I sat in Jareds car with the biggest smirk on my face remembering his reaction when Dad broke him the news. It was hilarious, to say the least, almost too painful to watch but nevertheless the best time of my life. He was out of his mind, yelling at me, at Dad that it was indeed his car, that it was unfair of Dad to ask him to share it with me, threw a bitch tantrum and left to his room. Maybe broke a vase on his way but I wasn't really sure of that. Just my assumption.
Mum looked unpleased by Dads decision but didn't want to argue anymore so she gave me the key Jared left on the counter and threw me a warning look that she wasn't satisified with my behavior. I will probably get a lesson from her tomorrow morning when I wake up but hopefully she'll forget about it till then.
„Ahh, this is life!" smiling like a lunatic, I pulled off my heels from my feet and carelessly threw them behind me. My mind was too occupied with happy thoughts that I didn't see Mrs Jenny watching me like a hulk from her kitchen window, just her head popping up with the only light that was lit in the house illuminating her.
„Jesus, she is crazy." I murmured to myself and started the car. You'll see when I tell my mum this, she can't possibly rationalize with this strange morals.
„I look so badass." I whispered again to myself since no one was near to witness my action.
Finally I could show that stupid ass that I'm capable of driving myself and don't need anyone to do it for me. King always liked to remind me of the abstence of my car and initiate with it, that I surely don't know how to drive since my parents won't let me take the wheel. I never answered his primitive remarks because I too sometimes thought that they didn't want me to drive myself but for the whole different reasons.
My mum was always the type to be too scared of anything new her children did, and anything remotely dangerous was too dangerous in her mind to live with. Since I was an only girl in the family, she took it in her plan to never give me a chance to try anything risky. She believed more in my brothers because they were men, as patriatic as it sounds. I hated that.
When I parked in front of Klos house, I searched my phone from the back and when I found it, dialed her number. She picked it on the second beep yelling „I'm comiing! Give me a minute, I need to feed Grench." and hanged up before I could tell something.
I would be mad at her for making me wait in the car but firstly this was all new to me and I never waited anyone since I was always the one who was late so it would be good to experience how it feels to be on the other side for once and secondly, I loved Grench more then her probably, but don't tell her that, she would get offended. It's just that, I was more of a dog person then people person and I was okay with that.
In a minute she runned to my car in heels holding her bag and adjusting her hair. „I'm here. Babe, you look hot."
„Thanks hun, you too. Anyone I should be aware of? " I smiled all-too knowingly sounding like her dad.
„Unfortunately no. I'm still hanged up on Mark." She took the seatbelt and put it around her. „But same old, he doesn't notice me."
„You deserve so much more that that but you're so into him that you don't see other options." I slowly banged the wheel I was holding trying to make a point and accidentally honked startling both Klo and me.
She laughed „What options B? More then a half is either stupid or too manwhore to my liking."
„That's true but not all of them are like that. There has to be at least one normal guy out there, we just gotta search." I was hunder percent positive there existed a guy she could potentially start a talk with, at least one conversation to forget about that stupid Mark guy.
„I'm kinda tired of searching." She commented sadly.
„No, you're not, you just say that because you want it to be Mark even thought we both know he falls into the already metioned category." He just doesn't settle with me.
I'll admit, his looks are on full potential, but other then that, he has nothing to offer, absolutely nothing. I never understood how girls like Klo and herself could want him when they barely held one conversation with him and if that. Once, when I was really really drunk, he started to talk to me about his football career and how he wanted to go big or go home, whatever that shit meant and I was so bored. I was drunk out of my mind and bored. That couldn't describe him more because anyone who knows me at least a bit knows I can talk to anyone for hours sober let alone drunk. So when you manage to bore me drunk, you just ain't my type of company, ever.
„I know I'm desperate and dumb and many other things but it's just something about him that makes me want him." She tried again mostly trying to convince herself that her intentions weren't so shallow as I saw it.
„Are you a werewolf but I'm not aware of it? Cuz if he is your mate like all those stories and shit, I have nothing to argue about-„
She broke my train of thoughts laughing uncontrollably „No silly, that doesn't happen in real life."
„Just checking, you never know what's true nowdays." I wiggled my eyebrows. „And where is that jerk? I told him to be sharp not leave me waiting." I parked on the side of the street waiting for him to come out of his house. I thought texting him in advance meant get your ass down and wait patiently not revenge yourself just because I finally get to drive.
„He is so doing this on purpose." Just as she mentioned, he walked out of the house wearing a purple jacket with a match of styled jeans and red nike sneakers. My jaw dropped at his attire when he giggled like a girl and entered in the back. „I know honeys, I look too fab."
„That jacket is heaven!" Klo turned around in a flash scanning it. „I love it!"
„I'm jelaous, you'll get all the guys and I'll end up alone." I turned around as well ignoring the fact that I parked the car contrary to law regulations and could get a ticket if I didn't move fast. But the jacket thought.
„Liar, liar pants on fire. You know, you could get any guy if you weren't so picky." He referred to my constant bickering around the bush when it came to men and choices. I was not an easy women to satisfy and only had one boyfriend that didn't last very long because he irritated me and wanted too much of my free time. I just couldn't bother explaining it to him that I very much liked to be more with my friends then with a guy on a Saturday night.
„Being picky is a blessing, believe me." We laughed and chatted all the way to the party when I finally parked the stupid car and got out of it. Driving it was fun but parking it in front of everyone just wasn't doing it. People don't give a fuck you have to wait for them to pass, especially the drunk ones who take their time slowly, like I don't exist.
„Now you see why I'm mad most of the time. This feels so good!" he was ecstatic when we joined the crowd in dim lights dancing and letting lose of all the stress. I smiled at him and waved when he found a few guys that he hanged out with and left Klo and me to enjoy ourselves.
„I need a drink." She pulled my hand with hers making her way through a sweaty mass, pushing on people and squeezing. From the corner of my eyes I spotted her Mark chatting with a blonde and rolled my eyes at the scene. She had one finger in her straightened hair and spinned it around listening to him closely. I snorted, that looked fun.
When we managed to get to the kitchen island where some of the drinks were, I tried to divert her attention from it but she figured me out instantly.
„And fast." Taking the first bottle of whiskey she spotted, she poured in a cup and drunk it all in one shot.
„Slow down, we just got here."
„I think you're right, I'll find myself a guy, I don't need him." She poured again and completely ignored my protests.
„Where are you going now?" I was confused with her actions, not understanding what she'll get with all the drinking. Of course, I wasn't so fun to her because I scolded her like a mother which she didn't need in a moment and she found the opportunity to skip behind me and leave me alone.
„Great." I murmured leaning on the counter behind me. What do I do now? Why did I think driving to parties would be fun? I can't have alcohol which is the main source of my distraction and I don't have friends because they both left me knowing I'll get cranky without it. Smartasses.
My thoughts flew to King remembering of his sneaky ways to play a prank on me as I stood alerted. I haven't touched anything yet so I'm safe to go but whatever I do, I can't do unplanned. He is good friends with a guy who threw this party so I'm pretty sure he took advantage of that. But I'll show him anyway. He can't beat me at my own game.
Just as I spoke about the wolf, the wolf came, high fiving his asshole friends and looking around the room. I turned around before he could see me and opened the fridge to make myself busy and possibly go unnoticed. When I found a beer, I smiled to myself and took it. One beer won't hurt much, right?
„Nice to see you decided to come. Now I know I'll have fun tonight." As expected, King voiced out his stupidity over my head once I pushed the door shut. Turning around I checked him whole „Delightful to know I entertain you. Unlike some, I have better things to do then spend it on you."
He mocked me „Keep telling yourself that. Everything you do revolves around me."
„Egocentric much or are you still angry about my little comment?" poutting my lips, I teased him. He had a cup in his right hand holding it loosely, dressed all black just like me. Someone must've expected me to pour something on him tonight, but I won't do that. It kinda got old.
„Your comments don't affect me and you don't affect me. When will you learn that?" he acted like I bored him, the same face I made when I chatted with Mark, or he chatted with me and I stood silently waiting for him to finish so I could excuse myself. When did he even get a cup? He just came here.
„Huh, I think I do otherwise you wouldn't be so fired up about it and why are you talking to me? Another shit coming from you?" I tilted my head on the right not taking my eyes off of him. He didn't give away anything on his features as I continued to stare. „Where would be the fun in telling you that?"
I narrowed my eyes „If you did something to my car-„
„You drove here? Oyy did my babygirl finally taught how to drive? I feel like a parent now!" putting his hand on his chest, he looked down upon me, holding his cup to his lips and sipping on it.
„Don't call me that and I do know how to drive." My beer didn't look so good anymore as I put it on the corner behind me. „If you so as touch it, I'll-„
He laughed before I could finish „You'll what? Tell around I have a small dick? You think that'll scare me?"
I hated how he made me sound like a spoilt little girl, like I'm not worth his attention or anyones attention, I hated how he disrespected me and acted superiror to me. Most of all, I hated how he always had a comeback and left me speechless.
„I don't live to scare you, I live to make your life a living hell." That sounded better in my head and I tried to look threatening but I knew he just found me ridiculous.
„Cheers to that." He pushed his cup high in the air and splashed all its content on my freshly made hair as I closed my eyes and waited for it to finish falling. I gritted my teeth angrily „That's the most basic thing I've seen you do in a long time." I acted calm but I was anything but.
„You saw nothing I'm capable of doing." Was his remark before he left me chuckling to himself as I stood there hot and bothered. Well, mostly cold because of the drink but I felt hot from my insides that were burning from rage.
„You saw nothing I'm capable of doing." I imitated his voice high like a barbie „Son of a bitch!"
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