Eren's POV
Steam rose to neck level in the bathroom. My body was soaked and some water got into my eye. I ran my hand through my drenched black hair and headed to the mirror. It had blurred and I cleaned the fog with a hand. Electric blue eyes struck back at me as I watched myself. Those eyes always reminded me of my family. Every lightning Hybrid had one.
My full beards had grown thicker compared to last night. Being a werewolf had its own annoying perks. Sighing, I walked out naked, my boy dangling between my legs. Darkness swallowed the town, a crystal half moon in the sky. I ran my hand through my hair at unbelievable speed and dried it in three seconds.
My clothes were already arranged on my bed. Blue lightning sparked around my body and the clothes were already on me before I could say Jack Robinson. Rocking the white shirt and brown knickers, I sped outside and found myself in the living room downstairs.
Red cushions made of the most expensive leather lined the walls, a large flat screen on the white wall. The news was on. I crossed my arms and listened intently to the frail looking black haired man in the screen.
"Two beasts have been found dead in the new refurbished town hall." The man held tightly to the paper in his grasp. "It appears the beast slayer has come to our rescue again. But the people of Moonville still live in fear. Bodies are still being mutilated and left to rot by this abominations. The people are still left to wonder..." He frowned. "when would this massacre end?"
I smirked. "So that's what they're calling you."
The beast slayer wasn't a bad name. The lady definitely knew what she was doing. She had a memory wipe potion in her possession. Whoever she was, yesterday wasn't her first rodeo in the supernatural world.
"Master Light."
I spun on my heels to face Italio. He was a tall lean man with a long chin. A moustache stacked below his wide nose and his forehead wrinkles were increasing with each year that passed. Dressed in a black suit as usual, he held a remote in his hand. He had been my family for twenty five years and he still was.
His striking blue eyes glared at me. "I've told you to stop speeding around the house. You might break something." He turned off the TV. "And you're still wet." His glare became ferocious. "You didn't even bother to dry yourself."
I rolled my eyes. He always schooled me like I was a child. I never liked receiving orders. I preferred if I gave them
I took off my cloth before him and he tossed me a towel he held. Drying myself up, I wore back my cloth. It was so annoying that I still ended up doing what he asked. Next time, I wouldn't give in to his schooling.
"Are you sure she'll come?" He took the towel from me and placed it on his forearm.
"Yes." I nodded. "I know her secret."
"If this woman fought the way you said she did, she might be a hunter."
I knew where Italio was going with this. It was probably not a good idea to bring her kind inside the house. She could be a threat.
"Don't worry Italio." I put both hands in my pockets. "She's no match for me. I'm a god."
He chuckled. "Don't let your power get into your head. That was what caused the fall of your father."
My heart plummeted. My father was a brave man. He didn't deserve what the fire hybrids did to him.
"I'll make them pay, Italio," I said, digging my fingers into my palm till they hurt as fuck.
"I still think you're going too fast." Italio connected his thin brows. "You just met her last night and you're willing to let her inside your home."
I knew he was right. But if I could make this lady work with me, annihilation of the fire hybrids would be done quicker than expected. I saw potential in her. Something I had never seen in anyone except from myself.
"Italio, she took out two fire hybrids like they were her play toys." I intensified my stare. "She could be a very powerful weapon for me. I don't care if things are going fast. As long as I get what I want, I'm fine."
He shook his head. "You're letting revenge cloud your judgement." He played with his moustache . "Don't forget this day. I warned you."
The door bell rang. She was here.
"I'll be in the dinning," I told him and advanced there.
The white wooden table stretched the length of the room. I sat at the end, crossing my legs over each other. Footsteps echoed down the lobby and Italio appeared. The lady walked up to him, her hands before her.
She looked less fierce than she did last night. This time, her hair wasn't left to flail freely. She tied it into a short bun with a white cloth. On her black eyes were golden framed glasses and she wore a long rose patterned gown that stopped after her knee.
"Please have a seat," Italio said and left.
She held tightly to the hand bag hanging loosely on her shoulder. Sitting down, she connected her eyes with mine. I slowly tore out a smile, earning one from her that revealed her dimples.
"You look different," I said.
"You look the same." She cocked a brow. "Your beards have grown a lot more than what I saw last night."
"It's a gene thing."
The hairs on my arm stood and I observed her. My instincts never failed to warn me. There was no way this lady would be a threat.
"There's no need for the memory wipe potion you're holding under the table," I said and quirked a corner of my lips. "This building is sealed with an anti-magic spell. No magic will work here against me." I chuckled. "For your kind to do anything to me, you have to be ten times as good as I am."
"That kind of attitude is what will get you killed," she warned and put back the potion into her bag. "Don't underestimate me. That would be the fastest way to your grave."
She had balls. I was going to give her that. But mere talk wasn't going to be enough to go against someone like me. She needed something more.
"Well, well." I grinned. "How impolite of me. It's not nice to threaten a guest."
"Yeah, it could lead to three bullets being put through your heart," she replied, her black eyes burning my face up with her stare.
"Before you plan on killing me..." I messed my hair with my hand. "at least I deserve to know the name of my murderer."
Her gaze darkened, tension growing in the room. "Luciana Perez, don't forget it. I would want you to scream it while in hell."
My blood pumped with excitement. It had been years since I had such a tense conversation with someone. Luciana was something else.
I'm sure she knew I was dangerous. But I was surprised that she was calm and challenged me in the face of danger. This was the same with when she fought those fire hybrids. She was relaxed in that tense situation. Her eyes were steady and never shook in fear.
"Who knew the city's most loved man would have such a huge secret.," She said, resting her chin on a hand.
I shrugged. "You have yours too. Don't talk like you're virgin Mary."
She scowled, making the hairs on my neck stand. "You don't look too surprised knowing I have powers."
"I've seen worse," she replied, slouching on the chair.
"Judging by how you fought those things from last night, I'm sure you know what they are."
She popped her pink lips. "I'm a hunter, I should know my prey."
"Last night"s fight looked like you held a serious grudge against them," I said. "Hunters don't kill without a reason."
I fully remember her calling them worthless monsters. She zoned out, her eyes on the table. Her hands curled into a fist till her knuckles turned white. Her jaws clenched and her glasses reflected the lights of the white bulbs above.
"They killed my father two years ago."
"And now you want revenge?" I asked.
"I want to kill every last one of them."
I could smell her blood curling will. She was ready to kill these things over and over again if she could. This kind of taste for revenge could be dangerous for her. But why would I care? It was her life.
"A long time ago, the first werewolf Lycan slept with the first witch." I yawned. "She bore two sons, who had the powers of a werewolf and the powers of a witch."
Luciana's eyes lit with curiosity. I couldn't believe a god like me would stoop so low to be telling a mere human a bed time story. But this mere human could help me achieve my goal. So I had no choice but to play daddy.
"These two brothers became the first hybrids. But their powers were too much to handle. So the witch thought of a plan." I raked my hand through my black hair. "She divided this powers into two. One got the magic of lightning while the other got the magic of fire. This bore birth to the first two hybrid families. The Lightning family and the Fire family. Unfortunately, the lightning family has been wiped out and I'm the only survivor."
"So you're a..."
"Wow, this is a lot to digest." She breathed deeply. "So what do you want with me?"
"I want to wipe out the Fire family as much as you do." I laced my hands. "If we join hands, our chances of winning them are high."
Normally, I would've killed her since she knew what I was. But now she was an exception. She wouldn't dare to expose me because I know her secret. Also, I know deep down she wants to know more about me. I'm a mystery to her.
"I would think about it." She rose from her seat.
I did a curt nod. "Italio would give you my number."
Author's note: Hey guys, what do you think? Second chapter is already up. ?