They introduced themselves and the children also said their names. Wind and Cloud. It's just that they can't reconcile the two. Duke's father came with his mother with a girl who was about four months old. They did not expect that because she was still young... Duke looked older. The woman smiled at them and she sat in front of them with her husband and child.
"My husband has explained everything to me. By the way, I am Wendy, Duke's mother. I know you are wondering why I still look young despite my age. Let's just say that I have mastered medicine using a variety of plants that come from nature. That is my secret. You with red hair, Grimm don't you?"
"Your brother's body burned inside because of Belphegor's fire. His condition is serious and he could die."
Grimm nodded.
"I will do everything, I can only save Kuya."
"Excellent. Because the plants I need are located in dangerous areas of the mountains. Do you see those big, dark mountains?"
The woman pointed to the window and they looked out. They saw towering mountains covered with dark clouds.
"In that area are the plants I need to make medicine for your older brother. That place is infested with very dangerous creatures. Are you ready to go to those places to get the ingredients?”
Grimm smiled.
"Of course!"
"Excellent. Your father Belphegor must have given the order. He knows you will do this thing to save your Brother. I'm sure there are many devils waiting in the mountains." Said by Wendy.
"We are not afraid." Victor smiled.
"I know."
Duke was excited to stand up. Its eyes literally lit up.
"Say it! I smelled a fierce battle! My earthly body is really alive! I will accompany you there! I am the tour guide!" excited its language.
His Mother smiled and passed the carrying child to her husband. It stood up.
"I'm going to make a list of the plants you will take. There are a lot of them and they can't be found easily. But Duke is there to help. And you John... I'll see what I can do so you can speak again. Fortunately, you thought of visiting."
John nodded to the woman and smiled. Grimm sighed steadily. He was ready to face whatever trap his father Belphegor had prepared. He knew its challenge had begun and he would not back down no matter what. He looked at Victor next to him, he was obviously excited too. To Sir John... Although calm, he sees that he is also ready for a fierce battle. He finally smiled as he turned his eyes to his new acquaintance Duke Flameheart. The vitality of its aura and ready to rush anytime now...
"I will be able to save Kuya because I am not alone. Weird priest is right, heaven will always give a blessing even in the most unique way."
He looked up and signed of the crossed. Then he sincerely prayed. Dusty saw Grimm's behavior and the old dragon's loud laughter echoed around.