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Chapter Six

Claire’s Point of View

It’s been two days since the whole fight with Caiden and the encounter with Clover. We have a meeting tomorrow with Riley, but the whole Jesse thing was only one of my worries. This virus still hasn’t gone away and it seems to only get worse. I’ve been getting lightheaded at times, and I’m still sore. I feel like someone who has been working out for hours going past their limits.

“What’s wrong?” Caiden asked me, running the back of his hand along my cheek. I closed my eyes and embraced the feeling, but I opened them only a few seconds later.

Sitting up in the bed, I brought my knees as close to my chest as I could, not really caring that I was only in my underwear and bra. “I’m worried something’s wrong with me. I’m throwing up almost everyday, I’ve been more tired then usual, my boobs are always sore, I’m so bloated all the time,” I told him as tears filled my eyes. Remember that time that I said I pretty much never cry? Yeah, I don’t know what happened. Caiden sat up looking worriedly at me.

“That’s not some normal virus Claire,” Caiden said. I squeezed my eyes closed. “We’re going to the doctor.”

“It’s not like I’m in pain. Like I said, it will all pass,” I told him as I felt him squeezing my hand. I didn’t like feeling sick all the time. I swear whatever virus it is, it really gave me some great symptoms.

“If you won’t go to the doctor, then I’m going to make you stay home from work until you’re better.”

I shook my head.

“I’m supposed to be heading to a party with Clover and Riley tomorrow after our meeting,” I said.

He raised an eyebrow.

“What party or I think I should ask, who’s party?”

“Jesse’s,” I told him, biting my lip as I waited for his reaction.

“No drinking. That last thing I need to hear is that some fucker tried to mess with you,” Caiden said, glaring at the wall.

“I can handle myself, but if it helps you sleep better at night, I won’t drink tomorrow.” I laid back down. He took it as a sign I was tired and turned off the light before joining me.

“Hey Caiden?” I said suddenly, and since I was so close to him I could see him raising an eyebrow.


“Will you go get me some fries from McDonald’s?” I asked and he stared at me like I was crazy. I promise you I’m not – it’s just called having sudden cravings.

“Are you on your period again?” he asked me frowning. And I shook my head. My period? A period is something a girl gets every single month. She gets sudden cravings, terrible cramps, and some girls even throw up because theirs is so bad. Funny thing was I can’t even remember the last time I got mine. I’ve been so consumed with work that I just didn’t even think about it.

“You do realize it’s one in the morning right?” he asked me.

I rolled my eyes.

“Yeah, but I’m hungry. Especially because I can barely hold anything down these days,” I told him pouting. His thumb moved over my lip, pulling the bottom one down.

“Only for you Claire, only for you.”

I watched as he threw on a pair of shoes and a shirt and was about to leave the room.

“Uh Caiden? Don’t you want some pants on?”

“I’m going through a drive-through, I’m fine.” He sent me a wink before leaving me alone in the room.

I quickly grabbed my phone from the table next to our bed and went to my calendar. I swear I had one last month. Or wait, was it the month before that?


“You sure you’re okay?” Caiden asked me for the hundredth time this morning.

I plastered a smile on my face. If I don’t get my period in the next few days, then that means I may have a serious issue on my hand.

“For the last time, I’m fine. The usual nausea decided not to make an appearance today,” I said before giving him a lingering kiss. “I love you and I’ll see you later after the party. Hurry up and get to work – you’re already like six hours late,” I ordered before quickly leaving the house. I got in my car, making my way to an abandoned park that people rarely go to unless they’re teenagers looking for a place to have sex. I’m guessing it isn’t too hard to figure out who suggested the spot.

I arrived at my destination to see Clover and Riley already here. “I already explained things to her and I have a plan,” Riley said as soon as I joined the two of them.

“What’s the plan then?” I asked, raising a perfectly plucked eyebrow.

“Clover, you’re going to go to the airport in about three hours and you’re going to make it look like you’re going home. In reality you’re going to get there and go to the bathroom and I’m going to dye your hair.”

“Excuse me?” Clover said, looking at her with wide eyes.

“You’re kidding me right? You must be high if you think I’m going to let you dye my hair.”

“It’s either you want to live or you don’t,” Riley said, narrowing her eyes.

“I think I have a better idea,” I told her, biting my lip nervously.

“Tonight she goes to that party as Clover. And maybe if Jesse learns that me and her are just the greatest friends he won’t want to kill her anymore and will back off,” I said, rolling my eyes at the stupid plan. Sure it wasn’t the best, but the whole dying her hair plan seemed like it wouldn’t make it too far either.

“You were just telling me how much you hated me two days ago?” Clover said, giving me a blank stare.

I sighed.

“Sorry, my bitch mode has been a little out of control lately, but even though we are barely friends right now I think we could pull this off. It really shouldn’t be that hard to,” I shrugged. In reality I knew if I was that thing that I wasn’t allowed to be, then it was the hormones that explained why my emotions were like a roller coaster.

Riley shook her head completely disagreeing. “Listen, I know what I’m doing here. You two may have been undercover before-"

“You went undercover?” I questioned Clover, not hiding my surprise.

“Yeah, I went undercover as a nerd. What about you?” she asked me, taking a sip of her iced coffee. Interesting, I definitely wasn’t expecting something like that. It’s nice to know mine wasn’t the weirdest thing to do.

“I went undercover in an all boys school,” I told her.

She gasped.

“There must of been some hot guys there, huh?” she said, winking.

I tried to hold back my smirk.

“I’m not gonna lie, there was quite a few,” I said and she squealed, making both Riley and I wince.

“Like I was saying, you two may have been undercover in the past, but this is different and more serious. Life or death serious,” Riley told us. It was quiet for a minute. She had a point; she was more experienced but that didn’t mean we were stupid when it came to being undercover.

“Okay, so maybe he won’t just back off right away, but it may give us some extra time we oh so desperately need. Like you said, this was life or death, and it seems if she wants to stay on the living side, then she should do it my way. Plus, it wouldn’t be crazy for us to be friends,” I said, moving my blonde hair over my shoulder.

“Fine, but if it doesn’t work and he doesn’t seem like he’s going to back off, then be prepared for my plan,” Riley said, narrowing her eyes.

Clover nodded determinedly.

“I’m almost positive this will work,” she said.

I agreed.

“Well, let’s go get ready for this party then. You have the address right?” Riley asked.

“Yeah, we’ll meet you there,” I said and she nodded before heading towards her car.

“So are we getting ready at your place then?” Clover asked me.

I nodded.

“Do you have your dress in your car?” I asked her. She shook her head and gave me a sheepish smile.

“I only brought one dress to go out in for this whole trip so I was kind of hoping you’d have one?” she said.

I scowled.

“I probably do somewhere. We look about the same size,” I told her. She bit her lip looking away.

“What?” I asked, narrowing my eyes are her attitude.

“Like I’m not trying to be rude, but you look a size or two bigger then me,” she said. I scowled, looking down at my stomach. My tank top was a type that would flow and didn’t stick to me, so I couldn’t really notice a difference between the two of us.

Choosing not to respond, we both took our separate cars and traveled the short drive to my house with her following me from behind.

As I got out of the car I continued to sing the lyrics from the song I was just listening to. “But I know a thing or two about pain and darkness. If it wasn’t for this music, I don’t know how I would’ve fought this regardless, all these song in hearing are so heartless. Don’t trust a perfect person and don’t trust a song that’s flawless—” I cut off my singing when Clover got out of her car saying something to me.

“Okay, so how long do we have until this party?” Clover asked.

“About an hour, maybe a little less,” I said.

Her eyes widened.

“What are we doing just standing here then? Let’s go!” I unlocked the empty house since Caiden was still working and showed her to the bathroom so she could do her makeup.

“I was not expecting you to live in a house like this,” Clover said. I immediately got defensive and crossed my arms over my chest.

“What did you expect? Some mansion?” I ask scoffing.

She nodded.

“Actually yes. You and your husband are like millionaires,” she said.

I let out a bitter laugh.

“He’s only my boyfriend, and we’d rather live in a medium-sized house than some big one that would only be used to show off our amount of money in our bank accounts. And there’s only two of us, so that would be absolutely pointless.”

She was silent. Yes, Caiden and I make lots of money, but we appreciate it and we’d probably lose our true selves if we just bought mansions and hired limo drivers and all that.

I skimmed through my closet and smiled when I came across a black lace dress that I designed and knew would be perfect for Clover. I told her she was free to get ready in that bathroom before I went to my own. I took a quick shower in our bathroom and did my usual routine when I was going out: washing my hair and body and shaving.

Looking in the mirror I almost cried at the sight of the tight red dress on me. This dress was one I loved since it showed off my perfect figure, but the thing is I now I didn’t have a perfect figure. Looking down at my stomach in the mirror there was a small bump. If you didn’t know me you probably wouldn’t even notice, or if you did know me you’d just think I gained a bit of weight. But I mean that’s probably it, I just gained a bit of weight. Anyways. I’m probably just overthinking things as always because Caiden always uses protection. I have nothing to worry about.

“Ready?” Clover asked me, peaking her head in my room.

I wiped a small tear that formed in my eye.

“Yeah, I’m ready,” I told her as I turned around to look at her. She looks flawless with her long tan legs, and the dress fitted her perfectly.

“No makeup?” she asked me, looking surprise and I shrugged.

“I can go without it,” I told her.

She shook her head.

“You need to look hot, and although that dress does look great on you, I think you need to straighten that hair of yours and add just a touch of makeup.”

“We have only fifteen minutes,” I told her, checking my phone.

She smiled.

“Yeah, and I can do it all in ten.”

She brought me into the bathroom and set me down on a little stool.

Just like she said, she was able to do my hair and makeup in ten minutes, and right after we left for the party.

“Okay, so you’re not going to leave me alone tonight. Right?” Clover asked, glancing at me before focusing on the road again.

“You have nothing to worry about. I wouldn’t be surprised if Jesse even told Riley or Reese, I guess, to watch you,” I told her while leaning my head back and closing my eyes. I was too tired for this, and all I wanted to do was run a hot bubble bath and sit there with my eyes closed while blasting Panic! At the Disco or something.

“Hey, no falling asleep on me now. We’re almost there,” Clover said, flicking my arm.

“Ouch. What the hell?” I hissed, rubbing that spot.

“You need to be wide awake. As soon as we get there you are going to have ten cups of beer,” she told me.

I snorted.

“Yeah, that sounds like a great idea. Maybe I’ll just have sex with every guy I see too. Maybe while me and Jesse are going at it, I can even tell him our whole plan.”

She rolled her eyes.

“Whatever. We’re here. Riley texted me and said she’s already inside and to not screw this up,” Clover said, fixing her hair in the mirror. I almost just left her right then and there. Seriously this girl made even me want to kill her sometimes. She had to focus.

The music was blasting in a large mansion, making me cringe. This was definitely not my scene anymore. I plastered a fake smile on my face as we walked through the door.

“What is that smell?” Clover asked wrinkling her nose.

“That, my friend, is pot,” I told her as my eyes scanned the room. My eyes landed on the one and the only Jesse Farone, whose eyes were already on me. In his hand was a joint as he stood there looking over the whole place on a balcony. It was a strange thing to see inside the house, but it fit in here.

Four of the little balconies were filled with people looking over the party at people grinding and people who were going at it. I take it there weren’t any rooms available then. My eyes locked with Jesse’s again, and this time I raised an eyebrow, challenging him to come talk to me. Obviously taking the challenge he smirked and exited his private balcony with no one on it.

“Here he comes. I want you to go find a guy and just dance with him. Make it look like you are having the best time of your life,” I told Clover as she nodded.

“Be careful,” she said in return before grabbing some random dude walking by and forcing him to dance with her.

“I think you have the wrong address,” Jesse said, suddenly making me jump as I looked at his figure now standing in front of me.

“I’m positive that this is the right one,” I said, looking at him blankly. I had to act myself. I couldn’t give in too early.

“So you came to my party willingly? How did you even find out about it? And where’s Caiden?” he asked suspiciously.

“Who gives a fuck where he is, and I’ve been here before. You always have parties here every Friday night,” I said scowling. He smirked.

“What happened? Did you and Caiden have a fallout?” he said, faking sympathy.

I scoffed.

“I didn’t come here for you to show me your fake sympathy. I came to have a good time so excuse me,” I hissed, pushing past him.

He grabbed my arm.

“I’m sorry, I know you cared for that ass, but trust me, you’ll be a lot happier away from him.”

I pursed my lips.

“Here, why don’t you come with me up there? It’s less crowded and you can watch people make fools out of themselves.”

I acted like I was thinking a minute before accepting his offer.

“Fine, but it better be hilarious because I didn’t come here to be bored,” I said, following him up the stairs. Yes, I was being a complete bitch to him, but he’s Jesse – he deserves it.

I’ll admit it was pretty hilarious, yet sometimes disgusting watching all people make fools of themselves. Some were playing games like Beer Pong. It’s actually hilarious due to the fact that we aren’t teenagers anymore.

“You know these people act like teenagers,” I told him, glancing at him. I was surprised to already find his eyes on my face.

“That’s because most of them are,” he said, shrugging and looking back down at all the people.

“What do you mean most of them are?” I hissed.

“They’re all in their teen years or early twenties. No one really makes it to an age older than me,” he replied. I tried to keep my feet planted on the ground. I wanted to run far away from him. This man had a gang and he was just letting teenagers ruin their lives before they even started.

“You make me sick,” I said, shaking my head. I know Riley wanted me to get him close, not push him away, but she didn’t know this man like I did. I was friends with him for months. I cared for him and I would do anything for him, but then I found out his little dirty secret about his gang. I found out about him assisting his brother in raping and murdering a child. I found about about his long deserved time in prison, and I just couldn’t believe it. He was such a great guy and he was nicest as can be, but I knew all about fake facades that people put up. My own boyfriend was the king at them.

He made me believe he had changed until the dark look crossed his eyes, and I knew nothing had changed.

“You do know that this isn’t who I was to be right?” Jesse asked, trying to get me to look at him. I shook my head, heading down the stairs. I felt him pull on my wrist, and the next thing I knew my back was digging into the rail painfully and his hand clenched on to my chin, forcing me to look at him.

“Fuck you,” I hissed, and I saw a menacing smirk on his face.

“Shh now, c’mon Claire, terrible words like that shouldn’t come out of your pretty little mouth,” he said.

I glared at him fiercely.

“My friend is here. If I scream loud enough, she’ll come and get me,” I hissed. He let out a dark chuckle.

“Who? Clover Thompson? She can’t even come close to helping you. She’s pathetic and weak. And remember something Claire,” he said, stroking my cheek with the back side of his hand and keeping my body against the railing with his body, “you’re in my fucking area now.”

“No, let me tell you something Jesse. You do not intimidate me one bit.” That was complete and utter bullshit. “This is just proving you’ll never change,” I told him with a fierce glare. Looking out of the corner of my eyes I realized no one would be able to see us since it was those twisty type of stairs and we were at an odd angle. So what were my options to get out of this?

A. Spit in his face.

B. Beat his ass.

C. Knee him in his precious jewels.

D. Kiss him until he releases his tight grips and suffer from a severe case of mono later on.

E.  Options A, C, then B

“With you and Caiden fighting and him being a stubborn ass, he won’t come looking for you, so get used to this life Claire,” Jesse said, his face close to mine. I took it as my time to smirk. Plan E sounded nice.

I spit in his face and moved my knee up to his his precious jewels, which let me tell you isn’t as easy as it looks when you’re in a tight dress.

Jesse completely loosened his grip and fell on the steps. He sat there cupping his precious jewels for exactly 1.5 seconds before he was back up and trying to murder me. Guess I didn’t kick him hard enough. I ran down the stairs and searched all over for Riley.

I finally caught her standing next to someone familiar. What was his name again? I knew it had to be either Tommy? Tyler? Or Taylor?

“You have to help me,” I hissed, checking behind me.

“Excuse me?” Riley asked in a stuck up voice and raised an eyebrow. I could tell by the look in her eye she was a bit nervous.

“There’s a man chasing me. I think he’s trying to kill me,” I told her. The guy next to her just stared at me.

“Claire?” the guy asked, looking at me with a foreign expression. That’s when it hit me. His name was Taylor.

“I don’t have time for special reunions,” I told him, quickly scanning the room for Clover.

“You know this girl?” Riley asked, not hiding her surprise.

“Yeah, I met her at a club once years ago.”

“Did you miss the part where I told you there isn’t fu—”

“Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for a nice show. We haven’t had a good one in a while so how about we change it up a bit.” Jesse’s voice cut me off. The music was completely shut off, and he stood up on the balcony. What scared me was who he had with him. He had his hand gripping Clover’s hair tightly as he looked directly at me.

“Help,” Clover screamed as his grip tightened. Our plan for tonight was completely done for.

“Let her go Jesse,” I yelled up at him.

He chuckled.

“Now Claire, I gave you your chance and you decided to spit in my face.”

He pushed Clover to the railing and then so far over that she was hanging over the balcony railing from her stomach up.

“I didn’t do anything to you! Why are you doing this?” Clover sobbed. He acted like he was honestly thinking about it for a minute.

“Because I fucking can,” he said before moving his body so it was against hers completely. His pelvic areas was straight against her ass. “What would you all like for tonight? I could fuck her right here or I could throw her over the balcony a few times until every bone in her body is broken.” Never in my life have I ever hated or felt so disgusted with someone.

“I said fuck her,” a familiar voice replied. All eyes moved to the figure standing there with his arms crossed and that smirk I always hated plastered on his face. I’m sure you guess which douchebag it was.

“Jax, I think that’s a great idea. I mean I might as well get some pleasure out of this,” Jesse replied.

I shook my head. I couldn’t watch this.

“This is just fucking wrong,” Taylor hissed quietly from behind me.

The door suddenly kicked open and in strolled Joey. “Sorry I’m late guys. I brought some beer to make it up,” he said with a cheeky smile on his face.

“Why am I not surprised that you showed up?” Jesse sneered, pushing Clover’s body harder against the railing. He started fumbling with his belt as he talked to Joey from across the room.

“For once Joseph, you and Riley are too late,” he said.

Joey shrugged.

“Riley’s not even in the United States right now,” Joey said, rolling his eyes. I didn’t know what game he was playing at, but it wasn’t working.

“Oh, so you’re here all by yourself?” Jesse asked before snapping his fingers twice. Guns started coming out of people’s pockets and soon they were all facing towards Joey. When I glanced at Riley, I was surprised to see her gun facing towards him too.

“Not exactly,” he said, not looking worried at all. From all different directions a few new people walked into the room with some automatic guns. None looked familiar to me, but it made Joey smirk.

“So you think about four of your agents can take out two hundred or so people from my gang?” Jesse asked, chuckling.

“Nah,” Joey said dropping the bottle of wine in front of him. I watched the glass bottle shatter and soon white smoke started to come out. I noticed the same thing happened in a few different directions, making everyone panic. Jesse went to take out his gun, but Joey disappeared.

“What the fuck is that?” he hissed as people started falling to the ground. I held my breath and grabbed some random jacket on a nearby chair and covered my mouth with it.

By the time the smoke was covering the whole room, almost everyone was down including Jesse and Clover. I almost gasped when I saw through the smoke Jesse’s body laying on the balcony floor and Clover’s body no longer in sight. Did she fall?

I realized I couldn’t stay in the house any longer because of this smoke and immediately left the house. As I kneeled on the grass outside, I gasped and let oxygen into my lungs.

“Well, that was close,” I heard a muffled voice say. Looking behind me I saw four people standing there, all taking off masks.

“Oh, thank god,” I said when I saw Clover in Joey’s arms.

“She’ll probably be out for an hour,” Joey said, laying her on the grass.

I nodded, thanking him. If she would’ve died because of my stupid plan I would never have forgiven myself. I already have had one death on my hands, and I really don’t need another one.

“Claire?” I looked up from Clover’s unconscious state. The handsome man looked unfamiliar with his dirty blonde hair and tall figure.

“Sorry do I know you?” I asked, my eyebrows furrowing.

“It’s me, Liam.”

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