As I made my way backstage the cheerful chatter faded away, then died with each intern, assistant, and model who glanced my way. My spine stiffened with the attempt to ignore the building tension. I wasn’t some kind of monster, why were they all so damn careful around me? Yes, I lost my temper now and then when faced with incompetence, but always in my office with the door closed.
If I shouted when every person under my employ seemed to have slowed to a crawl it was simply to ensure they still had jobs the next day. And for years to come. I hadn’t built a successful empire by being passive. My company employed the best in the industry on every level and applications poured in daily to fill coveted spots as we expanded, but upper management almost always rose from within. The one exception over the last eight years being Alexander.
The company had the best benefits compared to any other in the city and I’d made damn sure long ago that those who worked for me would be secure and happy here. The one thing I couldn’t give them was more of myself, but that was to be expected. Fine, the trepidation might stem from knowing nothing of me save the sound of my voice carrying when someone fucked up, but the generous paychecks should make the occasional amped up pressure negligible.
“Little minnows, the lot of them.” I muttered under my breath. “I’m surprised someone hasn’t started playing the Jaws soundtrack.”
“That can be arranged,” Luther spoke quietly, but the amusement in his tone was loud and clear. “You’d frighten them less if you stopped scowling, you know.” Luther’s lips twitched as I turned my scowl on him. “Don’t give me that look. You intimidate people. You’re not interested in socializing, and I understand that. But if you don’t want a room to go silent when you walk in, it wouldn’t kill you to smile.”
“What reason do I have to smile? Alexander is upset. I’m worried about him.”
“Fair enough, but everyone here worked hard, and they need to know you’re pleased.”
“Then they’ll receive bonuses for a job well done.”
Luther sighed, shaking his head before continuing to the storage area at the back of the venue where all the showcase pieces were being carefully packed away, along with boxes of accessories, shoes, and props. Alexander spent his time here during setup, claiming he’d ‘freak’ if anything was damaged, but I suspected he felt more comfortable around the men and women who unloaded, then loaded up the company vans.
Across the room Alexander was opening a roll of tape with his teeth, laughing at whatever the man next to him said before playfully smacking the taller man’s arm. He spat out a piece of plastic, glancing to his left when a young woman asked him something, grinning when the rest of the crew chimed in.
Looked like he was doing just fine on his own.
I started to turn.
Luther placed his hand on the base of my spine, forcing me to keep moving forward. “Hey, Alec. Thought we’d find you here.”
Alexander’s expression lit up for a split second before he schooled his features, but his eyes still shone as he looked from Luther to me. He stood, passing the tape to the girl next to him before crossing the storage area, sidestepping boxes and racks.
The smile on his lips stole the urge to make a discreet exit. As detached as I tried to be, there was no way to steel myself against the warmth he shared so effortlessly.
Tie undone, jacket abandoned, Alexander was a complete mess, but at least he’d shaken off the embarrassment from being put on the spot. He stopped a few feet in front of us and hooked his thumbs to his pockets, rocking on his scuffed black dress shoes as though too full of energy to stand still.
“Everything’s pretty much done, but I wanted to double check.” Alexander licked his bottom lip, rocking again. “A few of us are going to a club to have drinks and celebrate. Did you guys wanna come?”
“Wouldn’t you prefer to celebrate at home?” I used my most diplomatic tone, but an edge crept in at the mere thought of going to a crowded club. Surrounded by people shouting and shoving and stealing all the air from a too bright and too humid room… Never mind the incessant pulse of horrible music. He’d have been better off suggesting waterboarding for entertainment. “I bought that terrible movie you’ve been looking forward to.”
Luther muttered a prayer even as Alexander spat out a laugh.
“The movie will be there tomorrow.” Luther gave me a hard look the second I opened my mouth. He reached out and patted Alexander’s shoulder. “Go have fun. I’m happy you’re starting to make some friends—just give me a shout if you need me to pick you up.”
“You sure?” Alexander chewed on his bottom lip in a way that was not conductive to me letting him go anywhere. He met my eyes, his own filled with uncertainty. “If you’d rather I come home, I will.”
“I would.” I could feel Luther glaring at me. Decided to throw him off by doing something completely out of character. “But I’ll have you to myself for the next week. Enjoy your last night of freedom.”
Somehow, Alexander managed to pale and blush at the same time. Absolutely adorable.
I looked forward to making him do that often when I had him back under my control.
“You almost had me there.” Luther shook his head, lips curved. “You managed to be unselfish and overbearing all at once.”
“He’s scary even when he’s sweet,” Alexander spoke in a stage whisper, his golden blond hair spilling over one eye as he gave a mischievous smile. “Don’t tell him I’m looking forward to whatever he plans to do to me.”
“You’re going to wish you hadn’t said that.” Luther glanced over at the packing people, taking Alexander’s hand and drawing him closer when he saw they were all distracted. “I’m damn proud of you. The show you put on tonight—”
“Was much bigger than me.” As always, Alexander refused to take any credit, but he looked down at his hand in Luther’s and drew in a rough breath. “Maybe I shouldn’t go. Xavier is right, this is your last night here. I’m gonna fucking miss you.”
“Watch your language, boy. I’ll miss you too, but I’ll only be gone for a week. And you know I hate goodbyes.” Luther squeezed Alexander’s fingers. “Last night was ours. Tonight will be for me and Xavier. I’ll wake you up in the morning for a quick kiss, while you’re too tired to make me change my mind about leaving.”
Nodding slowly, Alexander lowered his gaze. He was trying hard to be strong for Luther, but this was the first time in months he’d be without our man for more than a few hours. Even with work and school, Alexander still found time to be with Luther, cuddling while watching a movie, going to restaurants, or simply exploring the city. They went jogging together almost every morning.
A week without that, with only me to comfort him, would be difficult. Our relationship was strong, we worked well together, but I wasn’t good at spending quiet moments with anyone. ‘Date nights’ were usually the three of us doing something on Luther’s insistence. I’d cut down my schedule as much as possible to have meals with both my men at least a few times a week—still, it was rare I spent the night with either of them.
Strengthening our relationship was important, a priority…and yet, I was well aware that my efforts weren’t nearly enough. Luther leaving would be my chance to up my game as a partner and a lover. He wasn’t responsible for filling my role in Alexander’s life, but I’d let him far too often. Just as I’d let Alexander give Luther what was missing from me.
The only way to change that would be to give our relationships the same relentless focus I gave my company all these years. And I’d considered a few ways to do that.
Until my plans were put into action, if Luther believed Alexander being with his new…friends would be good for him, I’d at least encourage that.
If they’re using him, in any way, I’ll simply get creative about making them suffer.
Smiling at the thought, I patted Alexander’s arm. “Go on. You’ve earned this night. And I promise, the time will pass quickly. I’ve taken your advice and started training Tricia as my assistant. Over the next week, I’ll let her take on more of my duties, which will free up time for us to spend together.” The idea hadn’t appealed at first, but seeing the shock on both Alexander and Luther’s faces now spurred me on. “If all goes well, I may consider a vacation.”
Luther blinked at me, lifting his hand to scratch his jaw, as though I’d given him a puzzle to solve. “You’ve never taken a vacation. I trust you’d tell me if you were sick?”
I arched a brow at him, refusing to dignify the question with an answer.
Alexander’s eyes were troubled. “I mentioned Tricia was hoping for a promotion and she’s really good with upper management, but I didn’t know you needed more help. Aren’t I still your PA?”
We’d discussed Alexander remaining on as my personal assistant, but with how well he’d done with the junior line I’d assumed he’d stay on, establishing himself in the more important role. Having him close at hand to indulge in sexual play during office hours had been enjoyable. I’d miss the time we spent together in my office.
However, part of improving our relationship meant not limiting our interactions to the bit of time I could spare between phone calls and paperwork. And it wasn’t like he wouldn’t be close enough to call in for impromptu…meetings if we both had the urge.
“We’ll discuss your position at a later date, Alexander. I’d hoped the idea of a trip to some exotic location would be more appealing than sorting through my files, but if not—”
“No! I’d fucking love to take a trip.” Alexander bit his bottom lip as Luther held up a finger.
My lips slanted. If Luther was starting to count the rules being broken, maybe Alexander wouldn’t be leaving with these new people after all. Swearing was a recent addition to the list, and only applied at work. Not a rule I would have considered, but Luther was the one who’d taken on Alexander’s training.
Our submissive never made it to two and found security in the discipline. My punishments tended to be more immediate, my rules less involved, but the balance between Luther’s tender micromanaging and my attention to structure worked out well. At least the power exchange was something we’d laid a solid foundation for.
“Alec, you coming?” The girl who’d been speaking to Alexander earlier called out, glancing uncertainly at Luther, then me. “Everything all right?”
“One sec!” Alexander called back. He stared up at Luther, swallowing hard. “Is me not going my punishment?”
Luther shook his head and squeezed Alexander’s shoulder. “You want me to make you stay, but I won’t do that, Alec. This will be good for you.”
“Then what—”
“Wash my car while I’m gone. Naked.” Luther chuckled as Alexander’s lips parted. “Swearing equals chores. Was that not clear?”
“But you won’t be there to enjoy the show.”
“Which is what makes it a punishment. Because you’d have liked that very much.” Luther gave Alexander a little nudge. “Now don’t make me repeat myself. I may start to think you don’t care to please me.”
Chewing at his bottom lip, Alexander paused for a moment. “I’ll go…” He cocked his head. “But I’m recording that shi—that. Me washing your car. See you in the morning!” He grinned and took off.
Shaking my head, I watched him go. “You had to put him in brat mode right before leaving, didn’t you.”
“You’ll enjoy every minute.” Luther turned with me, heading for the exit that led into the underground parking. “I want to know you’re both having fun while I’m gone.”
“I don’t do fun.” My lips thinned at his level look. “The things you and Alexander enjoy don’t amuse me. I’ll make an effort, but the idea of noisy movies and greasy food isn’t the least bit appealing.”
Inclining his head as we reached the town car parked at the far end of the lot, Luther stilled for a moment, a thoughtful expression on his face. “You have trouble with anything you don’t find productive, but there are things you enjoy doing. Things I wish I’d convinced you to do more often.”
“I wasn’t open to suggestions for a very long time, Luther.”
“But you are now.” There was a wicked glint in his eye. One that immediately sent blood pulsing down low. His deep, gravelly tone was like a firm grip on my swelling erection, full of lust and power. “We’ll discuss what I’ll allow you to do with our pet. Once I’ve finished what I want to do to you.”
Part of me wanted to resist. To put up a wall of arrogance and deny the need he stirred in me. I slammed the steel door I’d once used to shut Luther out on the urge and smirked. “My submission isn’t as easy to claim as Alexander’s.”
Luther folded his forearms on the hood of the car, brow arched. “Is that a challenge?”
I opened the passenger side door. “Always.”