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Chapter Seven

Xander insisted on driving them both to the office the next morning. Cara sat unwillingly in the car, she would have loved to drive herself but they were to give the impression of a love struck couple. Love struck my foot, I'm sure everyone would wonder why we only took a day off from work and not a full honey moon .

Reaching Green Technology Industries Ltd, it was the tallest sky scraper in the city.The billion dollar company was busy as it busy could be, Xander insisted they walk in hand in hand. They were the perfect representation of a power couple ,once at the top most floor Xander called for a board meeting with the top most members and highest investors in two hours time.

Xander had already given out prior orders to his personal assistant Johnny that his office should be refashioned for himself and Cara.

Cara was impressed the office was a large space , it had a conference space , relaxation space and also a basic office setting. The man has good taste I can't lie, Cara thought to herself.

Xander immediately went to work on a project he didn't get the chance to finish before the wedding.

“ So this is what you do all day?”

“ I'm sorry , is there some where else you'll rather be?” Xander said without taking his eyes off what he is working on.

“ I'm here to learn how to operate a business not to watch you work . And if this is what you plan to do with me here I'll rather go home ”

That got his attention, her sighed audibly“ I've started this prior to our agreement it's only logical I complete this without involving you , I've set up a meeting to appoint you as a board member also my step brother. ”

“ Your step brother ? ”

“ Yeah the one you met with his sister at our wedding”

“ I remember him , I don't just understand why you're making him a member of the board ”still can't figure out where I know him from .

Xander dropped the file he was working on and looked at her “ it was my father's wish as expressed in his will . Do I feel uncomfortable about it definitely but I will not disrespect the wishes of my late father .By the way he is my father's child he deserves the benefits ”

“ That makes sense”

Xander smirked “ worried on my behalf darling?”

“ Not a chance , I was simply curious”

Xander had a playful look on his face “sure”

“ Get back to work , I don't have any more questions for you ”.

“ Your wish is my command my queen ” he said in a forced British accent.

Time passed quicky and it was time for the board meeting, they took the elevator to the conference room .Xander and Cara were the last to arrive the two empty seats were the seat at the head of the table belonging to Xander and a seat at next to the right hand.

Xander's demeanor immediately changed he put on a serious and formal demeanor.He cleared his throat and spoke in deep powerful voice.

“ I will have it known that only my wife would sit at my right hand side , if whoever is on the seat can graciously move to next seat”The middle aged man quickly adjusted to the next seat.

Xander took Cara’s hand led her to the seat , pulled the chair and made sure she was seated comfortably before seating at the head of the conference table.

“ Good , I'll start this meeting by thanking everyone here that attended my wedding. Now to the order of the day , my wife Cara will be joining us as a board member”

Heads nodded in approval and Mister Jeremiah their oldest board member and investor spoke. “ As expected , Cara you are welcome” he smiled at her warmly.

“ Thank you ” she responded with equal warmth.

“ There is also going to be another addition to the board and that is my step brother Christian.

There was akward silence in the board room , then hushed wishpers followed.

“ If anyone has a question or comment . I'll appreciate you voice it for all of the board to consider it ”. Mister Jeremiah spoke up.

“ I think I speak for everyone here that we feel uneasy with this, despite having your father's blood we don't know him , we don't know his records ,we can't just give him such a pivotal role in a company we've built with our sweat and blood just like that ”

Members nodded their heads in agreement.

“ I understand your concerns and I've taken the liberty to run a background search on Christian and I've printed a copy for each member of this board ”

Johnny moved swifted handing a report on Christian to each person .

“ So let's all go through it and converge tomorrow, we'll vote on it tomorrow. But I'll like us all to bear in my that he is of my father's blood and it is in his will that Christian occupy this position and I will use my majority vote if I have to in order to make this happen”

“Any more questions ?”

Xander's answer was in the silence that followed “in the absence of that , this meeting has come to an end ”.

The people paired off and left the conference room.

Only Mister Jeremiah remained . “ Xander a word ”.

“ Yes of course ”

“ I knew Christian’s mother once , dangerous sneaky woman. I don't trust anyone that has her blood flowing in their viens the apple doesn't fall to far from the tree”.

“ I understand your concern sir but my hands are tied . Let's give him a chance before we judge”

“ Hmm , I hope you're right , I have another

meeting” he nodded to Cara “ Cara”.

“ Take care sir”

Xander stood up , “ it's about time for lunch , where would you like to go for lunch?”

Cara stood “you're the expert surprise me”.

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