Ever since I can remember, I have been constantly surrounded by boys. I have three older brothers and one younger brother. The pecking order at our house is Michael, Timothy, Patrick, me (Sandra), and Avery. My dad, Maxwell Nicholaus Peppermill, and my mom, Jennifer Alicia Bates, are your average werewolves. Dad is in charge of Patrols in our pack. Michael, who graduated last year, is being groomed to take over dad’s position.
It is the middle of my Junior year in high school. I am 16 years old. Oh, I forgot to mention that Patrick is my fraternal twin. He is four minutes older than I am.
Anyway, my family is just like any normal family. My brothers play all kinds of sports (football, basketball, and baseball) and I play softball. I am the shortstop on our school team. We enjoy going to watch each other play along with cheering them on. It’s a lot of fun.
Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. My alarm goes off at 6 AM. It’s time to get up and get ready for school. Timothy and Patrick have football practice after school today. They want me to stay after and watch. Why? I have no idea. I always stay after anyway because they are my ride home, but they made a special effort to tell me to be sure to be at football practice today—again, no idea why.
I slowly get out of bed and head toward my bathroom. Since I am the only girl, I have my own bathroom; it’s the only real perk of living in a house full of boys. I go to walk into the bathroom and hear the shower. What the hell! I walk in to find Patrick in the shower.
“What are you doing in my shower?” I hollered at him from the other side of the shower curtain.
“The line was too long at ours. I’ll only be a few more minutes. I promise!” Patrick shouted back at me. “Besides, I’ll make it worth your while this afternoon. I have a surprise for you.”
“It better be a good surprise. Now hurry up. You better not make me late,” I contended as I went back into my bedroom to grab my clothes for the day. I decided on a dark blue dress that had a sweetheart collar. It had little white flowers all over it. It was one of my favorites. I have worn it to one or two-pack events in the past. I paired the dress with low-heeled wedges. I also had everything I needed for school packed up in my backpack. I put everything on my bed, so all I had to do was grab it and go.
Patrick came out dressed in shorts, and his hair still damp. “Thank you for letting me finish my shower. I promise to ask you next time,” he stated as he walked out of my bedroom.
I walked into the bathroom only to be greeted with a mess. This is why I don’t like my brothers using my bathroom. They leave towels and clothes on the floor, which smells like a locker room. Yuck!
I took my shower, brushed my teeth, and styled my hair and makeup before I left the bathroom. I quickly dressed, grabbed my backpack, and went downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast before leaving for school.
When I entered the kitchen, all conversation ceased. “What are you wearing!?” roared Timothy as he looked me up and down.
“What is wrong with what I am wearing?” I asked him with an incredulous look on my face.
“You’re wearing a dress! You never wear dresses. Why are you wearing a dress?” he asked me as he approached me like I was a wounded animal or something.
“It happens to be a comfortable dress that goes down to my mid-calves. It doesn’t show anything important. I felt like wearing something different today. Stacey and Becky are wearing dresses today too,” I replied back to him.
“Give us a little warning next time, huh? It just surprised us that you walked out in a dress. You look good, sis. We’re going to have to make sure people know to keep their paws off,” Patrick growled as he passed the cereal over to me.
“I think most everyone knows not to mess with me because of you all. For that, I am grateful. I don’t get teased like some of the others do. Thank you,” I exclaimed as I finished my breakfast. “Do I look presentable to go to school today?” I asked as I went to grab my backpack from the living room.
“Yes, you look nice today. Now, can we go, please? I can’t wait to see what Becky’s wearing. Did she happen to tell you which dress she was wearing today” Timothy wondered aloud as we headed toward his car.
“No, she didn’t tell me which dress she would wear. All I know is that we were all supposed to wear dresses today,” I answered him with a smirk. I had an idea of which dress she would wear, but I wasn’t sure.
We arrived at school ten minutes before the first bell. Timothy pulled into a parking spot and saw Stacey and Becky. He couldn’t get out of the car fast enough. Stacey was his girlfriend. I know he liked what he saw. Stacey and Becky were standing beside Stacey’s car. Sure enough, they were both in dresses that were short and showed their assets to everyone. I was sure they would be asked to go home and change into something more appropriate.
“Wow! I can’t believe you wore that dress! You know the AP will tell you to go home and change. So why wear it to begin with?” I surmised as I looked at both of them.
“I just want to see if AP Dabney would make me go home and change,” Becky replied.
Stacey couldn’t answer as Timothy had her engaged in a smoldering kiss. I just shook my head as I walked with Becky inside the school to my locker. I stopped and got my books for the first and second periods. I hated that our school was set up a lot like a college campus. It was spread out, but it was huge. Three packs sent their kids there: Rock Canyon, Red River, and Blue Mountain. Thankfully, everyone who attended was werewolves or knew of werewolves. We didn’t have to worry about trying to fit in or hide who we were.
It still sucked that we had to go to school. I was on my way to first period when I bumped into ‘him,’ James Owen Murphy. James is the future Alpha of the Rock Canyon Pack, my pack. He is a junior, just like me. He is six feet easy with chestnut-colored hair, which he keeps shoulder length and styled just right. His light blue eyes remind me of a high, clear sky under thick eye lashes. His nose is not too long or short, just right which leads to plush, kissable lips. Let’s say James is cute, and he knows it.
Me, I’d say I’m average looking. I’m five feet five inches tall with light brown wavy hair that goes down to the middle of my back. I have hazel-green eyes. I don’t think I’m special, especially since I live with four brothers.
“Why don’t you watch where you’re going?” James hollered at me as he continued down the hallway.
“Sorry, James, I didn’t mean to bump into you. I’ll be more careful next time,” I replied as I picked up my book off the floor.
James growled at me when I replied to him. I called him James instead of Alpha. He wants everyone to call him Alpha even though he isn’t one yet. I kept heading to my classroom, not noticing the others in the hallway.
First period was Sociology. Mrs. Atwater was particularly chatty today about what she did last night. We were totally off-subject today. We spent fifty minutes listening to Mrs. Atwater drone on about her bridge club. Class ended just in time. I thought I would fall asleep if I had to listen to her much longer.
Second period was Algebra 2. Yay me! Math is a subject I have to work hard on. My twin is much better at math than I am. As I am working on the problems for the day, I look up and see Patrick entering the classroom with a note for the teacher. He has a smirk on his face.
“Miss Peppermill, you are needed in the front office. Please go with your brother at this time and take all of your things,” Mr. Morton announced in his bored voice.
I gathered my books and met Patrick at the door with the pass. Patrick opened the door for me and closed it behind us. “Do you have everything?” he asked when it was just the two of us.
“Yes. Why?” I replied, bewildered.
“Well, I thought I would help get you out of Math today since you let me shower in your bathroom this morning. I know how much you hate Algebra,” Patrick whispered.
“Thank you, Pat. You’re the best twin a girl could have. Come on; I need to get a drink. Do you have any change?” I inquired as I looked through my bookbag.
“I got you. Here. Don’t be late for your next class. See you at lunch. Love you,” Patrick whispered as he kissed my cheek.
“Love you too. Thank you for the soda. I won’t be late,” I whispered back to him.
The day dragged on. Lunch was nothing short of boring. The girls were trying to capture James’s attention. I don’t know why they were trying so hard. They have mates out there. When they turn eighteen, they can find their mates or soulmates.
After school, I went to the football field to watch Timothy and Patrick practice football. Timothy was a Wide Receiver, and Patrick was a Free Safety. They are good at their positions. Why did they want me to be at their practice? No idea.
A group of girls giggling nearby caught my attention. I saw Davidson Andrew Bishop, the future Alpha of Red River Pack, walking toward the stands. Davidson is six feet with light brown hair, green eyes behind long lashes, a straight nose, plush lips, a strong jaw, and drop dead handsome. I returned my focus to my brothers and my homework. I didn’t notice that Davidson sat near me. The next thing I knew, Davidson asked me if I needed help with my homework. What???
“Do you need any help with your homework Sandy?” Davidson asked as he slid closer to me.
“Excuse me? I … I don’t know you. I mean, I know ‘of you,’ but I don’t know you,” I stuttered as I blushed at him.
“My bad. I’m Davidson Bishop. We have Algebra together. Your brother Patrick said that you might need some help with Algebra. And I thought I could, … maybe, … help you ...” he explained as he started to blush.
He actually blushed. My wolf’s interest was piqued. She was sitting at attention listening to the conversation.
“My brother told you I might need some help with Algebra!? Wait until I get my hands on him. Yes, I might need some help. Algebra, math, is not my strong subject. Never has been. It is more Patrick’s strength than mine,” I replied, sounding a little calmer than when I began.
“Why did he come to get you today from class?” Davidson inquired as he sat next to me.
“It was payback for allowing him to use my shower this morning. He wanted me to have a leisurely morning of it, so he found a way to get me out of math,” I answered him with a chuckle.
“Nice. Are you having any trouble with these problems you’re working on now?” Davidson asked me.
“Not really; I’m just not sure if I worked them out correctly. Do you think you could check them for me? I need to get a good grade on this homework assignment,” I inquired of him.
“Sure, I can double-check them for you. I wouldn’t want you to get a bad grade,” he smirked as he took my paper. He checked over the problems on the paper and declared, “it looks like you’ve got them all correct.”
“Thank you for double-checking. Oh, it looks like football practice is over. I guess I’ll see you in class tomorrow,” I stated as I gathered my materials before I stood up to leave.
“May I walk you down to your brothers?” Davidson asked as he stood to leave.
Yes, you may and while you’re at, you can kiss me silly was what I was thinking. My wolf was definitely drooling over Davidson.
“Yes, you may. Thank you,” I replied as he escorted me to Timothy and Patrick, who were packing their gear.
“Hey David, thanks for helping Sandy with her math and looking out for her while we were at practice,” Patrick stated as we walked toward Timothy’s car.
“It was no problem. Anytime I can help her with math, just let me know,” Davidson said as they did their manly handshake.
Timothy had been quiet throughout the whole exchange. I found out on the way home that he and Stacey argued this morning about her outfit. He had been in such a sour mood all day because of it.
The drive home was weird. Timothy refused to talk to Patrick who looked at me as if to say, ‘what gives.’ I didn’t know what to say to him. We all remained quiet until we got home.
As Timothy pulled into the driveway, Avery came out of the house to announce that dinner was ready, and we needed to come in immediately. Patrick and I got out of the car and headed inside while Timothy slowly trudged his way inside. Timothy never made it to the dinner table.
Mom was livid. She made dad go get Timothy and bring him down to the dinner table. She insists that everyone eat dinner together every day.
“What’s wrong with you? How come you didn’t come to the table like you were supposed to?” Avery asked him between mouthfuls.
“I’m not very hungry. I just wanted to be alone for a little while. Is that a crime?” Timothy bellowed to no one in particular.
“Do not raise your voice at the table!” hollered Mom.
“Sorry, mom,” Timothy replied sheepishly. “I didn’t mean to.”
“That’s better. Now, what’s got you feeling like a gloomy Gus?” Mom inquired as she took a bite of her dinner roll.
Sigh. “It’s just … Stacey … we had an argument today and … she walked off and we never really resolved anything. I just hate how we left it. She’s not answering my calls or my texts. I don’t know what to do,” Timothy stated in a defeated voice.
“What was your argument about?” Dad asked trying to offer support.
“Well, Sandy, Becky, and Stacey all wore dresses to school today. Becky and Stacey’s dresses were a lot shorter and more revealing than Sandy’s. I said something about how short it was and how I didn’t want anyone seeing those legs but me. She got all sensitive and started yelling. The next thing I know, were yelling at each other. We’re saying things and then she’s walking off in a huff,” Timothy recalled with sadness in his voice.
Everyone at the table got real quiet. We just looked at each other. “When does Stacey turn eighteen?” mom quietly asked Timothy.
“Next month on the twentieth. She turns eighteen eight days before I do, why?” Timothy replied.
“I was just asking to see if maybe she found her mate yet. Do you think she’s … trying to … break up with you just in case you’re not her mate?” Mom hesitated asking Timothy.
“Maybe, I don’t know. I just wish she’d answer my texts or calls. She’s ghosting me,” Timothy growled.
No one spoke after that. What could we say? ‘Sorry she’s ghosting you?’ I felt bad for him. The evening wore on with no resolve to Timothy’s dilemma. In fact, Stacey didn’t talk to him for a whole week. She ignored him which made my life hell because he kept asking me about her.
I told her she needed to talk to him because I was not a go between person. They needed to hash this out between themselves, which they did much to everyone’s delight. They talked or rather argued about controlling what the other person does or does not do. Then, they made up.