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Chapter 3: Sandy

This week has blown big time. I’m glad that Timothy and Stacey worked everything out and I can now focus on my math. I’m watching the football practice trying to figure out these problems when Davidson comes up and asks me if I need help, again.

“Hey, you look like you need some help. Do you?” Davidson asked as he sat down next to me.

“Yes, yes, I do. I can’t seem to figure out how to … I can’t seem to … ooohhhh … help me please! I’m so frustrated right now!” I growled as I handed him my paper.

I didn’t realize I growled that loud as some of the football players turned and looked at me in the stands. “Sorry, just blowing off some steam from Algebra homework,” I stated with a wave of my hands.

Davidson just chuckled at my display of frustration. James on the football field looked like he wanted to tear someone limb from limb. Patrick burst out laughing at my antics. Wouldn’t you know it, my twin had no compassion for me.

“Here, sit down. I can show you the step you’re missing. It’s easy. Look, you have the first steps done correctly, but you missed this one. See?” Davidson stated as he showed me how it was done on paper.

I felt like an idiot. I missed an important step. Why do I keep missing that step? “Thank you. I don’t know why I keep missing that step. What is my mental block that keeps me from remembering that one step?” I mused out loud more to myself than to anyone else. My wolf was wagging her tail at Davidson’s attention.

“Well, believe it or not, a lot of people miss that one step,” Davidson replied.

“Really?” I hesitated.

“Really. I’m a math tutor. That’s the number one missed step in Algebra 2,” stated Davidson as he handed me back my paper.

“Mhm. Okay, let me see if I can do the next one and remember the step this time,” I exclaimed as I began working the next problem out.

When I finished the problem. I gave Davidson the paper for him to check over my work.

“You got it correct,” he rejoiced.

Without thinking about it, I gave him a hug and whooped for joy. “Thank you for helping me,” I cheered as a loud growl was heard from the football field.

We looked around to see who it was coming from. Who made the loud growling noise? Why did they growl?

I don’t care. I continued to work out the problems and when I was finished Davidson checked them over for me. I was happy that I was finally getting a handle on Algebra 2. I needed to pass these nine weeks of math if I wanted to play Softball next semester. I was in danger of not playing. I only had two more weeks to get it together. My wolf was preening at Davidson’s praise and attention.

Davidson kept me company while they finished football practice. As it turns out, our football team is in the playoffs, and they have a game this Friday night. If they win, they will go to the state championship game. So, the coach is putting them through extra drills today. I didn’t mind, I had more homework to complete.

After he checked my Algebra homework, Davidson let me finish the rest of my homework. He worked on his as well. We kept each other company in comfortable silence.

Finally, football practice was over. Davidson and I made our way to the field to be met by Timothy and Patrick. “You guys looked good out there today,” I explained as they approached us.

“What was the whooping and hugging all about earlier?” Patrick demanded as he approached us.

Davidson held his hand up in surrender and said, “She merely thanked me for showing her the step she was missing in her equations. That’s all. I wasn’t trying anything. Honest.”

“And what if he was? What were you going to do about it? Huh? I swear having four brothers doesn’t mean I’m a nun,” I said as I turned on my heal and walked away.

“Sandy, stop! I didn’t mean anything by it. Really. Stop!” Patrick shouted as I continued to walk away.

“I hate to be you when you get home,” Davidson stated with a grin.

“Yeah, she’s got a temper, but she’s right. I had no right to say anything. I just worry about her. She’s my twin sister. Ya know?” Patrick replied with a sigh of frustration.

Timothy and Patrick found me leaning against Timothy’s car with my arms crossed my chest. I had to wait for Timothy to unlock the car so I could get in. I sat in the backseat not saying anything. I ignored both of them on the way home.

When we got home, we had dinner. Mom wanted to know why I was being silent. So, Timothy was more than happy to explain what transpired at the football field.

“You know Patrick is only looking out for you, right Sandy,” Mom questioned me.

“I know Mom,” I replied.

“So, why are you still upset with him,” asked Dad with a frown.

“Because, I … I really don’t have friends that are my friends. They want to be my friends so they can get to know them,” I say as I point to my brothers. “And, then when I’m at school, the boys stay away from me because they don’t want to get pummeled into the ground by them if they do anything wrong to me. I just get lonely sometimes. It was nice to have someone to talk to who wasn’t afraid to talk to me because of them,” I sadly stated with my head hung low.

“I understand that being protected by your brothers also means that you don’t have a lot of friends or boyfriends, but you do have a mate out there waiting for you. That’s the important thing to remember,” mom replied.

“I know Mom. I’m happy to wait for my mate. You and Daddy have explained to me that the greatest gift I could give to my mate is my virginity. I will gladly give it to my mate when the time comes,” I explained. “May I be excused? I still have homework to finish.”

“Yes, you may be excused. Timothy and Patrick will do the dishes tonight,” Mom stated.

“Thank you,” I replied as I got up and walked to my bedroom. I locked my bedroom door and plopped down on the bed. I don’t think mom or dad understood what I was trying to say. I just want to be able to talk to someone and not be judged for it. Is that too much to ask for?

I got up from the bed and sat down next to the window. I put my right arm on top of my left arm with my chin on top. I stared out the window and let my tears flow silently down my face. I stayed that way for a long time. I ignored the knocks on the doors and the pleas for me to answer the door. After a while, they gave up and left me alone.

I finally went to bed sometime around midnight. I really didn’t want to leave the window. My wolf wanted out. She wanted to run and be free. She was upset and didn’t want to be cooped up. But I knew, if I went for a run without permission, I would be in big trouble. So, I went to bed instead.

The next morning, I got ready for school like I always did. But when I went downstairs, I was surprised to see my mom and dad. They were supposed to be at training this morning.

“Good morning, Sandy, how are you feeling this morning?” Mom asked as I walked into the kitchen.

“I’m okay. Good morning, everyone. I’m sorry for last night. Please accept my apology,” I announced as I stopped in front of my dad who had a look of concern on his face.

“We’re worried about you sweetheart. That’s all. You seemed out of sorts yesterday. Then, you locked yourself in your room and wouldn’t let anyone in. Then, you stayed at your window and cried for hours. That’s not like you. What can we do to help you? Hmm?” Dad implored as he wrapped his arms around me.

“How did you know I cried for hours?” I asked as I returned his hug.

“Really sis. My room is like literally next to yours. I smelled the tears before I saw you crying,” Patrick stated matter-of-factly. “And as your twin, I am in tune to your feelings more than anyone else.”

“Really. In tune with my feelings Patrick?” I chuckled. “Dad, I was just upset yesterday. I’m over it. I’ll be okay. Can we chalk it up to hormonal changes? Please. I’m going through enough right now. I’m stressed out enough as it is. Okay?” I explained as I walked over to the table to have a seat.

“Stressed out, stressed out about what?” Mom demanded to know.

“Algebra 2, what else. If I don’t get my grade up in two weeks, I won’t be eligible to play Softball next semester. Davidson was helping me yesterday. I keep missing this one step in this equation. I don’t know why I have a mental block for this step. It’s frustrating,” I complained as I poured some cereal into a bowl before it was taken from me.

“Is it just Algebra 2 that’s causing you stress?” questioned Dad with a furrowed brow.

“Yes, well, most of it. Right now, it’s all I can think about. I’ve got good grades in all my other classes, but that one. Mr. Morton likes to pour on the homework. I feel tortured by the homework. I just feel overwhelmed Dad,” I groaned as I put my head in my hands and shook it.

“Let your mom and me talk. We’ll come up with a solution to help you out. But for right now, just relax. Would it help if you took the day off today? Stay home and relax?” Dad suggested.

“No, it wouldn’t help because I don’t want to miss Algebra 2. Mr. Morton likes to surprise us with quizzes. I don’t want to have a zero because I wasn’t there for a surprise quiz. Thanks anyway Dad. I appreciate the thought,” I replied as I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek before I did the same to Mom.

After breakfast, we made our way to school. I just kept my head down and pressed on. Luckily, I didn’t encounter anyone in the hallway today. I made it to Algebra 2 today and surprise, surprise, surprise. We had a quiz. As I was working out the problems, I could feel Davidson looking at me. I just continued to do my best. I just hope I passed it. I would find out by the end of the day if I did or not.

I left Algebra 2 feeling deflated and defeated. I went into the girl's bathroom and cried. No one bothered me. I didn’t go to my third-period class, which according to Assistant Principal Dabney, I was skipping. He called my parents and tried to have me serve after-school detention for skipping.

Dad said if I was in the bathroom with a bathroom emergency, why would that be considered skipping since I have never skipped before?

So, while all of that was being discussed, I had to sit outside Mr. Dabney’s office. You know who just happened to walk by and gave his disapproving look, James.

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