"Aamir? I... I don't understand what you're trying to tell me! Wait! You can't marry me? Why?" A tight lump made in her throat. She could barely hold herself. She looked at him with so much confound and confusion.
"Ameenah, Allah knows how much I love you and how you mean to me. I've never met someone like you; so loving and caring. But, my father doesn't see that. He doesn't care about how I feel about you. He doesn't know what a wonderful person you are."
"You can't marry me?" She queried again, feeling a sharp pain in her chest. "Ameenah please try to understand..."
"Understand what?" She cuts him off. "That you can't marry me?" Her vision started to become blurry. "Ameenah." He sighed. "You have to believe me. It's not my fault." He was trying hard not to break down in front a girl.
"If you loved me you'd know what to do. Omar I don't want to see you ever again. I hate you!" She blurted out before turning and running into their two bedroom flat.
She ran to her mother's room. "Subahanallahi, Ameenah!" She exclaimed when Ameenah jumped on her body. "Ameenah? Halkass oo ah Aamir? (Where is Aamir?)" She asked in Somali.
"He told me he's not going to marry me" She wailed. Her body was shaking. She was really hurt and scared. She felt betrayed. "Ameenah? Calm down please. Talk to me. What did he tell you?"
She sat up right sniffing and wiping her tears away. "Okay now take a deep breath!" She did as her mother said.
"Now, tell me what happened." She said placing both hands on Ameenah's shoulder. "Aunty..." she murmured crying silently. "Please stop crying and tell me what's wrong. Do you want me to cry too?" Ameenah slowly shook her head no.
"Now stop crying and tell me what's wrong?"
She didn't hide anything from her mother. She told her everything that happened between her and Aamir few minutes ago.
"Innalillahi wa'inna ilaihir rajiun!" She sighed.
"Salamu Alaykum," her father entered the room. He plumped down on the couch opposite the bed looking at his wife and daughter. He pitied his daughter. The pain she's going through that moment.
"My daughter. You have to exercise patience. I just talked with Aamir and he explained everything. And by the looks of it this boy is innocent. Ameenah kiyi hakuri. Na sanki da hakuri. Everything will be okay!"
"Ameenah, go to your room and get some rest." Her mom ordered. She nodded and sluggishly stood up.
Why will he promise her something he wouldn't do? Why will he leave her to fall for him this deep? Why will he let her get used to being around him? She can't just let go now! Not this soon.
She's deeply in love with him. She's so in love with him. He can't just leave this soon!
"Bashir, I'm on my knees. I've kept my ego and pride aside. Please Bashir it's high time you accept my love. Can't you see how I'm madly in love with you please? I've been chasing you for years! I've watched you love another girl. Please Bashir I can't live without you."
He stared at her eyes that was already looking red and swollen. For once he pitied her. She really is in love with him. But why can't he feel the same about her? He inhaled and exhaled.
She was still on her knees shedding tears. "Malika, please sit down." He sighed. She sniffed wiping her tears away. She sat back down on the chair.
"Malika, Allah knows I don't feel anything for you. If I accept you now that won't be fair to you or even me. I'll be cheating both of us...." She burst into new sets of tears making him to go mute.
"Malika, there is someone out there dying to find a girl like you. We are just not right for each other. Please understand that. I just can't be with someone like you. Look at how you dress fisabilillah!"
"But I told you I'd change. Just give me a chance please Bashir. I'd do anything to get your love. I love you. I'm madly in love with you. And I can't let go. Help my bleeding heart."
He looked at her for brief seconds before looking away. "Malika I have a lot of work to do today. You may leave now please."
She slowly picked up her bag and rose up. "I'll go as you wish, but that doesn't mean I'd give up on you. I love you and I'll continue to love you till my last breath." She walked out of the office leaving him stupefied.
He picked his intercom and called his receptionist. "Come right up to my office. I want to see you now!"
After few minutes she showed up looking agitated. "I don't want to ever see that woman again. I mean that woman that always comes to my office, Malika."
"If you ever allow her to enter this office again you consider yourself fired!" She scratched the back of her neck. "Yes sir!" She squatted.
"Get out now!" She hurriedly walked out of the office. She has never seen him this furious.
"For how many days are you going to be in kaduna?" Baba asked him. "Just two days baba," He replied serving himself some Masa and miyan taushe. "I'll be leaving tomorrow morning." He added smiling.
"May Allah bless you, son." Maama prayed. She was happy to see her son smiling once again. "Ameen, thank you Maama."
The happy family continued eating their dinner in peace.
"Ameenah, sit I want to talk to you." Aunty said and Ameenah sat upright wiping her tears.
"Ameenah it's been two days now. Wannan kukan ya isa haka. That's enough please. Daughter, crying won't change or solve anything." She started.
"Aunty I... I just can't. He... he can't just leave like that.... my heart; it hurts so bad!" She hiccuped. Her words really broke her mother's heart.
"Whenever your heart is hurting, pray! Wake up in the middle of the night, perform ablution and pray to your Rabb. He listens. Sit on that prayer mat and pour your heart out until there's nothing left to share. Honey it's okay to cry. He sees you. You can't hide anything from him. My daughter, praying is the only solution now. Allah yana son masu hakuri, sabida kiyi hakuri. Your father and I are praying for you."
"Thank you Aunty. I promise I'll try and stop crying." She sniffed. "Tell you what. I talked to Aisha last night and I told her you were coming to visit. So better start packing cause you're leaving for Abuja tomorrow."
"Are you serious?" She gasped already feeling a bit happy. Aunty nodded smiling. "Thank you so much Mama na." She gave her a tight hug. "You need to change environment after all. So you're leaving for Zaria from there, for your registration. Get up and start packing." Aunty stood up from the bed to leave her start packing.
She immediately started packing stuff she'll need there. After an hour, she was done with packing.
She searched for her phone and quickly searched for her best friend's number. "Meenoh." She chirped in. "Hey bestie." Ameenah smiled. "Don't bestie me. I'm really mad at you right now. You couldn't even call and tell me what you were going through...."
Yes!" Ameenah cuts her off. "I know and I'm sorry. Please forgive me."
"Don't cut me off when I'm yelling at you. Urgh!! Ameenah I'd strangle you when you come to Abuja tomorrow." She groaned.
"I said I'm sorry. You're so annoying sometimes. I wonder how Adam copes with you," She chuckled. "Whatever! So a friend of Adam will come pick you up tomorrow by 9am. So better get ready cause he hates waiting."
"No! Why do I have to follow some dude..."
"Ameenah you're so stubborn toh baki isa ba. You're coming along with him whether you like it or not!" Aisha cuts the call making Ameenah to hiss.
She knows when her best friend when she says something it definitely stays. She groaned and hissed again thinking of traveling with a guy. That; she has never done before.
Who is she even going to be traveling with?
"Salamu Alaykum." He walked into the house looking around the compound. "Waalaykumus Salam." Aunty peeped from the kitchen. He squatted down and greeted her.
"You must be Bashir." Aunty asked smiling at him. He smiled and replied politely. "Please come in," She ushered him into the living room.
"Ameenah!" She called out. In less than ten seconds, Ameenah showed up all dressed up in a black abaya decorated with red stones.
She salamed and entered the living room. He looked up at her! Subahanallah! 'How can someone be this beautiful?' He mused to himself. Her mesmerized light brown eyes. Her pointy nose. Her plumped pink lips really attracted him. Her dark skin color. She was glowing.
The way she smiled and greeted him melted his heart. He found himself smiling back at her. Aunty looked at both of them, chuckled and left the living room to check on her cooking.
"You must be Ameenah, right?" He asked beaming at her. She slowly nodded lowering her gaze. "I am Bashir Yahya, a friend of Adam." He introduced himself.
She smiled once again. Why does she find his voice attractive? Why is she smiling at him? Why does she feel so nervous? Oh ya Allah the way he called her name. It sounded so right. She fiddled with her fingers while thoughts of him crossed her mind.
There he goes again!
She raised her head and looked at him. "I think your mom's calling you," he uttered. She scrambled up and hurriedly rushed to the kitchen.
"Take this tray to the living room." She ordered. Ameenah nodded and took the tray to the living room. "That's really not necessary please." He said. "Well if she comes, tell her that let's see if you'll leave this house without eating," she smirked and walked out of the place to get the rest.
After taking everything to him, she served him some chips and scrambled egg. "Would you like tea or Lipton?" She asked. "Lipton will do." He smiled.
She looked at him for a brief second. After she was done making what he asked for, she rose up to leave the place. "Where are you going?" He stopped her. "My room. I want to go get my phone" She replied. "Okay then."
She walked into her room the same time her phone started ringing. "Ayoosh," Ameenah grinned. Why was she suddenly feeling happy? "Hmm, someone is in a good mood this morning." She chuckled.
"Whatever!" She hissed. "Is he here yet?" Aisha asked. "Yeah he's eating right now, we'll be on our way the moment he's done eating." She explained. "What do you think about him? He's really a nice guy."
"Well yeah, he is...."
"I knew you'd like him. You guys will make a beautiful couple." Aisha interrupted. "Jeez Aisha, I barely know the guy. Your brain twitches sometimes!" She hissed.
"What?! You think I'll leave you two to just knowing each other? HaHa! You ain't leaving Abuja without you guys falling in love with each other."
"I have to go now. He might be done eating."
"Okay, I'll see you in few hours babes." She ends the call. Ameenah sighed before getting up from the bed. She picked up her hand bag and suitcase. She kept the suitcase right outside her room.
"Oh you're back." He smiled at her. "And you're done eating already." She smiled back sitting on the one sitter. "I think we should get going," he said glancing at his wrist watch.
"Okay, lemme inform Aunty." She rosed up and headed to her parents room. She came back few minutes later along with Aunty. Baba has already left for work at the market.
She prayed for them and bade them adieu. Bashir helped her with her suitcase before he hopped in and they left for Abuja.
"You ready?" He asked looking at her side view. She nodded smiling not caring to look at him. "We'll be in Abuja in exactly two hours, In Shaa Allah."