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Chapter Six

By evening Cara was bored out of her mind, Xander only came into the room once to take a shower, she pretended she was asleep so he wouldn't start a conversation.

She reached for her cell phone and scrolled through social media. Of course, their wedding was termed the wedding of the decade. The caption read ‘The Fairy Tale wedding ’.

The next trending thing was the official announcement of Christians and Ashley as step siblings of Billionaire Xander Granger.

Cara had an unsettling feeling , she remembered Ashley's disposition but figured she too wouldn't be excited to be in her situation either. She was sure she had seen him before, but it kept eluding her memory.

She was so deep in thought she didn't realize Xander had entered the room he leaned against the wall, his legs crossed and arms across each other.

“ Hey stranger ” His deep voice made Cara jump.

“ You scared me , how long have you been standing there?”

“About two minutes”

Have you heard what the media is saying, “ Yes I ran through some blogs, seems we're in the clear ”

“ Yea, come let me show you round the place and introduce you to some staff, it's your house too after all ”

“ I'm bored enough to bear the burden of your company so why not, I guess ”

Cara went to the closet and changed into a casual home wearing two piece shorts and a tank top.

“ Let's go ”

“ After you my lady ” he opened the door for her , the mansion was massive with over fifteen rooms neatly decorated in a classy expensive taste . What surprised her, especially the flower garden, was that it was massive and the back gate opened into an orchard with apples, berries and tangerines.

While picking berries, Xander got a call.

“ Excuse me ”

Although he put some distance between them, he was still within ear shot.

“What do you mean ?” Xander had a serious look on his face.

“ Mister Luke why wasn't I informed about this ”

He ran his fingers through his hair, and let out a frustrated sigh, and closed his eyes.

“ Regardless of it being a formality I should have been informed, it's alright keeping this between us Mister Luke. I'll be in touch ”.

He stood there and stared in space, “ are you okay ”.

“ Yes I am ”

“You don't look fine to me , what was that call about, who called everything okay ?”

“ Well you seem awfully concerned, ” Xander said in a light and playful way.

“ Never mind ” she picked up her basket of berries and walked ahead through the back gate to the mansion.

Xander remained in the orchard pacing around his hands behind his back in deep thought. I have to get control of this situation as quickly and discreetly as possible. Could this be the work of my enemies ? Mister Luke seemed equally shaken up by this. I have to be more protective of Cara and my mother.

It was getting really dark, so Xander walked back to the mansion.

Cara laid on the bed exhausted thinking to herself I wonder what that call was about ? Sounded pretty serious and he is being avoidant about it. Her phone rang, distracting her from her thoughts.

“Hello Dad ”

“ And how are you doing today my sweet angel ”

“ Fine, all good ”

“Glad to hear that, I was scared you'd have killed the man by now ”

“ Oh please you're being dramatic ” They both laughed.

“ Now to the reason I called , I and your mother are planning a vacation and once we get back I'm planning a early retirement I thought to give you a heads-up before we release an official statement”

Cara furrowed her brows , “ Dad, are you or my mom sick ? ”

“ Good heavens no ! I've worked hard all my life and I plan on enjoying the rest of my time with my wife. Now this is the catch, the implication of my retirement automatically passes the company to you”

“ Okay , that's fair but I've been away so long I don't know much about running a billion-dollar company I'm only good with the legal stuff ”

“ I've put that into thought , I just got off the phone with Xander before calling you, starting from tomorrow you'll work closely with Xander he'll put you through ”

Cara huffed “ I really don't want to but I also don't want to be inadequate so I'll do as you've suggested”

“ That's my girl and also Amanda will be coming around too to learn. I know you have your issues but she is the only thing left of my late younger sister and her husband and I'll want her to have a pivotal role in the company once I retire .”

“ Dad I'm not comfortable with this at all , you know she has eyes for Xander what if she starts playing her tricks all over again. I don't think I have the strength to face that sort of embarrassment”

“ I've warned her sternly and I'll still warn her . And if she crosses any line other than business related, I will disinherit her and wash my hands off her. I'm doing my best and giving her multiple chances just because of my late sister but if she has chosen to hurt my daughter I have no choice”

“ Good ” Cara breathed in a sigh of relief.

“ Alright love, I'll be in touch ”

“ Extend my love to mum please, take care ”.

Xander walked into the bedroom, obviously in a better mood, he stood at the foot of the bed.

“ Uh mm , I don't know if you've been informed,but ….”

Cara cut him off mid-sentence“ I know already , I just got off the phone with my Dad ”.

“ Okay that makes things easier and also I was asked if Amanda could come also to see how we do things around in the office ”

Cara looked him straight in the eye and responded with a passive fine “ I'm sure you're shaking with excitement ”. Xander smirked “ you sound jealous darling ”.

“In your dreams, I don't care what you do even in the slightest”

“ I want to assure you, that you Cara are my one desire and I won't let anybody use me to cause you hurt or pain. You have my heart you don't just know it yet”

The compassion and sincerity in his eyes stopped any smart response she was gearing up to say.

She barely muttered “ whatever ” and went to bed.

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