Alesso P.O.V
"For fucks sake" I groan in annoyance before setting my glare on the one person I really don't want to see.
"Get out of my way Nevida" I was already annoyed at your presence.
Nevida is what you would call an ornament. You know that gift your mom gives you but you don't want it. You can't get rid of it so you just have to keep it for someone's sake. That's what she is.
"Good morning Alesso" there's something about the way she talks to me that sounds like nails scratching against a chalkboard and she watches me like I'm some piece of meat she's savoring but won't touch as yet. It brings shudders to my body.
I ignored her and tried to side step her but she side stepped with me to block my path again. I'm getting real tired of her shit.
"I don't have time for this" I muttered, getting ready to push her out the way.
"I'm about to make breakfast, do you want any?"
"Nick already made breakfast" I cut her short one time.
I watch her closely with narrowed eyes as her face scrunches up in disgust.
"I will not eat anything that black faggot has even touched. Great, if he made breakfast then I have to sterilize the entire kitchen again" her whole body shivered like just thinking about it disgusted her.
My whole demeanor turned dark as I took two steps so I'm right in her face.
"Do you want to repeat that?" The idiot must have not sensed the shift in the atmosphere.
"Didn't you hear me? I said I won't eat anything from that black-" I snatched her by her throat and slammed her into the door. Leaning forward I whispered on her hair.
"You must not have heard me the first two times I said this so I'll remind you for the first and last time. I hate a homophobic person who acts out against someone who's sure of their sexuality just because they aren't, but what I hate more than a homophobic person is a racist person who acts like African Americans were not the persons to develop half of what America is today. You should count your stars lucky that I can't skin you alive because of our parent's friendship but do not test my already limited patience with you. Go ahead and fuck with me again. See what happens" I pushed her away from the door after my little threat before walking out.
Fucking woman just doesn't learn.
I left her standing there shocked like she thought I was never going to threaten her. Waiting in the car with Daniel and a few more men I can see Nick and Elias walk out the same door. He grabs Nick by the face before pulling him in for a kiss, after a while it got hot and heated as his tongue slipped in to Nick's mouth. You can see Nick is barely holding up as he grabs Eli's jacket to keep him steady.
"Does this fucking idiot not know there are single people in this damn house?" I laughed softly, shaking my head.
I feel a pang of jealousy seeing them so in love, so vibrant. Something I'll never have again.
He finally let's goes of Nick before putting him in his car. He waits until the car drives off before getting in the car.
"Are we ready?" he asks panted heavily, sounding like he just walked out the gym.
"No, we are waiting for this lover boy name Elias to stop fucking his lover's mouth before we leave" there's a sarcastic but teasing tone in my voice.
"Shut the fuck up and let's go. You know I can't get enough of him" he said laughing. Daniel started laughing before pushing his hand outside and tapping the hood. That was the signal to move out.
"What we got?"
"Chris Smith, age 25, African American who's got about six grand stack up on us. Keeps throwing us off but he recently moved thinking he could hide from us." Daniel breaks down.
"Is he broke or something?" Eli asks
My snort of amusement caught his attention.
"Broke my white ass. He and his girl on a shopping spree a few days so I would hardly call it broke" I cut in.
"We're here boss" the driver announced after an hour of driving.
In front of us stood a tall glass building about forty floors high with gated security.
"Again, broke my ass" I muttered getting out the car.
I laugh out loud when I reach his door.
"This fucker lives in the penthouse and can't pay six grand?" I asked
"He's fucking with us" Eli laughed
I don't even knock. I just raise my foot and kick the door down. It's pretty flimsy for a pent house door. He looks startled, like he just woke up.
"Chris, Chris, Chris. When are you going to learn? Is it after the first, the second or the third beating?"
I turned to the six guards that came with me. Snapping my fingers I pointed in his direction.
"Bound him"
He tried to run. Where? I have no idea seeing as we were standing in front of the door. While he was struggling I was admiring his apartment. At least he has some nice couches. They dragged one of chairs to the living room, tying him to it while I sat quietly in front of him.
I pulled out a cigarette and a lighter while watching him. The guards searched the house while I sat quietly smoking, watching him. After the fourth pull on the cigarette I spoke.
"Where's my money?" I asked calmly while looking him in the eye.
His eyes widen in recognition before he answered.
"I don't have it as yet"
I reared back and hooked him straight in the right jaw.
"You don't have it? We've been watching you, Chris. You buy shit for your pretty little red head girlfriend and living in penthouse worth a pretty penny but can't give me my six grand? Then why did you take my stuff in the first place?" I asked him pulling from my cigarette again.
"I swear I don't have it but I can give you something more valuable."
I raised my eyebrow at him before taking another drag.
"What could you possibly have that could pay me back if you simply can't give me my money."
"One of my girlfriends" he said
I reared back and hooked him again.
"Who do you think I am? Do I look like a human trafficker to you? What could I do with your girlfriend and how can you even see her? How many girlfriends do you even have?" I asked while leaning back into the chair.
"I swear he plays this role too well" I heard Eli tell Daniel.
I just flipped him off before turning back to the man of the hour.
"I swear if you look at her picture you'll see why" he tried to explain, pleading with me.
I just wanted to kill the fucker but something was nagging at me to look at the picture.
"Where is it?" I asked
I can see him exhale in relief and both Daniel and Eli giving me confused glances because they know we don't meddle in trafficking.
"My phone. She's on the lock screen" he said indicating to his phone that was on the stand next to Eli.
Eli reached over to pick up the phone. When the screen lit up his face got so dark it surprised me. It went from confused to angry before his eyes started to tear up. He furiously wiped his eyes, shot up from his seat and stormed over to Chris who was tied up before socking him right in the nose. Chris screamed in agony, man even I cringed at the sound of that crack. His nose started pouring blood as he flinched every time he tried to breathe.
He grabbed Chris by the collar before he went full on screaming.
"What kind of sick joke is this?!" he yelled.
I was shocked at the least because Eli was never one for violence. That was Lucas, Daniel and my forte. What the fuck got him so riled up?
I whistled at Eli before he threw the phone behind his back but with his accurate hand the phone landed right in my hands without him even looking. The picture on the phone made me spring up, sitting up straight as the cigarette dropped from my lips.
There, on my screen was my Camilla but she looked different, older, more mature than the fifteen year old teenager I remember. She's laughing at something in front of her but it's still that contagious smile. She looks so different.
"Where did you get this?" I whispered not taking my eyes off the picture.
"The picture? I took it when we were watching a street performance." He said.
"That's impossible! Camilla died five years ago. What games are you playing at?" My eyes were narrowing at him in anger.
"Camilla? Her name is Lusanna Acel, I swear." He pleaded.
"What's the passcode?"
"0456" he answered back immediately.
Opening the phone I went straight to his gallery. In there were hundreds of pictures of this Lusanna girl but she looks so much like Camilla it brings back memories causing my breath to hitch.
I have to find her.
"Where is she?" I demanded needing to see if it's really true.
"She recently moved but she always goes to the coffee house a few blocks from Florida University."
"Untie him" I told the guards.
"If this is a trick consider you dead" I told him before leaving his apartment with everyone following.
"What did you guys see?" Daniel asked frustrated with what just went down.
"Lusanna" I said.
"Who's Lusanna?" he asked
"Lusanna's look alike" Eli answered this time.
His mouth drops open in shock.