“More slaves?” Taleela exclaimed, striding out into the cool morning air wafting through the outer porch of the opulent marble
columned palace. “Does the House of Denarius need even more of these wretched creatures, Barascu?”
“The master wished for this merchandise to be delivered here this night, my Domina.” The bear of a man leading the seven naked young women by an iron chain bowed low. “He purchased them for his great
champion, Ganon. One for each night of the week.”
“That brute from the frozen north… is that all Altus cares about these days?” The mistress of the Denarius Estate fumed. “Ever since he acquired that beast… he has spent even less time here in his own house.”
“Ganon is a great warrior, my Domina.” Barascu said softly. “The master takes much pride in the glory Ganon brings to the House of
“I care not.” Taleela snapped, her green eyes flashing. “Take these poor creatures to my personal stables before you herd them with the rest, I will inspect them myself before that animal gets his lecherous paws on them.”
“As you wish, my Domina.” The huge man bowed again and dragged the cowering girls away.
Taleela Ignatius, eldest daughter of the senator, Caius Ignatius, and wife of the influential noble Altus Denarius, watched the seven hapless
women being herded along. One among them, a blue eyed, blonde, pale of skin and soft of body, caught the tall redhead’s eye. That one would not last long as a slave meant to satiate the lust of brutal gladiators. She exhaled deeply and strode off in the direction of the stables that were allotted to her personal chariots. Two tall, well-built women carrying heavy cudgels followed her in.
“Leave us.” She commanded the man awaiting her as she walked into the hay strewn, mold covered grounds.
Barascu bowed, deftly catching the small pouch of gold she tossed at him, and briskly walked away, leaving his cargo at her mercy.
“I am Taleela Altus Denarius, Domina of the House of Denarius.” She coldly addressed the seven young women, her hands firmly resting on her curvy hips. “Upon a whim I can have you all slain this instant. My word is law.”
A few of the captives whimpered, one, dark haired and taller than the rest, stared at her boldly. The blue eyed blonde she had earlier noticed, pressed her dimpled chin to her chest and stared at her feet, breathing unevenly.
“You… and you.” She pointed at the two. “Step forward.”
The dark haired one stepped up defiantly but the blonde shuffled hesitantly.
“What is your name?” She demanded of the dark haired one.
“I am Alexia of Gaul.” The tall woman in chains replied with pride. “You show me no respect, woman of Gaul.” Taleela stared coldly
into her eyes.
“You must earn it, woman of Rome.” Alexia’s grey eyes shone with defiance.
“I will.” The Roman noblewoman smiled briefly, turning her attention to the blonde. “And you, what is your name, little one?”
“I… I… Milaca… of… of Anglos, my Domina.” The terrified girl stared at Taleela’s sandaled feet.
“Anglos, far away from across the great sea… and well bred too.”
Taleela smiled at her and turned to her twin bodyguards. “Remove her
shackles and bring her to my chambers, but before that help me earn the Gaul’s respect.”
The two hefty armed women fell upon Alexia, clubbing her with their cudgels several times as Taleela walked away with a laugh. Milaca shook with fear, as did the other five watching their fellow captive being brutally bloodied.
“You will learn your place her, wretch.” One of the armed bodyguards spat at the semi-conscious Alexia. “Had you insulted the master, your skin would be peeled off your body. Domina is much too lenient.”
“My… my Domina?” Milaca all but whispered as she stood by the curtained doorway of the lavish interior that opened up to Taleela’s private chambers.
“Ah, my beauty from Anglos.” Taleela looked up from her wooden bath tub filled with scented water and rose petals. “Come in.”
The blonde walked slowly up to the centre of the room, keeping her eyes on the smooth stone floor. Two other women were in the room, not the Domina’s twin bodyguards, but more like her personal attendants.
“Milaca, you serve me now.” Taleela smiled. “Your master has graced me with the gift of you.”
“I… I shall do my… best, Domina.” The young girl replied shakily. “Of course you shall.” Taleela smiled sweetly. “Anything less is
“Yes, my Domina.” Milaca’s eyes were glued to the base of the tub.
“Now come, disrobe yourself and come in here to bathe me.” The Domina of Denarius beckoned.
“I… I… yes, my Domina.” The blonde shyly dropped her hastily adorned rags and looked around apprehensively.
“Don’t keep me waiting, my dear.” Taleela said impatiently, splashing water around playfully.
The young blonde gingerly stepped into the tub of warm water, instantly feeling the relief in her tired limbs. Days of travel in chains across wild country and slave markets had left her all but barely alive. She
considered herself fortunate to have been picked by the lady of the house. Fears of being raped and ravaged by brutal men had plagued her mind ever since she was captured from the lovely green glens of her lush homeland.
“Leave us.” The noblewoman commanded the other two slaves and turned her attention to her new toy.
Milaca stared at the fragrant petals floating on the soothing waters, terrified at the prospect of being alone with such a powerful woman. Her delicate skin had Goosebumps rising all over, in spite of the warm fragrant water.
“Have I earned that Gaul slave’s respect?” Taleela suddenly asked, making the blonde cringe.
“I… I…” She stammered, a cold chill creeping up her spine.
“Did you see Liana and Luisa instill some respect in her? A lovely pair, are they not? Gifted to me by Claudius of Pompeii at the last
Autumnal Festival.” Taleela laughed, splashing water playfully around her. “Was the Gaul’s blood as red as mine and yours?”
“I… my Domina, I… yes, her blood was red.” Milaca shivered despite the comforting warmth of the water.
“I have earned your respect, haven’t I?” The green eyed, redhead grinned at her hapless companion. “And if I ever stand to lose that respect, perhaps my protective twins can earn it back.”
“Never, m-my Domina.” Milaca’s eyes welled with tears as she pictured the two brutal women waving their heavy, metal studded cudgels.
“Oh, I didn’t mean to frighten you.” Taleela purred, lifting up the pretty blonde’s head by her chin and staring into her blue eyes. “Obey me without question and the rewards will be great.”
“Yes, my Domina.” The young blonde’s voice wavered as she felt the roman’s hands slither all over her naked body under the water.
“Excellent, my pretty.” Taleela whispered, her lush red lips almost brushing Milaca’s dry cracked ones. “Here, under my care, you will learn that a woman does not require only a man to satisfy her needs.”
Milaca’s blue eyes went wide as the other woman stuck her long slippery tongue into her mouth and her slender, yet strong, hands grabbed
and squeezed her pert young breasts hard. She couldn’t help moaning aloud as a perverse sense of pleasure rippled through her young body. Her
sheltered life in the family farm told her nothing of the pleasures the world outside had to offer. Her youthful body shook with fear and longing at the
same time, and her subservient mind dutifully gave in to the older woman’s advances.
“Oh, my beautiful Anglos.” Taleela moaned as she slipped her hand between the young blonde’s thighs. “So soft and tender.”
Milaca grew bolder, slowly spreading her legs and giving more access to her mistress. Taleela welcomed the opportunity and guided her
blonde slave’s slender hand over her own moist arousal. The warm water heightened their pleasure as the two women drew ever closer, their smooth bodies gleaming in the scented water and oil.
“My Domina.” A deep voice sounded outside the curtained doorway.
“Who dares disturb my bath?” Taleela looked up in annoyance at the sound of the familiar voice.
“It is I, Antonius, keeper of the House of Denarius.” The voice softly replied.
“What manner of urgency makes you impede my bath, Antonius?”
“The master, my Domina.” The old housekeeper kept his voice low. “The master wishes you to accompany him at the games this eve.”
“I have no interest in witnessing great oafs and animals fight for their lives.” Taleela arrogantly dismissed the notion.
“The master wishes you by his side.” Antonius persisted. “His eminence, Senator Tiberius of Capua, is in attendance and the master desires your presence for the games and the feast.”
“Oh, very well, Antonius.” The Domina gave in with a bored expression. “Prepare my chariot, I shall be without shortly.”
“Very good, my Domina.”