This was the game, with rules I still didn’t fully understand. With Alexander, Luther was careful. Established structure, taught our sub what was expected. Which Alexander needed because his desire to please, to have his efforts rewarded, was part of rebuilding his confidence. Of earning his trust.
With me, Luther steered away from the expected, from the careful order of the life I’d built. While he showed amazing restraint, he didn’t need to be gentle. Gentle would lead to me shutting down. Refusing to give in fully.
As he pistoned in and out, over and over, my whole body tensed. Precum beaded on the tip of my dick and he spread it with his thumb, letting out a soft moan as his hand tightened at the base of my cock. He didn’t stop moving, but added a deep thrust every time he filled me.
The urge to come became an ache, settling at the small of my back and billowing outward, throbbing in my balls, tight and lifted and sending sharp pangs of pleasure up the length of my dick. Every stroke once he released me was a tease, because he read me well. The second I jerked, tipping my head back, fighting not to let go too soon, the grip of his hand helped me.
This could continue all night. And part of me wanted it to. The part of me that knew I was never as honest with him, as connected to him, as I was when he had me this desperate. So fucking close to surrendering to all my chaotic emotions that begging didn’t seem that bad. Being vulnerable was safe because he was with me. Because it was exactly what he wanted.
At first, the words escaped me. I released a gritty noise, nothing intelligible, because the feel of him slamming into me over and over stole my ability to speak. But when he slowed again, I clenched down and rasped in enough air to say what he needed to hear.
“Damn it, Luther! Please…please just let me…” Sweat slicked my face, my chest, the hands I had braced on the counter. “I’ll do better. I’m trying. I’m fucking trying. I don’t ever want you to stop, but I can’t keep going. You’re driving me insane.”
Luther slowed his pace, kissing my throat, then bringing his lips to my ear. “We don’t have to stop, Xavier. You’re mine tonight. Sleep in tomorrow. Wait for Alec to come to you and be careful with him. Promise me that and I’ll let you come.”
“I will. Fuck! Luther…” My whole body shook as he tightened his grip on my cock. “I would have anyway. I won’t hurt him any more than I’d hurt you.”
Hand moving up and down my length, hard and fast, Luther nodded with his head on my shoulder. “Good. Then come for me. And know you’ll be doing it again soon. Because I’m not done with you.”
Pleasure tore through me with the strength of every muscle within, fighting to absorb the undulating pressure. I shouted as Luther used his palm to stop my cum from hitting the counter, his calloused skin making already sensitive flesh spark as though every nerve lit up with the flick of an erotic flame. He stroked me slowly as the last few spurts spilled over his hand, his dick still hard inside me.
As my knees buckled, he withdrew, holding me up, smearing my own cum on my skin as he pulled me against him.
Leaning on him, I huffed in as much air as I could manage, brow furrowing as I tipped my head back. “You didn’t—”
“No. I told you I wasn’t done with you.” His lips slanted as he brought them down to mine. “I want you in my bed. And I want you to stay.”
That he planned to use me all night didn’t bother me. His endurance could be overwhelming, but in a way I’d never get enough of. When he was in this mood, I could expect to feel him for days. And I’d need that while he was gone.
But he wanted me worn out so I’d sleep with him. Actually sleep, too worn out to slip away in the middle of the night because I couldn’t handle waking in the morning relaxed in his arms. I preferred my bed cold. My mornings steeling me for a day where I had to be strong. Detached.
He enjoyed cuddling. Enjoyed soft mornings with lazy smiles over coffee and sweet kisses that didn’t lead to more. All things Alexander could give him. Things he wouldn’t get from the young man for a week. Things Alexander needed as well.
Which I’d be expected to give him, but hadn’t the first idea how.
“I think it would have been easier if I’d asked you for a kidney.” Luther pressed his lips to my hair and laughed. “You’re not working tomorrow, Xavier. You’re taking time off to be with Alec.”
“I am…” It had seemed a good idea at the time, but now I wasn’t so sure. “But I still have responsibilities that—”
“That you can manage while being human.”
“I’m always human, Luther. Don’t be ridiculous.” Standing there, naked, made being indignant rather difficult, but I did my best as I gathered my clothes. “Being professional isn’t a bad thing.”
“It is when being held until you’re fully awake makes you feel weak. That’s not professionalism. That’s fear.” Luther grabbed my shoulder before I could step away and pull my clothes back on. “Leave them off. Show me you can do this.”
This being everything I’d avoided because Luther was right. I couldn’t imagine starting the day feeling as exposed as he had me now. As I was whenever I let my guard down and woke by his side, wishing I didn’t have to leave. But a few hours in my own bed and I was able to close myself off from any foolish urges. From the idea that everything I’d built could be taken if I wasn’t the man everyone saw me as.
Cold. Ambitious. And unfeeling.
I wasn’t that man to Luther.
Or to Alexander.
And it was past time I prove it.
“I’m not sure I can.” If nothing else, I’d give Luther honesty. “But I will try.”
Luther smiled and brought his lips to mine. “Which is all I’ve ever wanted from you. But don’t worry. I’ll make it easy.”
“How so?”
“When I’m finished, you won’t want to move.” His lips slanted into an evil smile. “The staff doesn’t come to my room, so you’ll be left with two options.”
Walking naked down the hall, I rubbed my arms, eager to climb into his bed and soak in the heat of his body, while fully aware I’d regret it in the morning. “Which are?”
Luther pulled off his shirt, tossing it in the half-full wicker hamper behind his door, his pants and boxers joining it second later. He slid under the dark blue comforter on his bed, not speaking again until I lay at his side.
He traced a calloused fingertip along my bare arm, clearly in no rush to find his own release. “You walk to your section of the house either completely naked or wearing my clothes, which are much too big for you.”
An option I wouldn’t even consider and he damn well knew it. This game of his was becoming less appealing by the minute. I frowned, waiting for him to tell me the second option.
“Or…” Raking his fingers into my hair, he tipped my head back and brought his lips to mine. “Alec will come to my room, all sleepy and affectionate and eager to please. You’ll be too worn out to fuck him, so you’ll relax and let him bring you coffee. And something to lounge around in once you’re ready to leave my bed.”
“You’ve got this all planned out, do you?” Brow lifted, I held his gaze, torn between wanting to challenge the way he’d assumed control of my entire day, or simply enjoy what sounded like a rather pleasant way to spend it. “What if I decide to keep Alexander here and make him pay for you being so goddamn manipulative?”
Kissing me again, Luther laughed. “I’m sure he’d enjoy that very much.”