"You're enjoying your punishment a little too much, aren't you, Little One? Do you enjoy getting spanked by your Daddy?"...
Chapter 1
Story 1
Tara and Frank sat at the breakfast table after having a rousing morning of fun. Frank was still laughing to himself at how he got so lucky to have such a gorgeous wife, feeling like she was the perfect woman.
Her entire body was sexy but it was her goofy mind that he loved the most and how she made him smile even when he wasn’t feeling like it just by being there. He knew he wasn’t ugly but he didn’t feel like he was
supermodel hot either and just trusted that she seen him as handsome and it felt weird to him, having not trusted many people in his life and now was letting someone that close to him. They held hands, hoping that would be the time but both of them were also fearful as they’d sat at that very table with the same hope so many times and didn’t want to be crushed again.
Frank caught Tara looking over at a spot where a third person would sit and sighed, knowing she wanted a baby more than anything. He ate his breakfast thinking to himself about how fun it would be to throw a baseball back and forth with a son or even have a tea party with his daughter, he didn’t care if anyone seen him.
“So, uh, I got us appointments at the doctor’s office to get us
checked out.” Tara said with a tone as soft as the expression in her eyes. “For what?” Frank asked, his face scrunching up with
confusion as he spoke.
“To see if… ya know… we might not be able to?” Tara said
and as she spoke Frank saw the pain it caused her to even utter that and felt
a spike of powerlessness and frustration, causing him to sigh as he looked back at his wife softly, running his thumb along the top of hers, “We already did the tests, now we need to go see the results.”
“There’s nothin’ wrong with us, honey, we just gotta keep tryin’ at it. I mean, we’ve only been tryin’ for a few months, babe. How, how do we know we’re hittin’ it the right time?” Frank asked, not liking the prospect of either of them possibly having… faulty equipment, “The test’s weren’t the scary parts.”
“Because we do it like all the time. We even…” Tara started saying but Frank threw his hands up and shook his head and stood up.
“That was a mistake.” Frank said sternly as he looked over at Tara seriously, “We had a lot too much to drink that night.”
“It felt good to me.” Tara said with a grin.
“Babe I look like I fucked something to death!” Frank replied wide eyed, causing Tara to bust out laughing, which in turn, caused Frank to grin.
“Well, we need to figure this out.” Tara said a bit more sternly than before, “My appointment is in an hour so we should get heading out
and yours is a half hour after that.”
Frank nodded and got ready to leave as Tara walked off to do the same. Frank stood at the doorway waiting for Tara to get ready, having just stood up and walked over from the table while Tara walked off to the bathroom. Frank looked outside through one of the three small windows in the doorframe over at a woman pushing a stroller across a street and grimaced, feeling almost as though the universe itself was taunting him. He heard Tara’s footsteps approaching him and turned around to find her trying to sneak up on him with a grin on her face.
“Rah!” She said when he turned around, “Got ya.”
“Yeah, ya got me.” Frank said with a smile on his face before Tara gave him a kiss and wrapped her arms around him, pressing into him as she hung off his shoulders
“We should get going.” Tara said as she pulled away and opened the door, noticing the woman pushing her kid down the sidewalk by this point, “Aww…”
Frank looked over at the woman and smiled at Tara as they walked over to the car door but felt somewhat bad inside, almost like he’d failed to give her that life. He stifled a sigh as they got into the car and put their seat belts on before Frank started up the car as if nothing was bothering him. They listened to songs on the radio the whole way there yet it seemed as if every song was either about getting broken up with or getting revenge on someone’s ex and it made Frank worry that Tara might leave him. He drove with one hand and reached over and went to grab
Tara’s hand but she grabbed a water bottle in the center console and took a drink.
“Were you thirsty?” Tara asked as she held the bottle out.
“Yeah, just a little bit though.” Frank replied, taking the bottle out of her hands before he took a drink from it yet made sure to keep his
eye on the road; Frank put the bottle down and Tara put the cap back on it before she grabbed his hand.
Frank genuinely smiled as they drove hand in hand to the doctor’s office wishing the moment would go on for longer, but they were pulling up on the office. Frank didn’t let go of Tara’s hand the entire time
and parked with one hand before he pulled her hand to his lips and gave it a kiss. Tara smiled, almost blushing, but Frank knew she liked it, especially when she pulled in and gave him a big kiss on the lips for it. They got out
and walked to the back of the car to meet each other before they walked
through the parking lot only a few steps before their hands interlocked again.
“Hello, how may I help you?” The nurse at the desk asked as they walked in.
“We’re here for an appointment in a few minutes.” Tara said, causing Frank looked at the clock thinking it would be close to an hour and was astonished to find out that they only had twenty minutes or so before Tara’s appointment, “I think our clocks are off.”
“I did kinda put-put my way down here though.” Frank said with a grin on his face, “What it was a good time?”
“Mrs. Davis?” A nurse said as she opened a doorway to the back, eyeing around to find them and smiled as she seen Tara and Frank, “Hi, you two.”
“How’re things?” Tara asked the nurse as they walked back. “Oh, you know, same ‘ol same ol.” The nurse relied, having
no idea just how accurate she was describing things.
“Ah.” Tara replied as Frank stifled a chuckle at the
awkwardness of the moment before the nurse led them to their room.
“The doctor will see you in a moment.” The nurse said with a smile, getting false smiles in return from Tara and Frank as they both
covered their fear.
“I’m tellin’ ya babe, ain’tnothin’ wrong with us.” Frank said casually as he leaned back in his chair but Tara just sighed; Frank knew she was questioning why they hadn’t gotten pregnant already so he looked off
at a poster, “Look, babe, this poster’s about getting pregnant. Maybe there’s some stuff we haven’t tried.”
“I have books on this that I’ve read several times.” Tara replied, her tone slightly angry and Frank felt bad, having not meant to
irritated her and reached over for her hand.
“I didn’t mean to hurt ya. I was just sayin’ is all.” Frank said before they heard the door click as the doctor walked in.
“Hey, how are we doin’ today?” The doctor asked as he looked down at the charts before smiling up at both of them, “I’ve got good news.”
“That’s great to hear. What is it?” Tara asked with a smile on her face, the hope almost bursting out of her chest.
“Your ovaries are just fine.” The doctor said with a smile on his face, unwittingly making Frank feel like even more of a failure.
“Thank you! That’s great to hear.” Tara said excitedly as she clutched Frank’s hand, making him wonder if it was out of happiness or if she’d picked up on his feelings… or both.
“We’ll see you at your next monthly check-up. Thanks for coming in.” The doctor said as he waved over towards the door with a genuine smile on his face.
“Thank you, doctor.” Tara said but Frank just nodded silently at him as him and Tara walked by and out of the room; the walk out of the doctor’s office seemed like it happened in two steps with as much
excitement to get to Franks appointment he was, nearly hauling Tara along with him, “What’s wrong? You’ve been acting weird.”
“Nnnnugh…” Frank sighed after stopping himself from
claiming nothing was wrong before he looked over at Tara quite seriously, “I just feel like this thing that could be a problem is out of my control, ya know? It’s not somethin’ I fix by hittin’ the gym.”
“Well, maybe if you’d eat your veggies…” Tara said with a grin on her face yet she was just joking and Frank knew it and uncontrollably smiled before he chuckled a bit.
“I still don’t think anything is wrong with us, but… uh… if it is my fault…” Frank said, wanting to apologize yet it frustrated him further before Tara grabbed his hand and squeezed it lightly.
“It’s not your fault.” Tara said with a smile on her face before she pulled Frank’s hand over to her and kissed it.
Frank pulled out of a the parking lot and headed off for where his appointment was at, wishing they could have taken him there, but drove off anyway. He drove one handed, holding Tara’s hand while they drove down the road, again thinking about how lucky he was to have such a beautiful wife. Tara looked over at Frank and let go of his hand before she slid it down onto his thigh, keeping her eyes trained on Frank’s as he
watched the road.
“Plus, it’s not like it doesn’t work.” Tara said as she ran her hand over Frank’s shaft, feeling it grow a bit at the touch; she rubbed it a little before she pulled her hand away slowly, letting her fingers drag
sensually across his thigh.
“Now that would be a disaster.” Frank said before the two chuckled as they drove through traffic.