The rich aroma of coffee was damn tempting as it eased me awake, but I kept my eyes shut, giving myself a moment to remember how to be a civil human being. Alexander had done exactly what Luther predicted because he was sweet and thoughtful, but I never knew how to function the mornings I wasn’t on autopilot. When my butler brought me coffee I simply gulped it down while he went over updates to my schedule and waited for any orders concerning the household.
I wasn’t rude to my butler, but neither of us wasted time on pleasantries. We both did what needed to be done.
Since I’d taken the day off, there was nothing that required even getting out of bed.
Which wasn’t as appealing as it should have been. Not when Luther had left me sated and sore and completely worn out. What could I possibly do to make sure Alexander had a good morning with me? A young man with as much energy as he had would be bored with anything I found remotely entertaining.
Letting out a heavy sigh that matched the one I’d stifled, Alexander sat on the edge of my bed.
I frowned, turning my head to look at him. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” Alexander rested his hands on his thighs, forcing a smile. “I brought you coffee.”
“I can see that.” I pushed up to sit against the headboard, studying the young man, hair neatly styled and dressed as though ready to head to the office. Considering we were spending the day at home, I’d expected him to be shirtless, in the pajama pants he usually lounged around in on the weekend, adorably rumpled and sleepy.
Instead, he was as stiff as he was at work when everything was going wrong and he’d decided it was his fault. On those days I usually wasn’t in a great mood myself, but if it really wasn’t his fault, I did my best to let him know.
Much easier to do when I knew what the problem was.
I guess this is where the talking comes in. Reaching over, I grabbed the mug of coffee I assumed he’d prepared for me, though both were black. Strange, since he took his with cream and sugar. Neither were on the tray.
“Did something happen that I should know about?” I took a sip of coffee, brow furrowing when he simply shrugged. “Alexander, talk to me.”
“I…” Alexander looked down at his hands. “I’m not sure what I’m supposed to be doing. Luther usually brings me coffee and kinda bugs me until I get up to go for a run. He teases me about being grumpy until I’m…not.”
Ah…I hid a smile behind my mug. “I take it you’re not much of a morning person?”
He wrinkled his nose. “No. But you’re…not usually around to see it.”
All right, that stung. It was true, but I’d done my best to spend a reasonable amount of time with him. Mornings were nearly impossible—that was when the most demanding parts of my business were prepared for, then executed. Meetings tended to be scheduled fairly early to give me an advantage because I tended to be more alert than my peers. An underhanded strategy, but I hadn’t gotten where I was today by being a saint.
Not one that would work with Alexander, though.
What would Luther do?
Alexander just told you.
Yes, but there was no way I was dragging him out for a run neither of us wanted to go on. The plan had been to stay in bed all morning and relax.
I eyed him for a moment, then jutted my chin at his crisp, light blue shirt and dark blue slacks. “Take those off.”
Eyes wide, Alexander immediately began unbuttoning his shirt. “Shit, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to piss you off. I—”
“I’m not pissed.” My brow furrowed at the uncertainty in his eyes. I shook my head and shoved off the blankets. “Get in the bed. I’ll be right back.”
The second I was in the hall, I realized I was naked. I retreated back into the room and cursed under my breath. Why had I let Luther talk me into such an impractical arrangement? What if the house had caught on fire?
“Xavier?” Alexander’s tone was hesitant, but I caught an undertone of laughter. “Luther’s robe is right there.” He pointed at the back of the door where Luther’s heavy black robe with purple lapels hung. “The staff doesn’t come to this side of the house much, but just in case…”
Groaning, I grabbed the robe. “Go ahead and laugh. I feel ridiculous.”
“You look fucking hot though.”
Heat crawled up the back of my neck and I shot him a sideways glance as I tied the robe snug around my waist. The way it dragged on the floor and covered my hands couldn’t be helped. “I look like a fool.”
“I meant before you put on the robe.” His lips slanted. “Now you look kinda cute.”
He was pushing the limits and he knew it. At least he didn’t seem moody anymore, so I’d let his cheekiness slide. Slipping into the hall, I glanced around, then crossed the short distance to the kitchen. I heard a door open at the far end of the left wing, where this part of the house was connected to the main. Ms. Lacey, probably, worrying that I’d starve to death if she didn’t check on me. She knew I hadn’t gone to work.
After grabbing the cream out of the fridge, I half skidded across the floor in my haste to snatch the sugar dish from the counter, cursing as the top popped off and a spray of white flew out onto the floor. Not much, but enough to notice.
Spilled sugar wouldn’t be as embarrassing as Ms. Lacey seeing me like this, though, so I cut across the hall, ducking in Luther’s room just as I heard the cook’s footsteps. I pressed my forehead against the door, calming my breath, wishing I’d considered how badly things could go when Luther asked me to spend the night.
Rather than being prepared to come across members of my staff, dressed like myself and behaving as though being here was perfectly normal, I was rushing around, avoiding them in my own home. I shouldn’t have to, but the only way I managed this household was with a staff who expected nothing more from me than a good paycheck, seasonal bonuses, paid vacations, and insurance. I tried to be an exemplary employer, but I was their employer. There was nothing personal between us.
I couldn’t live my life with so many around me and let it be personal. Sometimes Ms. Lacey came close, but even she respected my boundaries. Many of which I’d developed over the years to maintain both my sanity and this lifestyle.
If she saw me like this it would be an invitation to approach me. To ask questions.
Opening up to Luther and Alexander was hard enough. I refused to let anyone else that close.