Alesso P.O.V
"Cam!" I yelled pushing the doors open, searching frantically around the room to calm by beating heart.
Looking around the familiar faces of her family and mine, I spot her lying on her side in the bed, puffed and bruised with an oxygen mask on her.
The sight alone made my heart constrict terribly and my eyes to start tearing up. My baby that I left in smiles is now barely hanging on to her life, can't even breathe on her own. I hate that it took two months too long to find her.
"We'll be outside" my dad said quietly before they left to give us some privacy.
"No! Don't touch me!" she screamed as she back away from me.
"Cam, baby I'm not going to hurt you"
"I know you would never hurt me. But I've been tainted. I'm dirty" she sobbed.
"Camilla!" I yelled at her. She jumped before she looked at me. She knows I never call her full name unless I'm serious.
"You are not dirty. You are the love of my life and my wife and I will never give you up, especially something like this that we can get over together. Now, look at me and see for yourself if I'm disgusted or if I'm dying to touch you right now."
Almost immediately her hand outstretched for me to take hold of and I wasted in time in grabbing it and squeezing it as I hugged her, almost as if I might lose her again.
"It hurts. It hurts everywhere" she sobbed in my arms
"Cam, baby I am so sorry that I couldn't find you fast enough. Look what they did to you. I will find them. I will find them and kill them all. Oh baby, I never wanted to you to be tainted by our world." I stroked her face while smiling sadly at her.
"Baby it's not your-"
"You never listen to me Camilla! I told you to never leave without your guards. I told you six weren't enough. Why don't you ever listen?" I was full on angrily sobbing.
"Babe, I'm sorry. I should have listened to you, I know that now." She smiled at me. She still had that smile that made my heart race.
"I am glad that you found me, no matter how long it took, you still did. It's unfortunate I didn't get more time with you. Always remember Alesso. I love you with every fiber in my body. I loved you before, I love you now and I will continue loving you when I'm gone."
I was too busy absorbing her, observing her body, taking notes of what damages she sustained. Her lips were cracked and busted, her skin, covered in bruises and cuts and her hair was wet and knotted like they just washed it. I was really looking at her when her words hit me like bricks. I didn't understand what she was saying.
"What are you talking about love?" I was beyond confused.
"I love you" she said.
I couldn't understand her sudden declaration until her eyes rolled back and she started shaking like she was having a seizure. The machines started making these noises before she just fell back without moving and she flat lined.
I shot up from my chairs as the realization hit me. It happened so fast. A minute hasn't even passed before she said she loved me. My eyes were already blurry from the tears, my throat lumpy as I started shaking her rapidly.
"Camilla? Camilla!" I screamed.
I was yanked away from her as doctors and nurses started running into the room, surrounding her, blocking her from my view.
"Get me the defibrillator!" a doctor yelled
"Charge!" another doctor shouted
Nothing was working; I was getting more anxious as my tears increased. It was a whole mess.
"Again!" her chest shot up from the shock but still nothing. The machines were still making the same flat lining sound.
"Again!" her chest shot up again. It hurt. It felt like someone was trying to slowly rip my heart out my chest. I could hardly breathe.
After using the defibrillator and chest compressions trying to save her, to get something from her and nothing worked, they finally stopped.
"Call it. Time of death, 6:14am. Patient's name, Camilla George. Age fifteen".
A scream of pure agony left my throat at those words.
I flew up out the bed in cold sweat as that memory haunted my dreams again.
"Damn it" I muttered as I wiped my face.
Five years. Five years have gone and I'm still haunted by that memory. I still remember it as if it was yesterday. The day I lost the one woman I ever loved, the only person who owned my heart. Her contagious smile, her laugh, the sharper canines she had that showed when she smiled. The way she would light up anywhere she went with her boisterous personality.
I toughed the chain on my neck and looked at it, memorizing it, remembering who it was meant for. I got her this for her fifteenth birthday, a reminder of what she meant to me. The gold chain had an intricate design of the letters 'A' and 'C' bended together, so uniquely that one cannot be without the other. If you try to separate one from the other, they break. There was red garnet stone in the middle to represent her zodiac sign, the Capricorns. I bought it when I was coming back from a business trip with my dad.
I had it uniquely made so she would know that there was no one who could compare to her. We were driving to the airport when I got the call that it was finished and there was no need to bring it to the over to our state. I stopped to collect it before I flew out.
Kissing the chain one more time I got out of bed and got ready for work. Many if not all people think that I own Divine Enterprise only but that's not true. There's no one that doesn't know my name in the Underground. They gave me the name Lucifer, born five years ago when I massacred over 200 people that were involved in human and children trafficking, by myself.
People never found out who carried all those men, women and children back to their families but the underground knew, and boy did they learn not to fuck with me after. The Italian mafia may be of Italian origins but we resided in the United States of America, California and Florida to be specific.
All the fear, the name I gave myself, the loyalty I gained and the profits but none of that could have saved the love of my life. She's still gone and I'm still alone, never to take a wife, simply because I don't want to. I can't.
We grew up together because our parents were and still are the best of friends who considered themselves family. We lived in California and her parents lived in Florida, over 2000 miles away from me but that didn't stop us from finding every spare time to see each other. I even bought a house in Florida so I can go to the same school as her.
With me being seventeen I knew I was young, but that didn't stop me from me loving her with everything in my body and it shattered me when she died. I thought the best option was to go after her. I went as far as to overdose myself. I just wanted to get rid of the pain, to have some kind of relief but Lucas talked me out of it. He said that was not what she would have wanted but what about what I want? As usual I can never say no to her wishes, so here I am, trying my best to live, for her.
When I finished dressing I headed down for breakfast which was most likely made by Eli's boyfriend.
Eli is my right hand man, adopted brother and Co-CEO of Divine Enterprise. My mom thought she couldn't have kids after me but she always wanted a big family so she adopted Eli from an orphanage. Low and behold, Alexander came a few years after. He came out to our family when we were in high school, something about have a crush on Camilla's brother Nickholai. It was no surprise because he never dated girls and I caught him kissing one of the boys at a bond fire in middle school. He eventually confessed to Nickholai and they started dating. Eight years later, Nick cooks breakfast for us before we leave for work.
Everyone is already eating when I come downstairs so I continued to the table to get some food.
"Morning" I greeted them at the table.
I have a large mafia army. Over 11,000 men and women at my disposal, all loyal to me, whether it is fear or respect I care not. Only my most trusted men and women reside at my house which is about 40 so you can see it's a big house and a big dining table.
A chorus of 'good mornings' and 'morning sir' rang out through the room.
"Report" I said while starting to eat.
Daniel my third in command and one of my closest and most trusted friend started talking.
"We picked up the shipments yesterday and sent them to the base in the west. Payments were collected yesterday of the drugs bought, all of them payed but one. A Chris Smith owes about six grand in cocaine, claims he's running a little low on funds but he's shopping wild west with his girl"
"Get me his address. We leave in 10 minutes" I told him before turning back to my plate.
Looking over to the table I see Nick sitting on Eli's lap. Whistling to get his attention I end up getting Eli's own. Nodding my head in Nick's direction, he taps his leg and points his chin in my direction.
I raise my bowl in his direction, silently thanking him for breakfast. He nods back his acceptance before smiling at me.
"We leave in two" I said to Eli before getting up.
Getting up I start heading for the door just ten steps away from the door, Nevida cuts in front of me, blocking my path.