"Child, did you kidnap me? What do you need?" he asked casually.
"Hep! Can you asked one question? Is it like this... Some people ordered my sister and me to kidnap you. She said we will be paid a lot of money and even if we stop working, we will be able to live a prosperous life. Then, my sister said... It is only right that we kidnap you and sell to those people to get revenge on our parents. You are said to have killed them when you were possessed by the demon Satan. Is that true?" The child spoke loudly.
Constantine stared at the child’s face for a long time and thought. A lot of money was exchanged for him. An awkward smile appeared on his lips.
"Child, just let me go and come with me. The people you are talking to are dangerous or they may not be human yet. They will not pay you, they will kill you when they get me. Believe me."
The expression on the child's face softened.
"Is it true-"
The child could not continue what he was about to say because his sister had arrived. It has a tall, medium body. She was wearing a black long-sleeved clothes with sharp katana on either side of her right leg. She was wearing black pants and her wavy hair was pinched. It cast a bad look on him. It fold her arms.
"Timmy! Didn't I tell you not to talk to our captive? Do not believe that because he is just fooling you. That one might even kill us when he lose." This language is angry.
"Miss, this is a big mistake. Let me go and come with me. You should not meet the people you are talking to, it is dangerous." Constantine pleaded.
"I will not do that thing because you have a big sin on us. You killed our parents. You are the reason why we are orphaned."
Constantine looked at the siblings' faces in surprise. He looked around.
"You know, I don't know who your parents are... I didn't kill them."
Annoyed, Rose approached the bound captive and then punched him in the face. He grabbed the collar of his clothes and pulled him closer. She stared at it intently.
"You really can't remember them, Constantine Leigh because you killed them when Satan possessed you many years ago. They were among the innocent people you killed in the Exorcist Guild. They were teachers there!"
She punched it hard again and then let it go. It fell to the floor. Constantine looked up and stared back hard. No guilt can be seen on its face. She guess, she was even more annoyed?!
"I-I didn't like what happened. Satan did all that!"
The girl nodded slightly at him.
"You're right, but your hands took their lives. Those hands are still stained with blood, Constantine Leigh."
Constantine was slightly taken aback. It was a very dark part of his life that still remains a nightmare for him. He shook slightly.
"No matter what I do, I will never be able to bring back the lives lost because of me... But I promise that I will kill every demon I encounter using Satan's own fire. That is my way to recover. I will use Satan's own fire on his own kind."
"Huh, you can't take me to those dramas. Now is the time to charge."
Constantine straightened up. He could have escaped them but he would not. He knew the lives of the two were in danger because of the people who ordered them. He was in arrears and he had to make up for them. He will help the siblings.
"What, are you quiet there?"
"In that case, can I know the names of the people who captured me?"
"You don't have to know that-"
"I'm Timothy Weston but just call me by my cute nickname 'Timmy' and she is my sister Rose. I am thirteen years old and she is ARAAY!"
"You're really talkative! Come on! Get out of there, you might get hurt!"
She pulled her brother away and they sat in the corner side by side while looking at their captive. Constantine looked back at the siblings. These two do not seem to be aware of the risk involved.
Meanwhile... After Kief found out about Constantine's kidnapping, he immediately went to Rusty. It was fun talking to Grimm and Duke when he arrived. He approached them and he got everyone's attention. Rusty smiled at him.
"Your timing Kuya Kief was perfect. Here is what my Dad ordered, raspberry tart. What, are you leaving right away or maybe you want to have a snack here first? What do you want?" Said by Rusty
"Come on, have some snack! I have not been able to repay my debts to you." Grimm added.
An awkward smile appeared on Kief's lips. Duke was quiet and busy eating a bunch of caramel muffins.
"Just calm down, guys ah? I have some bad news." he began.
"What bad news?" Grimm asked curiously.
"Sir Constantine was kidnapped, the incident happened before recess. They said, the speed of the incident and everyone was really shocked because along with the disappearance of the thick brown smoke, Sir Constantine and his kidnapper also disappeared. Rusty, sorry..."
"D-Dad was kidnapped?" Rusty said in confusion.
Grimm looked at it. He tapped her right shoulder.
"Don't worry, Kuya Kief and I will save him!" he spoke quickly.
"You don't have to do that. Dad is strong and he can handle himself. This is not just the first time he was abducted and everyone tried to take his life. Heaven forbid... All I care about is how can he go home again?! He has no sense of direction!"
Kief nodded.
"That's right! That's exactly what I'm worried about."
Duke smiled at Grimm as he could not believe what he was hearing. He chewed on what he ate before speaking.
"You know Grimm, don't be surprised if that Constantine also has craziness. Just remember that he is the older brother of your weird teacher Clemen." he reminded.
Upon hearing this, Grimm laughed a little. Of course!
"Kids, I'll just help you find that one later. Constantine is definitely okay just in case, he get lost somewhere. For now, let's all relax first and enjoy eating delicious pastries!"
The three smirked and Kief couldn't hold back.
"Sir Duke, are you absent again?!"
"I passed the exam so it's okay to be absent. Aren't you the leader in the ranking of the tournament? Be thankful for being young and I was banned from participating there. I’ll just see if you can be number one in case I join..."
"You're arrogant, old man. Maybe your ribs will crack when I hit you?" teasing language of Kief.
Duke's eyebrows met.
"Wow! Are you challenging me to the fight?! Even if you are still a student of that Constantine, I will not hold back on you. You want a serious fight? Maybe your ribs will burst into pain when I punch your soft body."
"Huh, are you a little old?"
"You inherit the evil of that Constantine's mouth. I want to break your mouth."
Grimm was already in the middle of the two men warming up. He let out fine-grained ice on both his hands and then at the same time, he splashed at the faces of the two.
"Don't fight here! Stop there! You dumbass!" he scolded.
The two men were stunned and turned their backs. Duke just continued eating and Kief simply leaned next to the wall. He just stopped teasing Duke because he didn't want them to cause trouble in Grimm's place. He has respect for it.
Meanwhile... Holding the plate with only food, young Timmy approached Constantine. The siblings are eating lunch.
"Why?" he asked the boy.
"Are you hungry? Do you want to eat?"
A frugal smile appeared on his lips.
"Yes, I'm hungry and I want to eat. It's just that, I'm tied to it so I can't eat even if I want to."
"Timmy!" Rose strongly rebuked her brother.
The boy looked at his sister.
"Don't you feel sorry for him? He's hungry oh!"
"I don't care about that man. Stay away from him. Don't mind him. Eat now."
But Timmy did not leave in front of Constantine.
"My sister really doesn't want to let you go and feed you. She is really mad at you. If you want, I will feed you."
A faint laugh escaped Constantine. He was happy with young Timmy. A plot formed in his mind. What if he kidnaps him and just takes him home? Rusty will definitely be happy if she has an instant brother... And his sister, can he just salvage it? Since, she has a bad attitude. It immediately judged his personality.
"You know Timmy, you're such a nice kid. I really want to adopt you. Just come with me, you will have a good life. Are you sure that woman is your real sister? The bad attitude. Maybe, she is a slave of Satan and she was sent to kidnap me?"
Rose choked on what she was eating and she heard crisp laughter from the two. She stopped eating and went to where they were. She pulled her brother away and angrily looked at the man.
"Satan's slave ah?! The shape of your mouth is so bad! Here is for you!"
She slapped it hard on the face and then she took out her handkerchief and then she covered the man's mouth. But in spite of that, she saw a glimpse of success in the eyes of her enemy. Those blue-green eyes... Annoying!
"Buwisit!" she blurt out.
She walked away and returned to her former position. She was about to continue her meal but she lost her appetite. She looked at her brother who approached Constantine again.
"Reprimand!" she retorted weakly.
"You should not tease my sister. She’s pikon." Timmy added.
She got a weak laugh from Constantine with a teasing look. Damn her stubborn brother sometimes!
In the evening, the siblings immediately took Constantine to the place where their client would meet them. And because Rose was really bent over it, until dinner she did not feed it and kept her handkerchief covered with its mouth. She looked up at the sky, the moon was quite bright because it was full moon. She looked at her watch. It's 12:54 pm. She held the chain bound to the man and guarded her brother around.
They waited a few more minutes until a group of men wearing black hoods arrived on the scene so they could not see the faces.
"You two are early." said the leader of them.
A smile of victory came over Rose's lips.
"Earlier we got Constantine Leigh. Here he is, bound and without a fight. Now, I will give him to you. But, where are my diamonds?"
"Give the captive first."
Rose folded her arms.
"Ah, do you doubt me? Well, I am not interested in this worthless man. He is very guilty of my brother and I. And I will get a bag of diamonds as payment for his sin. He is yours and I do not care what you do to him. He does not matter to me. Now, if you do not give me the payment I am asking for, I will release him and we will all lose!"
A sly smile appeared on her client's lips.
"Smart woman."
From his pants pocket he took a brown pouch. It opened it and placed the contents in the palm. Small glowing stones. They twinkle despite the darkness of night.