By 9 am yes 9am ! They were done, they prepared her like an ancient Queen spending the first night with her king. She soaked in the scented bath for an hour plus , then she was given a full spa treatment and facial, expensive oils were rubbed on her scrubbed body . To say she was glowing was an understatement.
Her glam team was flown from Paris, her makeup artist inclusive and he was the worst in the makeup world.
Cara's wedding gown a white fitted mermaid dress made with the most expensive and delicate lace. Custom-made from Versace and her shoes a limited edition. Her hair was treated and styled in a half up modern bridal fashion, with some strands left to frame her face .
“Wow ! , you look like a princess funny” her mum hugged her.
“I knew you'd make a beautiful bride ” tears shone in her father's eyes.
“ Now let's get you to the church, your carriage awaits ”. He bowed and said in a dramatic way, chuckling.
The church cathedral was packed with dignitaries and reporters.
Cara felt her anxiety kick in as her father walked her down the aisle. She peeked up and stared at Xander through her veil. The sight of him broke her heart . Who gave him the right to look this good , she remembered his promise to kiss her today and her heart definitely did a backflip. Xander wore a well tailored white suite that showed off his body build and intensified his dark hair and eyes .
Sounds medically impossible but the only way to describe it. Cara mentally scolded herself‘ you hate him remember?, don't get excited by his kisses, they mean absolutely nothing to him and they should not mean a thing to you either . He just wants to toy with you ’.
Reaching the altar, she stood beside Xander as the priest addressed them . Before their vows, Xander whispered to Cara “ you look like a goddess ”. Cara let his compliment roll off her back and refused to respond. They exchanged vows then the priest finally asked.
“Do you take Cara Kings as your lawfully wedded wife ?”
In a heartbeat, Xander responded “I do ”. The same question was repeated to Cara. She looked over at her parents, who seemed to be holding their breath in anticipation of her answer .
“I do ”
The priest beamed a smile . “ You may now kiss the bride ”.
Cara felt like she was about to faint. She didn't really want to kiss him but she wanted to kiss him . Xander smirked , he turned and faced her , gently pulled her close and tipped her head towards his bent head .
Cara felt as if time stopped and she was lost in a daze as his lips touched hers ,his lips moved over hers gently he kissed her from different angles .He then placed his hand on the small of her back and pressed his firmly against hers , asking for entrance against her closed lips , Cara kissed him back .
Cara felt her legs would have given way if his arm wasn't securely holding her .
He broke contact with her lips.Cara immediately felt embarrassed scolding herself for letting him kiss her that passionately.
There was a moment of awkward silence before cheers erupted.
“ I present to you Mr and Mrs Xander Granger ”
Xander dramatically swept her up in a bridal fashion and walked out of the Church.
For just that moment Cara wished she could forget about the past and the circumstance of their marriage and enjoy herself. It is her wedding after all . But her brain knew better , it was all she could to put on a bright smile and play the part of a happy bride .
The Reception:
Xander and Cara greeted their guests making small talk with them. Their guests who are all dignitaries and high power business men , they all attended since it was a wedding that represented the merging of two powerful billionaire dynasties.
A young man and woman walked towards Xander and Cara . As the man approached Cara studied him , he had beautiful hazel eyes, luxurious dark hair, symmetrical face and a powerful jaw line . He stood a head taller than most including Xander and his white well tailored shirt did nothing to hide his athletic body build.
There was something about this handsome stranger that seems so familiar, she almost called back a name but bit it back. Their eyes met and the intensity went all through her body she shivered slightly.
Is this ? No it couldn't be!
“ Congratulations to you Xander and your beautiful bride ” . His deep elegant voice spoke his eyes lingering on her.
Xander extended his hand and they shook. He turned to the attractive dark haired woman beside him. “ This is my sister Ashley, I don't think you both have had the pleasure of meeting since she was unavoidably absent during our meeting ”
Ashley muttered a stiff “ hello , congratulations ” Cara and Ashley's dark eyes met and the intensity she saw in them took her back a bit as Cara wondered at it.
Xander turned to Cara “ let me formally introduce you to Christian and Ashley. My step siblings ”
Step siblings ? I thought it was a rumor Cara thought to herself.
“ Nice to meet your acquaintance, can I call you sister-in-law ”? He smiled slightly.
“ Yes of course ”
She smiled back avoiding his eyes , her eyes lingered on Ashley it was all over her body that she'd rather not be here and she remained aloof.
“ Okay we'll excuse the happy couple, we're still on for the meeting next tomorrow ?”
“ Yes of course ”
Cara's disapproval of what was just said was evident in her body language. even if it's not a marriage of love and we were both made to do this . Can't he have the decency to at least take a few days off and try to work things out .
“ Good bye ” Christian said and walked away with Ashley.
Cara watched them till they disappeared in the crowd of guests.
“ Are you okay ?”
“ Why wouldn't I be? ” Cara replied with an icy tone.
Xander raised a brow, “ then why do you have that look on your face like your upset ”
Cara disregarded the question “ can we just find our parents and say goodbye, I'm exhausted I'd like to go home if that's possible”.
“ Of course , I think they're at the east side of the hall, let's go ”.
They weaved through the guests and located them.
They were laughing and sipping wine with some of their friends.
“ We'll be on our way now, my wife is tired ”
Cara almost choked on air as Xander referred to her as his wife. Take some getting used to, doesn't it, she thought.
Mister Kings spoke up “ I see, take care of my little girl. I'll be in touch ”
He stood and gave him a pat on the back and embraced Cara.
“ Get home safely ”
They waved them off. Xander and Cara drove back home , now Mister and Mrs Xander Granger. Cara sat in the car not even thinking about the wedding but about Christian,
Xander's step-brother looked oddly. It seemed like she had seen him before and the way he looked at her which showed that he recognized her the same or it was in her head but could he be who she thought he was?