sit." He pointed at the two chairs seated in front of his greyish old desk. „And Miss Cooper, please no more whatever that was. Drama class is in the afternoon." My cheeks redened as I made my way to the chair. King sticked out his tongue when Principal wasn't looking more likely because he couldn't tolerate to leave me without his comeback.

„What happened now? Paint? Food fight? Graffiti?" I got flashbacks of all the time we came here, mostly equally guilty, me punching at him and King trying not to punch me because I am a girl and he has a rule for that. Ah, good memories.

„We fought " King answered on our behalf „and got kicked out."

„Elaborate." Principal took his time and crossed both of his hand at the front of his desk waiting. Ah, how I loved when he did that. I hated when King talked like a robot and expected everyone to understand him.

„She told me I have a small dick, what was I supposed to do?" he half-shouted annoyed that he had to explain himself, relaxed in his seat,like he is talking to his best friend on a regular day in the cafeteria hours. My eyes widened at his choice of words and could posiblly imagine the face of our Principal but was too scared to look at. The silence that followed after his outburst was stifling.

„Mr. King as I was saying many times before, we do not use such foul words among these walls. Please refrain from doing that activity again because there will be consequences. As for you Miss Cooper, why do you think his organ isn't suitable?" my throat deserted itself like there was no access water as I coughted uncomfortably, startled by the question. Did I hear correctly? Am I dreaming? Is this for real?

„Am-„ both of them looked at me calmly giving me all the time in the world while I only wanted to run for the hills. „He stole my clothes?" it came out like a rethoric question.

„And when did he do that?"

„This morning."

„So you found it evenly to announce he is incompatible?" King stood up from his chair abrutly „I am not incompatible!"

„Calm down and sit Mr King." Carter shot me a look of displeasure once again and sat next to me, moving the chair to the left, away from me,as much as possible. Not that I minded.

„So, Miss Cooper?" his glasses iritated me.

„I think it serves him right for making me walk around half naked. I could've been taken advantage of and this should be considered a crime."

„You do know that just as you find that to be a crime, what you did as well could be considered a crime?" he sounded like my father scolding me when I climbed a fence and he yelled that I'll kill myself if he doesn't kill me first. Preventing myself from rolling my eyes again, a dear hobby of mine, I straightened my back „Well yeah, but a minor one."

„Can we just go or does this meeting has a point?" King rudely interupted once again.

„Yes Mister, this meeting does have a point and that is, that both of you broke all the rules that could possibly be written in a rule book of this institution and I've had enough of it." This made me straighted my back one more time. Shit, that doesn't look good.

„You are a bad example to other students and this has been going on for too long. I'm making some calls and from tommorow you'll both be dealing with the consequences no matter your status and no matter how much you father donates to this school Mr King." Principal beat him before he could comment anything further.

„Now leave." He dismissed us with a motion of his hand like we're slaves and he is too occupied to be bothered with us.

I didn't like the feeling of uneasiness when I closed the door behind me. King was long gone, angrily stabbing each step on his way down the hallway.

Someone needed some serious anger managment counseling and it wasn't me.

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