Frank pulled into the office and felt his stomach knot up, thinking about how, even if his equipment worked it was his swimmers he was worried about. Frank stared at the sign for a moment before he looked at the clock and seen that they had around twenty minutes to go and
chuckled as Tara got out. She looked back at Frank with a confused expression on her face while Frank just sat there in the driver’s seat.
“C’mon, you’ve gotta go.” Tara said with a grin.
“I’m comin’ I just…” Frank said as he opened the door and
stepped out before he looked at Tara over the car, “I mean, what if I got lazy swimmers?!”
“Frank, c’mon.” Tara said with a chuckle as he closed the door grinning back at her, being honest with her about what was stressing him out in the funniest way he could think of to lighten the weight he felt but the weight it took off was nothing compared to the weight that disappeared
when Tara took his hand, “We’re just going in to hear results, just like mine. It’ll be a ten minute thing.”
“Look,” Frank said as they walked through the parking lot, lowering his tone quite a bit so only they could hear, “there are ways we could look into… even if my boys can’t swim… which they’d better.”
“Like, what? A surrogate?” Tara asked honestly just being
sarcastic but the look in Frank’s eye told her that he was serious, “There’s gotta be other ways of… ya know, coaxing your swimmers along? Like, maybe there’s a pill that can get your ducks in a row, like some sorta mother sperm swimmin’ her…”
“Tara!” Frank exclaimed before he burst with laughter.
“That’s better. Now, c’mon, let’s get in there.” Tara said as she pulled Frank along by his hand.
“Hello, how may I help you?” The male nurse at the desk
asked; Frank said silent for a moment, half expecting Tara to take over as she did quite often but as he looked up both the male nurse and Tara were looking at him.
“I’m here for an appointment. I’ve got a few minutes still.” Frank said as he glanced over at the clock, “Ten minutes.”
“Actually, I was just heading out to call ya.” The doctor said as he walked into the desk area from one direction and headed for the hallway through another door to the left, “Right this way.”
“He seems excited. Do you think that’s a good thing?” Tara asked quietly as they walked to the door.
“Doctors have the best poker faces.” Frank replied before the door opened and the doctor’s smiling face met them once more, getting a couple of smiles back from Tara and Frank, one genuine and the other as
fake as could be; the doctor walked back towards the office without another word, somewhat making Frank worry that it was bad news despite the friendly meeting, “So, we’ve got some good news and some bad news.”
“Good news first.” Tara replied, grabbing Frank’s hand as he grimaced and looked away almost at the floor before he looked back at the doctor.
“Well, the good news is your pipes are working just fine, it’s just swimmer count that’s off.” The doctor said, making eye contact with Frank as he spoke, “There’s some things we could look into to get your little guys topped off, some quite a bit less fun than others.”
“I’d rather not call them little guys…” Frank said casually he glanced around the room.
“Well, in any case, we could take a look at your diet, the less fun part, to the downright painful parts, which is having a sperm sample taken through surgery…” The doctor said before Frank cut him off.
“Wait, like… you’re talkin’ about drillin’ for my oil now.” Frank said, looking at the doctor quite seriously despite what he’d said.
“You wouldn’t be conscious.” The doctor started, grinning a bit as he spoke but it just creeped Frank out.
“That doesn’t sound any better.” Frank said, “What about the more fun ways? Huh? What about them?”
“Frank, calm down.” Tara said as she grabbed his hand. “No drillin’ for oil.” Frank said sternly.
“What if it’s the only way?” Tara asked.
“What about those more fun ways?” Frank asked the doctor again, looking away from Tara to the doctor and thought he caught her
looking at her behind; Frank took it as a compliment, knowing that she was quite the looker but she was with him.
“Well, you could spice up your love life.” The doctor said, “Maybe a romantic night out. Make a day of it.”
“We’re definitely gonna look into other solutions.” Frank said with smile and a nod.
“Would you want me to continue researching this?” The doctor asked, looking over at Frank very seriously, “There’s a solution to this, I know it. We could figure it out, but in the meantime, you two just keep this in mind. His low numbers only means that it might take longer to get pregnant, not that it’s impossible, okay?”
“Yeah.” Frank said, not wanting to be the guy to say he’d thought about it before even though he had.
“Oh, that’s what you said earlier before we even came here.” Tara said with a smile as she turned to Frank before she smiled back at the doctor, “Thank you, and yeah, please keep looking into it. We will too.”
“Alright, I guess I’ll see you two…” The doctor said as he looked through his calendar for an opening, “Ah, next Thursday at three oclock?”
“Sounds good.” Tara replied with a smile before her and Frank headed out of there and except that time it felt like every step was taking forever to Frank who couldn’t think of anything but the fact his numbers
were low, “You know what that count means, right?”
“I’m notdoin’ it. I won’t. Last time I nearly died!” Frank said as they walked through the hallway towards the lobby.
“You didn’t nearly die.” Tara said with a laugh as Frank chuckled along with her, “You need to.”
“I won’t do it.” Frank said; Tara sat a plate of steamed veggies in front of Frank later that night, serving him a dinner that went along with his new diet, “I’m gonna die.”
“No, you’re gonna diet, honey.” Tara said with a chuckle and smiled at him as the two ate a healthy dinner of mixed veggies and mashed potatoes, “Plus, you love potatoes.”
“Ah, po-tates.” Frank said before he dug in to the mashed potatoes, “These are delicious, babe.”
“So are the veggies. Why do you call them po-tates? Like,
what state do you come from?” Tara asked with a chuckle, “It’s almost like you’re sayin’ post haste.”
“What’s that mean? Post haste?” Frank asked, genuinely having never known what it meant yet had heard it before, “Is that just a fancy way of sayin’ go fast?”
“Pretty much.” Tara replied with a smile between bites of her veggies as the two sat at the table eating dinner together while music played in the background.
“I was just playin’ around though, ya know? Po-tates. Who says po-tates?” Frank chuckled, enjoying every moment with her.
“You think Greg and Darla might be up for a couple drinks tonight?” Tara asked as she dug her phone out of her purse and looked at it, “Oh, she’s been texting me.”
“If they’re up for it, I am. Sounds good. We could use a bit of relaxing.” Frank said as Tara’s face lit up, “What’s up?”
“They’re pregnant!” Tara said excitedly with a grin from ear to ear on her face as Frank sat there with a half-smile on his face thinking about how the universe just couldn’t stop kicking him, even when he was down.
“That’s great, that’s great.” Frank said with a smile and nod before he went back to eating dinner just to avoid talking about it anymore.
“Well, I guess it’s no drinks for Darla then.” Tara said before she shrugged, “We can still go visit though. I wanna get out of the house.” “If we’re drinking, shouldn’t they come here? Have Darla be the designated driver.” Frank suggested between bites of dinner before he got up and walked into the kitchen while Tara texted Darla about the nights plans; Frank walked back into the dining room a moment later cracking a beer before he took a long swig off of it, “I’m not driving.”
“She says she’s not sure.” Tara said as Frank cracked a second beer and handed it to Tara.
“Drink this, post haste.” Frank said with a grin on his face; Tara took the beer and drank a few gulps of it down before she stopped, watching Frank stare right at her the entire time, “There, now we’ve both been drinking. Neither of us are driving. Tell Darla that.”
“She says she’s gotta wait for Greg to get home and then they’ll head over.” Tara replied before she quickly tapped a reply back to Darla and smiled back at Frank, “Now, to have a relaxing night.”
“Yeah, after today I could use a few more of these.” Frank said before Tara stood up and wrapped her arms around his shoulders and hung off him as she leaned back, pressing her body into his; Frank couldn’t help it, seeing her busty breasts just popping out and planted his face between them, “I’ll take two of these… Call me in the morin’.”
“That’s my line!” Tara said as she laughed, looking up at Frank with disbelief in her eyes.
“You used to say you’d take one and call me in the morning.” Frank said, smiling back as he thought back to the days when they were just dating and how they’d flirt back and forth in goofy ways.
“Well, I’m glad you still find me attractive.” Tara said as she wrapped a single leg around Frank’s waist and pulled him closer, feeling his shaft getting harder as she did.
“Even if I went blind I’d still have memories.” Frank replied with a smile before Tara planted a big kiss on his lips before her phone dinged; Tara kissed Frank again before she turned away and grabbed her phone, leaving Frank with a chubby and near blue-balls, “Looks like they’ll be here in ten or fifteen minutes.”
“I just need five.” Frank said with a grin as he walked up, sliding his hands around Tara’s hips and pulled her into his cock as he pressed it into her ass as hard as he could; Tara leaned back on him,
unintentionally giving Frank a good view down her shirt and it only served to get him harder, “Maybe two and half.”
“You’d better make it the full five.” Tara said as Frank’s fingers slipped into the inside of her yoga pants and began sliding them down, exposing the vibrant blue thong she was wearing before a knock at the door caught both their attentions, “Seriously?”
“Not cool, universe.” Frank thought as he sat on the couch wanting his throbber to go away while, expecting it to be Greg and Darla having shown up early while Tara went and checked the door as she was more easily able to hide her arousal; as Frank sat on the couch he grabbed the radio’s remote and turned on music for background sound and gazed
over at Tara’s shapely ass in her yoga pants but looked away and focused on the music instead, “Not even a minute!”
“Hey, you guys.” Tara said as Greg and Darla walked in behind her, causing Frank to give a half-sincere smile, “How was work today?”
“It was hectic. There was this big crash on the highway I guess. People came in pretty messed up but luckily we saved them all.” Darla said, her tone going from somber to upbeat as she spoke.
“That’s awesome.” Frank said before he took a drink off his beer and held it up as he looked over at Greg, their way of offering each other brews, “In the fridge.”