Jesse’s Point of View
I sat back in my chair in the conference room we use to discuss different deals. I watched as my gang members bickered back and forth, trying to agree on a price for the new type of drug we made. I blocked them out and focused on my own thoughts. I was fucking sick of this whole thing. I wanted to be a new man after prison. I didn’t want to follow in my brothers’ foot steps, but it seemed I was.
If there was one person to blame for making me give up on a fresh start, it would be Claire Martez. She was probably the only girl who I ever truly found attractive and irresistible from the second I saw her. She would’ve been the death of me if she wasn’t dating such a monster. Hypocritical? I know. But I tried to change. Caiden on the other hand didn’t. He is still a bastard with a haunting past. I don’t get what such a kind-hearted woman like her sees in him.
Slamming my fists on the table, I stood up completely furious. All attention was on me, but I could care less. You may ask: Do I really want Claire dead? The answer to that: No, I didn’t. Now don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t mind if Caiden took a couple of bullets to the head. But someone as precious as Claire, I think I would actually feel pain after shooting her.
“Jesse? Is everything okay?” Leon asked me and I sneered at him.
“If any other gang or person came in here they would think we are pathetic and weak because of you three arguing. I’m disgusted that someone of such a high rank would be even arguing over this,” I hissed.
Leon and the other two guys immediately apologized.
I left the room, slamming the door behind me. My brother would slice my throat right now if he knew I wasn’t taking what’s mine.
“Taylor,” I yelled into the locating room. He looked up. There were about twenty three other men in here, but Taylor was the only one who I knew for a fact would do his job right. Believe it or not, but to be in a gang you have to be smart, which is one of the reasons why I chose Reese as a new recruit. I could tell she was smart and would definitely be effective when it came to getting goods from other gangs.
This gang is more powerful now than it ever was, which is why I wasn’t worried about the EA catching us again. I am purposely leading them here. I would get my revenge on Riley Scott. “Find the location of Claire,” I demanded. He nodded, immediately going to work.
Claire’s Point of View
“What’s wrong?” Caiden asked me, his eyes having a tint of concern in them.
“I saw Jesse at the store yesterday. Caiden, I don’t trust him. He’s going to try to do something to you,” I told him.
Caiden smirked.
“It’s sad that after all of these years, you always think so lowly of me? I mean you should know I can protect us Claire,” his husky voice said while he pulled me onto his lap. I looked at the TV screen, pursing my lips.
“It would be nice if we didn’t always have to live our lives in fear,” I told him at the same time he started playing with my fingers, something that seemed to be a habit of his when he was thinking.
“Fuck Claire! I’ve told you multiple times you have nothing to worry about! It’s my past not yours, so just stay out of it,” he hissed, already getting mad.
I took a deep breath, trying not to get mad as well.
I laughed. “You think since we’ve been together for so long you would finally decide to open up a bit more. You told me everything in our college years, but now it feels like you’re further than ever. All you do is work these days.”
He moved my head with his hand, forcing me to look at him. My blue eyes met with his hazel ones, and I didn’t look away because of their intensity. “You know that I love you right? That’s why I’m working so much. I want you to be able to have the best life possible,” he told me, holding onto my hands again.
“I love you too. But we’re both making so much money that we’ll be be millionaires if not billionaires by the time we hit our early thirties,” I told him, standing up.
“Instead of yelling at me, why don’t you think for a second that maybe it’s not me! I’m not the only one working all day. You are always at work too. This is why this relationship is going nowhere!” he hissed, standing up too.
“No, don’t put this on our schedules! This relationship isn’t going anywhere because you’re still afraid of commitment!” I yelled throwing my hands up.
His eyes noticeably darkened, making me flinched at the harsh look that replaced the warm one on his face. “Let’s get one thing straight, I am not afraid. I never was. I just don’t do relationships because I see what it does to people. But you know what, baby doll? I made an exception for you. Because I care about you more then I should. Hell! I would take the world for you if you asked because I love you!” he said, his arms wrapping around my waist.
Guilt filled my body as I looked into his dark eyes. His face showed anger, but behind that menacing look I knew there was much more. “What happened to us?” I asked, resting my head against his chest as he pulled me closer to his body.
“I think we need to take a break from work and do something fun,” I said, pulling away and looking at him with a large smile on my face.
His eyes lightened at the look on my face and he pecked my lips. “What do you want to do? We can go on vacation if you want.” His suggestion made me excited, but I knew that would take too much planning right now.
“We’ll have to plan one soon. But I think tomorrow we should both take the day off and go to the beach!” I heard his deep chuckle echo through the room making me narrow my eyes.
“What? What’s wrong with the beach?” I asked, pouting and he shook his head.
“Nothing, I just wasn’t expecting you to say that. But yes, we can go,” he said, making me give him a long kiss.
“Yes! This will be so much fun!” I told him, my eyes sparkling with happiness.
“Are you sure you just don’t want to see me half naked?” he asked, an arrogant smirk on his face. Yeah, for everyone who was wondering, a guy’s cockiness does not disappear as the years go on. Personally I think they only get more arrogant.
“If I wanted to see you half naked or even completely naked, all I would have to do is this.” I pulled roughly on the top of his shirt, popping a button.
“And this,” I said, my voice getting quieter as I made another button pop off, pulling his shirt as I bit my lip seductively. His eyes darkened with lust, making me smirk.
“And this,” I said, letting my voice get even quieter so it was now just above a whisper.
“And this.” My lips were now next to his ear, touching them as I spoke. I popped the last few buttons causing him to let out almost a growl.
“Dammit, baby doll.” His lips attacked mine, making me smirk against his lips. Our kiss was heated, and I only felt my body get hotter as his hands roamed it. He didn’t even hesitate before completely removing my blouse. And I’m sure it wouldn’t take you very long to guess where that led to next.
“See isn’t this nice!” I said smiling, leaning my hands back on my towel. I loved the feeling of the hot sun on my skin. It gave me a warm feeling that no one else could give you. It made you feel hot, yet refreshed.
“I think it would be even nicer to see you laying out without anything on,” his husky voice whispered next to my ear. He tried to tease me by pulling on my ear with his teeth, but when he pulled away I scowled at him.
“No! We are going to have a nice, relaxing day today! No teasing!” I said him, giving him a pointed look.
“That’s not fair. You’re teasing me by being in the bikini of yours!” he said.
I frowned.
“Well doesn’t that just sound like a personal problem?” I said while trying to hold back a smirk.
“You shouldn’t of said that, baby doll,” he said before lifting me up and running into the water. I felt my body getting thrown into the icy water, making me scowl after I came up.
“That was cruel,” I told him and he shrugged.
“What wrong? Is someone cold?” he said, giving me an innocent look – that one look you would never expect to see on such a dark man.
“Have I ever told you that you’re an ass?”
“Multiple times,” he said before pecking my lips.
Clover’s Point of View
“It’s not nearly as hot here as it is in Long Beach,” I complained. Andrew just shook his head.
“We could just go home and enjoy the beaches there,” Andrew suggested as Tori glared at him.
“No! This is our vacation time! We’ve got the parents watching all the kids for another week. Let’s enjoy this paradise,” Tori said, sipping on her martini.
“No one said you had to come,” Andrew retorted.
“C’mon Tori is right! Plus I have old friends to meet up with!” Jasmin said, keeping her eyes closed as she soaked in the hot rays of the sun.
“You heard the girls. We can’t leave. Plus I still have one more fashion show next Saturday,” I told him. He rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, I know. It was only a suggestion. No need to bite my head off,” he said, peeling the sweaty shirt off his body.
“Hey sorry man,” Chris said, joining us with Michael by his side.
“We got caught in traffic on the way to the store, but we did get the beers,” he said, tossing Andrew one.
I was more than surprised when Stacey let Chris come here to Seattle with us while she stayed home to watch their kids. Zach did the same thing for Jasmin. Who knew Stacey and Zach could be kind enough to let their husband/wife go on a vacation without them.
“Does that woman look familiar to you guys?” Tori asked, looking in the distance at a blonde woman in the water with what I could guess was her boyfriend.
She did look really familiar, but I just couldn’t place my finger on how I knew her.
“Wait, I know who that is! That’s Claire Martez. She designed my wedding dress years ago,” Tori said.
“Oh really? That dress was gorgeous. You were in wedding magazines for months after your wedding because of that dress,” Jasmin gushed, sitting up and moving her sunglasses so they were on top of her head.
My eyes narrowed.
“Trust me when I said she’s nothing special. She’s just a royal bitch,” I said, flipping blonde my hair out of my face.
“How do you know?” Tori asked, raising an eyebrow.
“The other night when I went out with Andrew, I accidently spilled my drink, and she was a complete bitch. I swear she must think she’s all that because she’s one of the top designers,” I said, glancing at her to see her and her boyfriend holding each other’s hand and swinging them as they talked in the water.
“Really? She was so sweet when my stepbrother introduced us,” Tori said.
“Tori, people change. She was nothing more than a college student then,” I said, opening up a magazine I brought.
She sighed, shaking her head.
“Ugh, I should of expected it. I don’t think I can order clothes from her again knowing now that she was a bitch to my best friend,” Tori said.
I nodded in agreement. I don’t think I would look through her catalogues anymore either.
My eyes wondered up again in curiosity as the girl and her boyfriend flirted and splashed each other. She looked so carefree compared to the night at the club.
I watched as they exited the water and Claire walked off. I couldn’t contain my curiosity and excused myself. “I’m just gonna head to the bathroom. I’ll be back in a few minutes,” I told them before rushing off after her.
I felt stupid when I caught up only to see her just ordering something from the concession stand.
“Claire, I’m surprised. I didn’t expect to see you here,” I gasped. I completely hid when I saw that creepy guy from the other night.
“All I have to do is scream and Caiden will be here in seconds,” she warned.
“Now, no need to be rash. I just wanted to apologize for the other day. I hope I didn’t freak you out,” he said, letting his thumb stroke her cheek. She shivered in what I think was disgust, and she slapped his hand away.
“Don’t touch me,” she hissed. “Jesse, you have one minute to tell me what you want or so god help you I’ll scream.” That was this man’s name, Jesse?
“There’s no need for that. I’m only being friendly,” he said as her glared turned darker.
“45 seconds.”
“Fine. I want you to give me another chance. We were great friends until you told Caiden about me. I never actually did anything wrong to you,” he told her.
She just started at him blankly.
“You didn’t have to! Your goal in life is to take out the one person I love more than anything and you expect me to want to be friends with you? Are you fucking stupid?” Her words were laced with disgust as she glared at this guy.
When she said take him out did she mean—
“He betrayed me! He deserves to be put six feet under!” Jesse said, trying to defend himself.
—kill? This man is a killer. He told me he would be seeing me soon. Does that mean? “N- n- no this can’t be,” I said to myself. Obviously that was a stupid decision when they all looked over here. I was thankful when they glanced this way that they couldn’t see me.
“Who’s over there? What are you recording this conversation or something?” Claire said, pushing on his chest, making him stumble back since he wasn’t expecting that.
“No! I don’t know who the fuck is over there. Just listen to me. Claire, I just need you to forgive me. I won’t beg you, but I simply am asking you because your friendship was probably the closest thing I’ve had to living a normal life since I was a child.”
Anyone from a mile away could tell this man was in love with her. It almost made me feel bad for the guy. Keyword almost. He was a killer – No, he is a killer. And people like him deserve to rot in hell.
“Go to hell,” she sneered before walking up to the counter and grabbing her food and heading back to where her boyfriend was talking on his phone.
This was my chance. I could go up to her and confront her about that whole conversation or I could mind my own business and go back by Andrew and the others.
“Hey!” I yelled, running up to her. I was now walking right next to her.
“Are you stalking me or something?” she asked as she stopped walking to look at me.
“No, we just so happened to be at the same place at the same time,” I said, rolling my eyes. I could see someone is full of themselves. “I just overheard your conversation with that man and I have a question for you,” I told her. She narrowed her eyes.
“You should really stay out of things that don’t concern you,” she said, but I still asked my question anyway.
“Is he a killer?” I asked her. She raised an eyebrow looking almost amused.
“He is from LA. How can you not know if this man is a killer? Do you ever watch the news?”
“When you’re busy walking down runways and spending time with your husband while taking care of two kids it’s not exactly your first thing you want to watch,” I retorted. I watched as her eyes flashed with what looked like jealousy and a bit of pain. I smirked, liking the fact that I finally got to her.
Clearing her throat, she finally answered my question. “Yes, he’s a killer. He was in jail for nine years after helping is brother murder a poor girl.”
The disgust was evident on her face, but I felt myself freeze.
“Yeah and I’m only telling you this to help you out. There has been murder after murder here lately, so watch your back,” she told me before turning around to leave. I grabbed her arm, making her stop.
“That man told me he’d see me soon. Do you think—” I stopped not even wanting to finish the sentence.
I was surprised when she gave me a sympathetic look. “You should tell the police. He’s probably their number one suspect right now. If you tell them that, it would at least give them some type of reason to lock him behind bars for 24 hours,” she suggested, making me shake my head.
“And then when they find no proof and he’s released I just get to end up dead like everyone just because he’s mad. How about no,” I said, looking at my new manicure.
“Do whatever, I don’t really care,” Claire said, rolling her eyes before walking off. I didn’t even try to stop her and only watched her walk away.
I felt someone’s arms wrap around my waist and a head sit on my shoulder. “What was that all about?” my husband asked me, and I simply shrugged.
“Nothing, nothing at all,” I said, removing his arms and moving towards our friends. “Where’s Chris and Jasmin?” I asked, sitting down.
“They both wanted to go meet up with some family they have here,” Tori said, shrugging as she took another sip of her martini.
“Oh okay,” I said, looking out at the ocean. I never really understand how I managed to stay friends with those two after all this time. There was something weird about them. I didn’t think of how odd it was moving to our school right after we met them in jail as a teenager, but I’ve thought about it quite a few times as an adult. It was just weird especially because neither Andrew nor I ever told them that little piece of information about us living in Long Beach. Shrugging it off, I decided to relax and tune into whatever Tori and Andrew were arguing about now.
Claire’s Point of View
I sighed dramatically, setting the food beside Caiden before taking a seat on Caiden’s lap.
“That took longer then I thought it would?” he said with a suspicious tone, and I nodded agreeing. I held my breath, making my face like a puffer fish, and I looked up at Caiden at the same time while crossing my eyes.
“You’re so weird,” he said, letting out a deep chuckle before trying to press his lips against mine. Keyword trying. As soon as he got close, I let out my minty breath and blew it in his face. I gave him a huge smile while still looking up at him as I sat in his lap. Times like this I loved that he was taller than me.
Caiden rolled his eyes and pecked my lips. “Now I think I should tell you something,” he said, suddenly making me narrow my eyes.
“What?” I asked.
“I invited Nick to the beach and—” he said, making me get out of his lap and stand up.
“What?!” I repeated, glaring at him. I know he doesn’t get to see his best friend a lot because of his schedule, but today was suppose to be our day.
“And before you get mad, I invited Mia and Nathan too,” he finished, but I didn’t lose my glare.
“That’s nice of you, but today was still suppose to be our day,” I said, turning around to face the water with my arms crossed over my chest.
I felt him grab my hips and soon enough I was sitting on his lap again. “Don’t get all dramatic with me,” I heard him say before his soft lips pressed against my shoulder. “It’ll be fun having some of our friends here.”
“Yeah, but if Nick brings Jax then I’m leaving with or without you. I don’t care how long it’s been, I will never forgive him,” I said frowning. That man would always have to live with the fact that a sweet, innocent, boy killed himself because of him. He could have had a happy life if Jax didn’t torment and bully him. I mean look at the world now! He could have even gotten married to whatever guy he wanted to now!”
“He’s not going to,” Caiden said. I felt a bit of tension in the air.
Caiden’s list of reasons why he still hated Jax could have gone on forever, but he managed to tolerate him when ever Nick, Tom, Kyle and him went out.
“I guess I’ll let this pass this once because I’ve missed Nick,” I said before pursing my lips.
“Talking about me again?” I heard a familiar voice. I turned my head to see a tall, handsome man. I wouldn’t have even recognized it was Nick if it wasn’t for the cheeky smile on his face.
“Nick!” I yelled as I jumped out of Caiden’s lap and ran up giving him a hug. I let my arms wrap around his neck and his wrap around my waist.
“I don’t know if you know this, but it’s a bit weird to not see your fiancé for about 5 years,” Nick said, making me smile. I slapped his hard chest and just shook my head.
“Ha very funny,” I said, taking a step away from him.
“Yeah, it’s also not right to get engaged to his best friend,” he said, giving me a playful glare. I tried to keep the smile on my face, but it must have been sad because Nick lost the playful glare and instead gave me a look of curiosity and confusion.
“Oh uh, we aren’t engaged, so you don’t have to worry about that one,” I said, licking my lips nervously,
“What? I thought he popped the question like months ago?” Nick whispered to me confused.
I only shook my head and kept silent.
“Caiden, my main man, don’t you wanna hug me too?” he asked Caiden, quickly sensing the tension that the conversation started.
“Why am I friends with you again?” he asked with a raised eyebrow. It doesn’t matter how long they’ve been friends Caiden still barely showed any real emotion to his friend. It made me sad in a way to see him close up when anyone but me got near. Yes, he may have been a bit more social and talked more, but he was still cold as ever.
“Because you love me? C’mon lets go get married. You can just leave Claire,” he suggested as he laid out his towel and sat down on it. I decided to sit next to Caiden on our blanket instead of on his lap.
“Yeah, I’m right on that,” he retorted sarcastically. Nick only chuckled.
“So Nick, what about your real love life? Are you still on the market?” I asked before taking a bite of our now cold french fries.
“Yeah,” he said almost disappointedly. “But you know I still go on a few dates every now an then. I just haven’t found the right girl yet.”
“And basically that means he still sleeps around every now and then,” another voice said. Looking up I saw Mia and gave her a smile.
“Oh you’re here!” I said, patting the extra space on our blanket.
“Yeah, I’m here,” she said, laying out her own towel as Nathan did the same. I gave them both quick hugs before sitting back down. “And If you think I’m gonna sit on that blanket where you probably did the tango a hundred times you must be on crazy bitch.”
“We have not,” I denied.
“It was only once,” Caiden said at the same time, making me glare at him.
“Damn, all we need is a few more people and we’ll just have the whole gang here,” Nick said, giving Nathan a man hug and Mia just a quick regular hug.
“Hey ho, pass me one of of those fries,” my best friend said, holding out her hand. I laughed, handing her a few. “Did you guys have sex and forget you bought food? These things are cold as fuck.”
“And hey, just so you know, I don’t sleep around that much anymore!” Nick suddenly said making us all laugh.
“Did something happen in that department of yours?” Mia asked, smirking as she gestured to his pants.
“No, actually it’s just fine! Claire would know!” Nick said, making me narrow my eyes at him. Why the hell would he say that? Caiden didn’t seem to find that too amusing as he glared at his friend.
“Do you want me to fucking punch you now or later?” he hissed. Nick put his hands up in surrender.
“Hey, that was like nine years ago. A lot can change in that time. Why don’t you both stop acting like a bunch of little girls?” Mia suggested.
“Gosh you’re such a bitch,” I said, shaking my head in amusement.
“Yeah, but that’s why you love me,” she said.
“Nathan, what’s up? Why are you so quiet?” I asked my other best friend and he immediately apologized.
“Sorry, I was texting my dad,” he said. My eyes widened.
“Your actual dad?”
“Yeah, he’s paranoid because of all the killings here,” he said, rolling his eyes. “He wants me to meet my sister, who is the girl that took over his agency.”
“Your step sister?” Mia asked. He nodded.
“He wants you to fly to London?” I asked with wide eyes.
“No, apparently she’s here for the case. I don’t know how exactly she’s going to stop them, but it’s whatever,” Nathan said shrugging and slipping his phone in his swimming trunks pockets.
“Hey, man if you, go to meet her can I come with? She could be hot,” Nick said.
Nathan raised an eyebrow.
“That is my stepsister you’re talking about,” Nathan said with a disgusted look.
“And?” Nick said, doing some weird thing with his eyebrows.
“That’s it. I can’t take it anymore. This is eating me alive. Can you just find out if that man is after me?” a familiar blonde said out of nowhere, making us all look up at her standing figure. Standing behind her was a handsome man who was narrowing his eyes at Caiden.
“Y-you’re Clover Thompson. Damn you’re definitely hotter in person,” Nick said. I wanted to slap him just for inflating his ego. The guy with her moved his glare to Nick.
“Hey, it’s you again,” Mia said. Clover rolled her eyes.
“What man?” Nathan asked after a minute of her ignoring everyone.
“That Jesse guy. The one you were talking to earlier.”
She just had to know his name, didn’t she.
“You talked to Jesse again?”
“She knows Jesse?”
“Who the fuck is Jesse?”
All of these questions were directed at me. The last one specifically came from the guy next to Clover.
“Can you all shut the hell up?” I asked. Why couldn’t I just have a relaxing day?
“Well?” Clover said, making me glare at her. This bitch just wanted to fight me.
“If you couldn’t tell earlier when you were eavesdropping, me and him aren’t friends. I want nothing to do with that ass,” I hissed and she snorted.
“I find that hard to believe due to the fact that man is like in love with you,” she said, making me laugh. I actually laughed for a good three minutes over that. By this point everyone was standing in a huge circle.
“What the fuck do you mean he’s in love with her?” Caiden’s glare was now deadly and actually made the girl take a step back into the guy’s chest.
“He was practically begging her to talk to him and be friends again,” Clover said rolling her eyes. Who invited her over here?
“Were you going to tell me this? I should’ve fucking known you were fucking him all this time. I knew you two were a little too friendly,” Caiden hissed at me with a menacing glare before storming off. I’ll admit that hurt. I haven’t been the cause of Caiden’s rage in years. The last time he’d ever even looked at me with such a deadly look was in college.
“You couldn’t have just left me the hell alone,” I hissed at the blonde before folding up our blanket and grabbing our towels.
“Honey, don’t blame me for your boyfriend problems. All I did was ask you a simple question,” Clover said glaring at me.
“And I’m simply telling you that you need to leave me the fuck alone,” I sneered at her.
“C’mon Clo, let’s leave the bitch to PMS,” the guy with her said as he grabbed her hand and pulled her away.
“Oi bitch you’re lucky I can’t hit you,” Mia yelled at her. I knew Mia would have beaten the crap out of her if she wasn’t worried about the complications it would have with her job since they’re currently focusing on the model.
“Wow, who knew Clover Thompson was actually the biggest bitch around,” Nick said shaking his head.
“Hey, I’ll make this up to you guys. Dinner at my place tomorrow night at seven,” I told them, blowing a kiss.
“Fine, but I’m taking this food,” she said, snatching up our large basket of fries.
“Nathan, text me details about that meeting with your sis. I’ll come with you for support,” I told him before walking in the direction Caiden went.
“Don’t worry. You know Caiden is just being his usual dramatic self. Somewhere deep down in his heart he knows you aren’t actually sleeping with Jesse,” Nick said, walking with me.
“Thank you, Nick,” I said pecking his cheek. “I appreciate that. I’m sure he’s just brooding in the—” My sentence was cut short when I realized one thing.
“In the what?” Nick asked, looking where I was. “Claire? What’s wrong?” he asked after a moment when I didn’t respond.
“That asshole left me here.”