"Love isn't blind; it just only sees what matters." -William Curry.
"This is beautiful, Lukas." I gasped looking at the lake in front of us, I couldn't help having a goofy smile as our hands were entwined.
"Indeed." I turned to look at him and he was already looking at me.
"I think we are talking about different things..." He chuckled.
"Yes, we are." I blushed when I realised he wasn't saying the lake was beautiful but he meant me. He led to me to a bench near by facing the lake with ducks everywhere even making the view even more staggering. It was dark but it was a full moon and the soft breeze that passed by blowing through my hair.
" So what brings a beautiful girl like you to Germany ? " he said as we sat on the bench after the comfortable silence.
" Change of scenery. " I blushed.
Why am I blushing ? Gosh he will think am a freak.
"Well I'm glad you are here." He added.
"I'm also glad, am here." I vaguely replied.
"Let's play twenty one questions ?" He said enthusiastically caress my hand entwined with his, I nodded.
"Do you speak any language besides English ?" He said looking at me with those green eyes.
"Yes, Afrikaans." I shyly said. "What about you ?" I said. I was enjoying his company and the view was magnificent.
"Wait isn't Afrikaans like Dutch ?"
"Yeah it descended from dutch."
"Okay so answering your question yes I'm German so I do speak another language besides English." He smirked.
I giggled at his response before saying..."So you grew up in Berlin ?"
"Uhm no I grew up in Hanover..."? He shrugged.
"So why visit Germany out of all the countries in the world ?"
"The history ofcause ." I authentically said.
His eyes are so beautiful in the moonlight.
"Tell me five things you have never done ?" I asked getting comfortable as he gestured for me to lay on his chest as it was getting cold. I couldn't help but feel warm breath fan my ear and? his warm hands around me like a boarder.
"Well I didn't expect that..." He chuckled. " I have never been in love." He said with a sigh.
"If it makes you feel better I haven't either."
"That makes the two of us." He said raking his hand through his blonde hair.
"I have never said no to my father." He huffed.
"Why not ?"
"You wouldn't understand."
"Trust me I can..." I entwined our hands while laying on his chest I could hear his heart beat.
"He is a really difficult person always demanding."
"Maybe he wants whats best for you."
"I know but he is a greedy racketeering bustard, all he cares about is money." He stoically explained and I immediately felt bad.
"I'm sorry." Was all I could say.
"Its okay, love." He sighed.
We talked for hours and laughed about all sorts of things, Lukas was quite a fun person. He made me have fluttering butterflies in my stomach and all I wanted to do was kiss his lips. Every time he talked all I did was stare at his lips...
Whats going on with me ?!
I learned that Lukas was in fact the same age as me...eighteen?although he was three months older than me since he was born on the third of June and myself on the thirtieth of September. I also learnt that he's even more sexier when he speaks German, he also has the most breathtaking smile. He has been to more than four different countries which include Belgium, Poland, Britain and Switzerland. He hates criticism and all he wants is for his father to just say he's proud of him. I also learned that his father is the senator of Berlin and he loves his mother? more than his life. He has no siblings and he loves my smile.
He loves my smile.
My phone was ringing and I halted when I noticed the caller ID. Standing up onto my feet I answered nervously.
"Hi Daddy." I squeaked nervously.
"Where are you Antonella ? I was worried sick when George called me.."?Of cause George had to snitch.
"I'm okay, I was just out with a friend."
" I want you to go back to the hotel this instant. If I wasn't in Moscow I would have came there right now."
"What are you doing in Moscow? ? The doctor said-"
"Oh no Antonella I'm a grown man and I do whatever that pleases me besides I'm working on a case." He growled over the phone and I rolled my eyes noticing Lukas stifle a laugh, I smiled.
"You should be resting not working.." I retorted.
"Anyways let me speak to this friend of yours. !"
"No you can't." I gulped.
"He is busy, he can't."
"Its a 'he' ?? Antonella Le roux " I gasped because when he calls my name it means trouble.
"I mean he's gay." I said earning a glare from Lukas. " I have to go, I will call you later. I love you dad. " I quickly hanged up.
"I didn't know i was gay ?" He said playfully.
"Prove it." I don't know where I got the confidence but I regretted it as soon as those words left my lips. He stepped close making me shiver? nervously. He wrapped his arms around my waist closing the space between us. Leaning in we gazed at each other for what felt like hours before he attached his lips softly onto mine.
There goes my first kiss.with a hot German guy.