I still can’t get over how awesome it felt when she hugged me. Out of the blue, she grabbed me and hugged me. All I did was show her what she was doing wrong or rather the step she was missing in the equation. Then, she grabbed me and hugged me.
Wow! My wolf was standing at attention. When she told her brother “And what if he was? What were you going to do about it? Huh? I swear having four brothers doesn’t mean I’m a nun,” and she turned on her heel then walked away. It took everything in my power not to walk after her and scoop her up in my arms like my wolf wanted me to do.
Did she really want me to hug her or to touch her or something more? My wolf and I would love that. I really need to find a way to talk to her and see where her head is. I wouldn’t mind having her for a girlfriend or a mate for that matter.
They left immediately after practice so I would have to wait and talk to her tomorrow before or after Algebra 2. She sure is a spitfire when she’s mad. What I wouldn’t give to be around her right now.
I couldn’t get her out of my mind. I dreamt of her last night. Of what it would be like if she was my girlfriend. Us walking down the hallways hand in hand. Everyone parting the way just for us. The look of adoration on her face was just for me. Her arms are around my neck while she gives me sweet kisses. I woke up to a hard-on like never before. I tried to take care of it, but every time I thought of her, it came right back. What am I going to do?
I can’t wait to see her today. I quickly got ready for school. My sister Mariyah kept babbling on and on about some boy in her biology class this morning. He’s so cute and he has these dimples when he smiles. Ugh. Sophomores!
We get to school and I’m looking for Sandy and her brothers. I saw them arrive at school. Sandy kept her head down and walked into school. She didn’t look too happy this morning, and neither did her brothers. I wonder what happened at their house last night.
When she walked into Algebra 2, I tried to catch her eye, but she kept her head down. She went straight to her seat. When Mr. Morton announced the ‘Pop Quiz’ this morning, I saw her shoulders sag. I could almost hear her take a ragged breath and moan, but not again. My heart went out to her. I know how she struggles with math. I just wish I could offer her some assistance or assurance, but I couldn’t.
When class was over, she made a beeline for the girl's bathroom. Then, I heard her crying. I asked one of the girls from her pack to get one of her brothers for me. When Timothy came, he heard her and called their dad. Unfortunately, Mr. Dabney was on the prowl and thought she was skipping class.
Once we got Sandy out of the bathroom, she was embarrassed that we were out there and heard her crying. “I’m sorry. I had a meltdown after the pop quiz this morning. I felt defeated. I almost didn’t make it to the bathroom before I started crying,” Sandy explained to us before we were called into Mr. Dabney’s office.
We were all hauled into his office and our parents were called. Once I explained to my dad why I wasn’t in class, he was okay with it. He understood why.
Sandy’s dad was more than okay with Timothy not being in class because he wanted to look after his sister. I gotta hand it to Sandy’s dad, he came to school fighting for his daughter.
Mr. Dabney didn’t stand a chance. Not only did Sandy NOT get written up for skipping, but Mr. Dabney had to apologize to Sandy because of her ‘emergency’ in the bathroom. Then, Mr. Dabney had to apologize to me and her brother for making sure that she was alright. We were doing the right thing by taking care of one of our own as pack law decrees before all else.
Sandy’s dad really gave Mr. Dabney a run for his money. Sandy was allowed to go home and rest. She was still very emotionally distraught from the morning.
“May I call her later to see how she’s doing? I want to make sure she’s doing alright,” I asked Mr. Peppermill.
“Of course, you may. But why are you asking me? Why don’t you ask her?” Mr. Peppermill replied.
“Sandy, may I call you later to see how you’re doing? I just want to make sure … I just want to … make sure you are all right,” I finally said with a blush across my cheeks.
Davidson is asking me if he can call me later on. Really??? Me???? “Um, sure. I … guess it would be okay. Thanks …” Sandy replied as a blush settled across her cheeks.
Yes! I made her blush. “I’ll call you later,” I called after her as she and her father were walking toward their car.
I couldn’t believe it. I got her to allow me to call her. Wait, I didn’t get her phone number. I’m such an idiot. “Wait, I didn’t get your number. May I, have it?” I inquired as I held out my phone.
Sandy gently took my phone out of my hands and added her phone number to my phone. Then, she sent herself a text message saying this is Davidson’s number for her to add it to her phone. Clever girl. “Thank you,” I softly stated as she got into her father’s car.
I watched them drive away. It was the hardest thing I had to do, watch her drive away. I am getting attached to this girl and I am only 17 years old. I haven’t found my mate yet, but my wolf seems to be paying very close attention to her. He seems to know her every movement.
Is she, my mate? Time will tell.