Riley’s Point of View
“One last check. Does everyone have what they need?” I asked, grabbing all the files. Joey rolled his eyes, taking the files from my hands.
“For the last time Riley, yes,” he said, pecking my cheek.
“Well then, to the airport we go,” I said.
Matt lifted a few bags on his shoulder along with Joey. We all piled into our cars and headed straight there.
“Where are we staying this time?” Joey asked, glancing at me before focusing on the road.
“I rented a house there in Seattle,” I told him as I opened Jesse’s file.
“Great. I’ve always wanted to go there,” Joey said, smiling and I nodded.
“I’ve only been there once before with my parents,” I said.
“This will be fun. I mean we’ve never gone undercover as drug dealers before,” Joey said poking my cheek, trying to get me to smile.
“Yeah, it will be cool to see what a lot of our agents face from the inside,” I said before biting my lip. If he is starting a gang of assassins, then I knew for a fact we wouldn’t be just doing some drug dealing, and that itself scared the hell out of me.
I was relieved once we arrived at our temporary house in Seattle. It was a long flight and I was exhausted because of the time change.
“Once you all are done unpacking, I want you to come back down here and we’ll start discussing some things. I’m gonna go out and pick up some food. And don’t even think about taking the first room on the right. It’s mine,” I said. Joey groaned.
“Damn. I saw the pictures for this place and I really liked that room,” Joey pouted.
“Joey, you’re sharing with me. Remember?” I said, letting out a sigh. He gave me a sheepish smile.
“Right, sorry. I sometimes forget I have such a beautiful fiancé I get to sleep with every night,” he said.
Rachel sighed.
“Can you guys just be married and have ten little Joey’s and Riley’s running around. Cause you two are seriously goals. Like Joey, please teach my husband this stuff,” Rachel said, making Joey smirk and me roll my eyes.
“Thank you. Now go get settled in,” I ordered before grabbing my keys and heading towards the door.
“Can I come?” Joey asked.
“I guess if you really want to,” I said. He nodded before following me out.
Once we were in the rental car, we made our way to the closest food store. We filled up the car with whatever looked appetizing. We didn’t know how long this case would take since we were dealing with Jesse Farone again.
“Excuse me,” a blonde woman said to Joey. Joeys eyes widened at the sight of her, making mine narrow. She was definitely pretty, but she looked too dressed up for this place. Her hair was perfectly curled and pulled to one side, and she wore a dress that was black on the top and on the bottom had different pretty designs in different colors, like blue and purple, with black heels.
“Sorry,” Joey apologized, moving out of her way so she could grab some yogurt. Joey watched her as she walked away, making me scowl.
“If you don’t stop looking at her in the next three seconds I will go all agent on your ass,” I hissed. That was probably the first time I’d ever seen him look at another girl like that. When he told me he liked me, I realized he’d always only had eyes for me.
“Riley, I swear it wasn’t that. It’s just she looks so familiar,” he said, letting his eyes snap back to mine, and I shook my head. I still didn’t like the way he looked at her. I’m suppose to be his fiancé.
“Whatever. Just go get paper products,” I told him, and he nodded, walking away.
Claire’s Point of View
“Elena, you told me that was sent out yesterday. What the hell do you mean it never got sent? I want you to call Victoria and explain to her why exactly her shipment of clothes won’t be coming within the next week,” I told my assistant before ending the call. And this is why I can’t leave work early.
You wouldn’t have to if Caiden would do something around the house.
I almost laughed at that thought. Caiden’s as busy as me. I’m lucky if he’ll even make me dinner every once in a while.
I gasped in surprise when I felt someone bump into me. “I’m so sorry!” The familiar handsome male apologized. I immediately recognized him from a minute ago when I was sliding past him for yogurt.
“You’re fine. Don’t worry about it,” I told him, giving him a sincere smile.
“I’m Joey,” he said, holding out his free hand.
I shook it while introducing myself, ”I’m Claire.”
“Ah so that’s why you look familiar. You’re Claire Martez. I think I’ve ordered a few tuxedos from you recently,” he said.
I smiled.
“Well thank you for that. I have to get going, but it was a pleasure meeting you,” I told him.
“The pleasure was all mine,” he said smiling before I turned and headed to the front checkout.
As I walked, someone else ran into me, making me groan. All I wanted was some fruit and yogurt for the house. Is it really that hard to be left alone.
“Watch it,” the man hissed as he continued to walk. Did he just? Oh no he didn’t.
“Excuse you? You bumped into me,” I said, causing him to stop and turn to face me.
“Of course. I should’ve known by that attitude it was you Claire,” the familiar man said, shaking his head with a grimace on his face. I let my eyes carefully skim his face and then it hit me who he was.
“Well, I would have never guess I would see Jesse Farone here. I’m surprised you consume anything besides drugs,” I hissed. He sneered at me. Jesse Farone was the one I met in front of my shop not that long ago. We actually became pretty close friends. It wasn’t until I introduced him to Caiden that I wished I never met him. Jesse was a criminal.
To this day I still remember the story Caiden told me.
“When the cops brought me back to my parents, their first thought was to celebrate that I was home and bring us on a trip to LA, since apparently they were so overwhelmed they needed a vacation. That’s where I met Jesse and your brother. I was walking to the store one night and he and a few other guys were doing some dealing in an alley next door. I lied to you when I told you that I would never do that stuff. I needed to forget everything, so he told me if I was a dealer with him he would give me whatever I wanted for free, so I took his offer. We were only going to be in LA for three weeks. When those three weeks ended I told him I had to stop, but that wasn’t what he wanted to hear.”
“What did he do?” I asked Caiden.
“Nothing. I had to leave, but he sent two of his friends to look after me,” Caiden said, clenching his fists.
“Jax and Leon.”
It suddenly all made sense now. That’s why Jax was really in jail, and I understood why Caiden didn’t want me to talk to Leon.
“How’s Caiden?” Jesse asked, interrupting my thoughts.
“I don’t really think that’s any of your business,” I told him with a glare. Jesse’s hand grabbed ahold of my chin. I stood my ground and continued to flare at him.
“Remove your fucking hand before I scream.”
“You better watch that tongue of yours or else one day it could get you killed,” he said with a smirk before removing his hand. “I only came here to help you out, but you just had to be a little bitch. You and Caiden better start watching your back. I don’t show any mercy to anyone these days.”
Jesse only let his smirk grow wider before walking away. Once he was completely out of sight, I rubbed my chin. The grip he had was so tight it could’ve left bruises. I needed to get home. I may seem like a strong woman, but when someone threatens my life, I won’t lie and say I’m not scared, because I am.
Riley’s Point of View
Once we arrived home and unloaded everything, we all met in the kitchen.
“I think Riley should go undercover at first. Just because it would be too obvious if two of us wanted to join at the same time,” Joey said.
Matt shook his head.
“No, that’s too dangerous.”
“It’s too dangerous for them to go in together! If they get caught right from the start, then they are as good as dead,” Emily said moving a piece of her blonde hair behind her ear.
“I’m doing it. Joey will join me not long after,” I said, leaving no room for argument.
“The only thing I’m worried about is that he’ll recognize her,” Rachel said while biting her lip.
“And that’s why I bought blonde hair dye,” I said, nodding my head to the box on the counter.
“Well then, when do you go undercover?” Matt asked me.
“When’s the sunset?” I asked him.
“At 9:10.”
“I’ll be leaving here at 9:30 then.”
“That only gives you 3 hours Riles,” Joey said.
I simply shrugged.
“That seems like enough time to me. Rachel, I want you to find out where Jesse Farone will be at 9 o’clock tonight. Emily, you will go out and get me an outfit that would make look a little slutty but sexy. Matt, I want you to help Rach,” I ordered.
They all nodded and then left the room to go do their jobs.
“And what about me?” Joey asked with an innocent look.
“You’re going to go with Emily,” I told him. He pouted. “I would hurry up before she leaves.”
He jumped up and ran out of the room.
“Emily! Hey wait up!” I laughed shaking my head. I grabbed the hair dye and headed up to the bathroom. It looked like Riley Scott was going blonde.
“There is no way they’re going to say no to that,” Rachel said. Emily agreed.
“Damn. You should dress like this every day,” Joey said, bringing me closer to him. I was wearing a pair of tight, white shorts that barely covered my ass and a light blue tank top that had ruffles and zipped up in the middle, and then a pair of blue sandals.
“Yeah, I’m sure you’d like that,” I said smirking. He nodded, pecking my lips.
“I’m probably the luckiest guy in the world to have a fiancé as beautiful as you,” he whispered in my ear making my cheeks heat up. I pushed him away and got into business mode.
“You’re bringing a gun right?” Matt asked me and I shook my head.
“No, just a knife. That’s all,” I said.
“I really advise that you bring a gun with you too. Just like a pistol or something.”
“Matt, don’t worry, I’ll be fine. Let’s not forget I’m going undercover,” I said.
He frowned.
“Now once I’m in I’ll probably be there for a while. I want you to make you sure to have both cars in the garage. I’m probably going to be followed home so I want no movement in the house after two. You guys should all stay upstairs in the room Matt set up,” I instructed.
“Here, I want you to take this,” Matt said, pulling a small box out of his pocket. He opened it and showed me a set of dangly earrings. “They’re like earrings, but the left earring has a small speaker right here, so you can hear me, and the right one is a mic in case you have to get in touch with me.”
“When did we get these in?” I asked. I’d never seen anything like this before, I thought, as I put them in. I added the belt to my shorts.
“I made these recently,” he said.
“They’re pretty cool.”
“Thank you. Now Joey, you’re dropping her off right?” Matt asked.
“It’s 9:30,” Emily said after looking at the time.
“Okay, let’s get going,” I said, opening the door.
“Hey Riley, be careful,” Emily yelled. I smirked.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got this,” I said before saluting them.
Joey drove me around the corner from where I needed to be. He stopped the car and looked at me. He placed his lips on mine, giving me a long, sweet kiss. “Be careful,” he whispered after pulling away.
“I always am, “I told him, pecking his lips one more time before stepping out of the car. It was a good thing this mission was in the summer, or else I’d probably freeze to death in clothes like these.
I heard the car pull away, and I started to walk confidently down the sidewalk with my hips swaying a bit. As soon as I was three feet from the store, I smirked. They would be in the alley to the left of it. I kept my head held high as I walked past it.
“Hey Jesse, look who we’ve got here,” an unfamiliar voice said. I continued to walk knowing they would follow.
“Hey babe, where you going?” Jesse yelled, running up next to me. I was hoping he wouldn’t notice me. I mean with blonde hair, more makeup, and tighter clothes, I looked like a completely different person.
“She’ll be going to my crib so we can get to know each other. If you know what I mean,” the obnoxious guy said, winking at me, causing me to roll my eyes. He put his arm on my shoulder, making me mentally cringe.
“Jacob, back off,” Jesse hissed, and the guy immediately dropped his arm.
“Hey girl what’s yo name?” asked another guy who I hasn’t noticed was walking behind us.
“Reese. But people I know pronounce it like the candy Reese cups,” I said in my perfected American accent. By now we had stopped walking and we were on the opposite side of the store where there was barely any lighting.
“Well Reese, how come you’re all alone this late at night?” Jesse asked.
“It’s like nine something. That’s not even late,” I said, raising my eyebrow.
“Well baby face, where you heading?” Jacob asked, causing me to glare at him.
“Call me that again and I will slit your throat.” I hissed and he raised his hands in surrender.
“I’d say she’s a feisty one,” Jacob said chuckling.
“Stop antagonizing the poor girl. But out of curiosity, where were you heading?” Jesse asked me, leaning against the brick wall of the building.
“How about I ask you a question. Why were there three guys standing in a dark alley whispering?” I shot back.
Jesse raised an eyebrow.
“I see someone’s too cocky for her own good. We were dealing drugs,” Jesse said, making my eyes widen. I wasn’t expecting him to come out and say that.
“Jesse, man, what the hell?” the other guy hissed.
“Interesting. How much?” I asked, twirling a piece of my blonde hair around my finger.
“You do drugs?” Jacob asked surprised while Jesse only smirked.
“You can get them for free if you work for us.” Jesse responded causing me to smirk.
“Are you offering me a spot in your gang?” I asked with a raised eyebrow and he chuckled putting his hand on the wall so it was right next to face and leaned in.
“I don’t know, it depends are you agreeing to be in my gang.” He shot back and I shrugged.
“Sure. I mean if you give me what I want we won’t have a problem,” I said before pushing his chest back and moving so I wasn’t so close to him.
“As great as this is I want the coke.” The other
Ignoring him, Jesse continued talking to me. “No, as long as you do what I said you won’t end up dead.”
Jesse pulled out a gun, pointing at the third man with us and let a deadly smirked appear on is face. The sound of the bullet being released from the gun sounded through the streets. I watched as it hit the man in the stomach and he fell to the ground. Jesse reached down and took a couple hundred dollar bills out of the mans pocket.
“Jacob, you know what to do.” Jacob took the bag off his back and opened up taking out some lighter fluid and a match.
“Stop. What are you doing!?” The man yelled out in pain trying to sit up. Jesse put his foot on the mans shoulder and pushed him down. Keeping his foot there he turned to Jacob giving him a look. He poured lighter fluid all over the man's body. When he opened the mans mouth with his hand and started pouring it inside it took every part of me to not turn away. I was undercover. I can’t do anything. Just remember you've seen worse.
“Wanna do the honors?” Jacob asked with a dark smirk on his face. Nothing disgusted me more then seeing the excitement in his eyes. He enjoyed bringing an end to people’s lives. He enjoyed watching them struggle.
“You never said killing was involved,” I said, looking at Jesse and ignoring Jacob.
“I shouldn’t have to. You know it’s a gang. What do you think we do? Give out little candy bracelets with hearts on them? If you can’t handle this, then you’re next,” Jesse sneered.
I raised my perfectly plucked eyebrow.
“Well, I’m here for the drugs. I don’t kill,” I said with no emotion. He just shook his head.
“That’ll change soon enough,” he said.
“Such a bore,” Jacob said before filling the man’s mouth with more lighter fluid and placing duct tape on his mouth. He threw the match, causing the body to go up in flames. We all took a step back watching him as he moved around – his face was filled with terror as he tried to scream. With his eyes he was begging me to take him out of his misery, but I couldn’t.
“Let’s go. Someone could spot us from the store any minute,” Jesse said, already walking away. I followed after them trying to keep the act up. I wanted to arrest him right now, but I couldn’t. There was no proof.
The place where they hid out was about a fifteen minute drive in their car. I wasn’t surprised to see it was an old abounded store. The second you walked in all you could smell was different drugs. Thousands and thousands of guns were aligned on the wall, making my eyes narrow.
“Hey Jess, I got the information you requested for Clover Thompson and Claire Martez,” Taylor said, handing Jesse a folder.
“I don’t care what you do to Clover, but I’ve met that Claire girl before. She’s hot man. I think you should turn her against Caiden,” Taylor suggested.
“Don’t tell me what the fuck to do. Caiden needs to learn he can’t do whatever he wants. Claire is the one thing in this world he cares about more than anything. And I know it will kill him when he sees her dead body,” Jesse said with another dark smirk on his face.
“Well, at least let me have some fun with her first.”
“You can do whatever you please with her. I won’t kill her right away. I need Caiden to suffer.” I was hoping Joey and the others were hearing this. We need to find these two girls. I can’t let them be murdered.
“Who’s this?” Taylor asked, looking at me with narrowed eyes.
“Her name is Reese. Don’t even think about it. She’s mine,” Jacob said, putting his arm on my shoulder again.
“Don’t act like you own me,” I said, shrugging off his arm. He squeezed my ass, making me jump. “Watch it.” I hissed.
“Calm yourself Jacob. Slutty isn’t my type.”
I bit back a response and only smirked.
“In other words, he means he can’t handle my type,” I retorted while flipping my blonde hair over my shoulder, causing Jacob to laugh.
“Enough,” Jesse said, glaring at the three of us. “You know where we stay now, so I expect you here at 10:30 sharp for your next assignment.” He didn’t say another word after that and only walked away with the folder in his hands.
“You’ll be an interesting recruitment,” Taylor said, looking at me. Taylor and Jacob followed after Jesse, leaving me alone.
I took that opportunity to leave. I texted Joey, telling him to meet me about two blocks away. We needed to find those two girls.