"OH MY GOD!!! MOM, DAD YOU SCARED ME!!" I screamed in shock trying to calm my racing heart.
They both stood there in their pajamas, arms crossed and face strictly.
"We scared you? You're the one who scared us. One minute you're in your room and the next you're coming out of a strange car," Mom was the first to talk and I rolled my eyes.
"Ok," I said crossing my arms.
"Watch your attitude young lady," my father piped in causing me to shut up. "Go to your room. And don't come out until you think about what you've done," he added.
"How about I don't come out until I'm ready to leave? I can't wait to get away from here," I mumbled walking past them and I saw their faces fall as the words left my mouth without me meaning them.
The driver put the last of my things in the car trunk and slammed it closed now waiting for me. My parents and I have a short stare-off waiting for someone to talk first but none of us wanted to.
I loved my parents more than anything in this world but sometimes they can get too strict and controlling. Deep down in my heart, I know they do what they do to protect me and I love and appreciate that.
I couldn't hold it any longer. I burst into tears and hugged them. Soon Mom burst into tears too as she returned the hug and dad gave a warm smile.
"I'm going to miss you Debear," Dad mumbled ruffling my hair as I pulled away.
"You're always in my heart, Debear," mom said.
"I love you to the moon and back," dad said sounding challenging.
"I love you beyond compare," she said fake grinning at me when she knew dad and her both were competing.
"You're not even gone yet and- ohh," dad winced when mom stepped on his foot so he could shut up and I laughed at their childish behavior.
"Bye Mom and Dad. I love you both," I said kissing them on the cheek and they kissed me back on my cheek simultaneously.
I got in the car and it drove off as they waved at me until I couldn't see them anymore.
Suddenly a blurred memory appeared in my mind with someone waving at me in a distance. I shrugged it off and plugged in my headphones listening to some NCT.
My husbands. We're together but they don't know. Get me.
I jerked awake when the car fell into a big pothole causing the car to jump.
I checked the time and saw that he's been driving for an hour.
Ugh, I want to use the bathroom. Winding down the window, I looked out and gasped.
The scenery was beautiful. We are definitely not in the city anymore. There were trees, mountains, lakes, rivers, hills, grassland. Basically every natural landform. You could see beyond the hills without any skyscrapers blocking your view and there were animals of all kinds.
Hmm, maybe it won't be all that bad living in the country after all.
I pass a few houses that look the same at some point. Like five houses with the exact same layout and the other five have a different one. Some really big and some small and adorable.
I pass a lot of fields filled with horses, cows, sheep, etc. Then the car turned up the long dirt road going up. I was starting to think that the driver would turn out to be the killer, rape me, kill me and dump my body in a ditch but then I saw it.
The house I grew up in. It was the same as I saw in the pictures I took years ago only now it was red and yellow. It was gigantic and had a field behind it twice as big.
"Wow," I spoke looking at the lining of the beautiful flowers of all kinds.
My hands started sweating as the car pulled up to the house. God, I was nervous. I don't remember anyone here other than my grandparents. God, it's gonna be so awkward.
The car finally stopped and my heart flew to my throat when I saw my grandparents. When the driver opened the door, I wasted no time in getting out and giving them a huge hug.
"Oh my God, I missed you guys so much," I spoke after we pulled away.
"We were the ones to miss you," Grandpa exclaimed.
"My my have you grown. Into a beautiful young lady, just like your mother," Grandma said affectionately then hugged me again.
"Debbie?" I heard someone behind my grandparents say and I looked.
"Missy!" I exclaimed and literally jumped on my cousin squealing.
"Oh my God!" We yelled in unison hugging each other.
Missy is my cousin from my father's side. She was a year older than me but we were really close either way. Missy was a beautiful young lady. She had blonde hair, bright green eyes. Unfortunately, she wasn't blessed with a clear face but the freckles were a beautiful touch. She was of average height and from the pictures, I saw her post on Instagram, she was indeed very curvy.
Unlike me.
"What are you doing here?" I asked her.
"Well, your Dad told my Dad that they were sending you here because of some murder in your area and Dad tried forcing me to go too. I didn't want to at first cause I have to stay as long as you do and I might miss graduation but then dad said if I went he'd buy me the convertible I wanted for my birthday," she blabbered.
"And you agreed?" I chuckled.
"Agreed? I packed in record time," she said causing me to laugh.
"Well, at least I won't be alone," I said and smiled gratefully.
"Missy, please show Debear her old room," grandma said and Missy walked off making the driver and I followed suit.
The interior was decorated like in the 1960s but it was still classic, black and white, and neat. I liked it. I could see the driver admiring the house too and almost bumped into me. We climbed a set of stairs before we stopped before a pink door and I cringed humorously.
Was I really a cliché five-year-old?
There were writings on the door, mainly small hears with the letter A in them. What did that mean? Awesome?
I blushed to recognize that A also stands for Aaron. My boyfriend who I need to text later.
When the door opened, I almost burst into tears. It was adorable painted in blue and black. The bedsheets were blue and so was the carpet on the floor. There was a large closet with dolls and teddy bears sitting on the top.
There was a window opposite the door with a tree directly beside it and a dresser with lights surrounding the edge of the mirror and small girly things on there. A table was situated beside the stacked up small boxes and papers I can't wait to go through.
It was beautiful and I had to say I had great taste as a child. The driver placed down the bags and went back for the rest.
A few hours later I was completely settled in and fell into a deep, nice comfortable sleep.