"Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved." ~ Barbara Johnson
I stared at the beautiful view that laid in front of me. I can't believe how lucky I am...this doesn't happen everyday, sure I have had my fair share of girls whom I have fucked but this..this felt like the first time I actually made love to someone.
Don't talk like she will stay in Berlin forever :'(
My conscience mocked me in the most subliminal way possible, I was getting engaged...?I have accepted it.?She will always be the love I could never have, maybe one day when I have ugly children with Cake faced Deya, I will tell them about this beauty I met back in my day and I could never forget.
Her beautiful hazel brown eyes squeezed open with a smile tugged on her lips. I pulled her close to my chest not wanting this moment to ever end...
"Morning love." I whispered laying a soft kiss on her forehead.
"Morning." She said her voice filled with innocence.
"How was your night love ?" I smirked.
"Uhm it was okay." She blushed.
"Really just okay ?" I deadpanned.
"Well it was... I can't describe it but I loved every moment of it." She said her voice smooth scanning her hand on my chest.
"So no regrets ?"
She smiled before raising her head giving me a peck on the lips. " Definitely no regrets, I would do it a thousands times as long as its with you." She spoke softly, it just made me want to take her again, right now this moment. I kissed passionately, I could feel the smile forming on her lips as she deepened the kiss making me moan. I hovered over her voluptuous body, her legs on either side of my body.
"Are you still sore ?" I asked with concern when she flinched at my touch between her thighs.
"Just a little." She said wrapping her arms around me with the intention of continuing. If it had been another girl I would care, I would still fuck her where the sun doesn't shine but this girl is different.
"Antonella we don't have to." I gave her a brief smile before rolling off her, she frowned.
"Lukas..." She whined.
"Come on love let's get breakfast so I can get energy to make love to you repeatedly." I smirked standing up from the king size bed earning a blush from her. I threw my Hoody at her, it was still practically big on her ending a her thighs...she looked so damn sexy. If I had this girl for the rest of my life, I wouldn't care about Victoria's secret models because I have one right in front of my eyes.
On my way to order room service there was a knock,?Let me guess Marian.?I was only in my boxers which was inappropriate if there was a visitor especially my father who loves to throw surprise visits anyways I went to open the door only to find one person I despise...
"What are you doing here Deya ?" I gritted my teeth.?She stood there is a skimpy dress and her blonde hair in waves as always. She didn't answer she simply went in my suite without of authorisation.
"Lukas, is it room service because I'm starving ?" Antonella walked in get a clear view of my so called fianc??e who eyed her from head to toe.
"Lukas who is she ?" Antonella asked me her eyes brimmed with tears.?Fuck how could I not know she is so sensitive.
"Antonella this is Deya.." I said in a calm tone, Deya was fuming with anger when she turned to me.
"Sag ihr, dass Sir rauskommt !"?Deya yelled in my face. Its her well know talent. I sighed and raked my hand through my hair I never thought this day would come.
"Ich were days nicht run."?I replied Antonella looked confused and was still trying to figure out why was actually going on.
"Ich kann nicht glauben, dass Lukas dieser schlampe erz?hlt, dass die jatztz rauskommt."?She yelled louder. My poor ears.
"Nein bist due taub Oder was ?"?I added.
"Hort was den Carter dazu sagen hat verlobte."?She threatened taking her phone out. Fuck this can't be happening if she tells my father this will be the end of me ! I don't want to be homeless, I love my luxuries I can't lose them or live without them.
"Okay Deya, es tut leid."?I apologized, I forgot Antonella was still watching this idiotic interjection.
"Sag ihr dass die such verirrt."?I sighed she wanted me to kick Antonella out or my father will know. I racked through my hair before making the hardest decision I have ever had to make in my life.
"Antonella, I think you should leave..." I whispered.
"What ?" She asked in disbelief.
"He said you. leave." Deya attempted to speak English which was just a disaster, remind me why I'm marrying a girl who can't even speak English how pathetic.
"Don't ever Lukas don't ever talk to me again." Antonella said in the most calm voice but tears streaming down her face. I hated myself for hurting her, I wished I could hug her and comfort her but I couldn't when Deya crushed her disgusting lips onto mine, I could taste the pink lipstick on her lips before I pushed her away that's when I realised Antonella had already picked her clothes up and banged the door while wiping her tears.
I'm such a horrible person.