"Love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking together in the same direction." - Antoine de?Saint-Exupery
I was worn to a frazzle after last night, who could blame me. I distaste every time I have to spend with cake faced Deya.
I call her cake faced because her make up is always over the limit and she is such a stickler. Ever since my father became best friends with Ken Fischer about two years ago when they caught me in bed with Deya, they just assumed I was solemnly in love with her and that it would be a great investment if I married Deya. My father is a great mastermind at cunning and he Nevers seems to forget his cupidity attitude of greed.
Of cause I was caught fucking Deya, you can't blame me ...I was at a stupid boring event at the Fischer's household and the only interesting thing at that time was getting a good fuck from Deya. They made it look like Deya was a virgin and I had stolen her innocence so I should marry her. Honestly I knew they had this idea even before that crux happened.
"Lukas your father requested that you eat breakfast at the mansion."?Marian informed me breaking me from my thoughts.
"Erm...why ?"?I furrowed my eyebrows, I knew my father better than anyone so there is something more to this breakfast than Marian thinks...maybe Deya is there but I had to go because my father was quite the curmudgeon in matters like this and I wouldn't want him taking away my allowance.
"I don't know but the limo is waiting downstairs."
"Uhm okay, let me grab my hoody I guess I will just bath there."?I said grabbing my pink hoody with a pizza at the front then grabbed my phone swiftly Marian and I vacated the Royal suite.
As we were heading to the elevator, I saw her ...I finally saw her and she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life. Our eyes met and I gazed at her for as long as I could, I didn't care if I looked like a freak but all I knew in my heart and mind is I want her. She had brown skin and long curly hair tied into a bun and the most beautiful dimples when she talked even without smiling her dimples would still appear. I would never call a girl beautiful usually hot and sexy but in this case my heart skipped a beat and that has never happened before. Her friends kept on rambling but her eyes on me just as mine were on hers and I knew at that moment that this was a mutual feeling.
"You can close your mouth now Lukas."?Marian chuckled and I was super glad he spoke in German I wouldn't want to he embarrassed in front of her so I kept my cool and laughed hitting his shoulder playfully.
"Shut up."?I replied in German.
I looked at her from head to toe, she had a banging body, everything about her screamed Good Girl' but I liked that.
As we entered the elevator, I kept my cool as always but now I was nervous and I'm never nervous ever.
"Morning ladies." I greeted in the most neutral way showing my pearly whites instead of a smirk because I don't know why I'm acting like this. Marian looked at me suspiciously because I never have a goofy smile rather I'm more of smirks and winks.
"Ooh and he speaks English, Morning." One of girls said nudging her friend who wasn't even paying attention. She looked Indian but her accent stated otherwise and she batted her eyebrows flirtatiously.
I mean who doesn't like me, I'm Lukas Rieger.
"Morning." The other girl smiled genuinely no hint of flirting, she had dark skin but was very much beautiful too then I wondered how these girls were all different in terms of race but they seemed so close and unbreakable.
"I'm Lukas, Lukas Rieger." I broke another smile. What's going on with me, I'm sure I look goofy as fuck !
"Nice to meet you, I'm Leanne but you can call me Leah." She said...but I didn't care my eyes were on the other girl.
"And am Amanda." The other friend added.
"Oh nice to meet you Leah and Amanda." I replied a bit disappointed that the girl I want isn't even paying attention to me. She smiled as our eyes met like poles of magnet but she quickly shifted her gaze to something else.
"This is Marian Schmidt, my manager." I introduced Marian whom I had completely forgotten about then he politely smiled at them.
"Ma'am your father is calling.." The bodyguard looking guy interrupted maybe she must be some type of elite if she has a bodyguard but I noticed it annoyed her.
The elevator opened and then I finally heard her sweet angelic voice when she excused herself and the bodyguard followed.
"Oh Lukas we are new here so you should maybe show us around sometimes.." Leah continued to be such a flirt and her friend Amanda rolled her eyes before giving me a 'sorry about that look'
"Sure I would love that as long as you bring your friend over there." I smirked at mystery girl who was smiling on the phone.
"Yes we will." Amanda replied.
"The limo is waiting Lukas and you father hates when we are not on time."?Marian said in German.
"Unfortunately ladies I have to go." I pulled them into a hug before I left I gave one last glance to the girl who made my heart skip a beat without even trying...
I want her...I want this mystery girl.